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Academic Writing: Tackling essays with confidence

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Writing: Tackling essays with confidence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Writing: Tackling essays with confidence
Michael Allardice Academic Skills Tutor Tom Cunningham Transitions Officer CASTLE University of Dundee All three names to cover all potential permutations.

2 Aim of this session To work in groups
To examine the main components of Academic Writing To discuss the process of writing a piece of academic work To look briefly at referencing & Plagiarism

3 University of Dundee Transitions Officer
Tom Cunningham University of Dundee Transitions Officer

4 Academic Writing: What is it?
An opportunity to research one topic in depth A chance to demonstrate your knowledge The standard means by which you can be assessed in coursework at University

5 Academic Writing: Where do you begin?
What is the question? What do you know about the topic already? Where are the gaps in your knowledge? Where will I find the information?

6 First Steps: organising yourself
Forward planning Time planning Life planning Finding the information Gathering, note-making, planning, writing Prioritising other calls on your attention

7 First principles: Question Types
Analysing the ‘questions’ TYPES Argue Analyse Describe Do Cue cards here

8 First principles: what’s the question?
“Are We Witnessing the End of Democracy?” Critically discuss Neil Buchanan’s claim in Newsweek (25th Nov, 2016), in the context of the wider political and cultural climate of the Western World in 2016. Show and tell over the next few slides up to slide 11

9 First Principles: Breaking the Question Down
Focus/ Aspect Topic Restriction Command

10 First Principles: Breaking the Question Down
Focus/ Aspect Topic Restriction Command context of the wider political and cultural climate of the Western World The end of Democracy in 2016 Critically discuss

11 Finding information Textbooks, lecture notes Academic Journals
About the general importance of wider contextual issues: Textbooks, lecture notes Academic Journals About the specific issues you have identified: Internet News media Campaign groups

12 What are the main issues?
Discuss these in your groups Draw up a list of key ideas & issues you’d like to explore further

13 What do you think the key issues are?

14 Issues continued…

15 Any other issues?

16 Essays: evolving the plan
e.g. Brainstorm What has happened? What do we mean by Democracy? What can be agreed? Philosophical context Populism: what is it and why do some commentators believe it as a bad thing? The end of Democracy? Brexit? Demonstration – what other points might come up here? Politicians attitudes Trump? Other issues?

17 Essays: structure Introduction Main Body Conclusion HANDOUT APPLIES

18 Framing your answer Example 1 Mini- conclusions Example 2 Example 3
Context Key ideas Structure of the rest of the essay Return to question Mini conclusion concepts Place in wider context Introduction Main Body Conclusion Mini- conclusions Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

19 Writing essays: success!
Tips! Stick to the question asked – not the one you would have liked to have been asked There are often no right/wrong answers – only good answers Essay answers are polished – but start with a plan! Ensure that you cite your sources and include a reference list

20 Other issues on Academic Writing
Academic is rarely about YOUR opinion. You need to find evidence to support your argument You need to explore the counter-arguments – fairly Where does the evidence lead you?

21 Academic Writing: Some technical aspects
How to Reference in the text Author prominent Information prominent

22 Citation in the text: Author Prominent
Campbell (2002) suggests that cash flow is one of the most important aspects of running any business - large or small. It is one of the single most important reasons why many businesses fail - regardless of how good the business is. Managing cash flow therefore is vitally important in the smooth running, survival and success of a business. Author’s role in the sentence

23 Citation in the text: Information Prominent
Cash flow is one of the most important aspects of running any business - large or small. It is one of the single most important reasons why many businesses fail - regardless of how good the business is. Managing cash flow therefore is vitally important in the smooth running, survival and success of a business (Campbell, 2002). Author’s name has no role in the sentence

24 Plagiarism! You can be guilty of plagiarism if you use someone else’s work as if it were your own e.g. not citing the source e.g. using the material word-for-word without citing the source e.g. using the idea without citing the source. e.g. using a string of quotations without any interpretation

25 Avoiding Plagiarism Always ensure you note the publication details when you take notes from a text Reference in the text as well as providing a Bibliography at the end of your work Use the prescribed referencing system for your degree programme

26 …and finally, Content Structure Presentation What gains you marks?
What loses you marks? Content Structure Presentation

27 Writing: presentation counts
THINGS TO CHECK Spelling Punctuation Sentences Sense Answered all parts of question Name/matric #

28 Good Luck! …and finally, finally!
Enjoy writing essays – they provide you with the best chance to show off your knowledge and the depth of your research. Good Luck!

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