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This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 3 ½” tall

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2 This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 3 ½” tall
General Information This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 3 ½” tall Use this slide to give your and contact information, school phone number, etc. As you type and add information, text will move up the page. If you hit enter and create a new line after text, the text will move up the page. You want your header positioned near the top of the white part of the textbox. You can add and delete any text. You can change the textbox size.

3 This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 3 ½” tall
Extra Help This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 3 ½” tall Use this slide to give guidelines or information about any extra help you offer or extra student support As you type and add information, text will move up the page. If you hit enter and create a new line after text, the text will move up the page. You want your header positioned near the top of the white part of the textbox. You can add and delete any text. You can change the textbox size.

4 This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 4” tall
Weekly Folders This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 4” tall Use this slide to give guidelines or information about any weekly parent communication or homework/graded work folder. As you type and add information, text will move up the page. If you hit enter and create a new line after text, the text will move up the page. You want your header positioned near the top of the white part of the textbox. You can add and delete any text. You can change the textbox size.

5 Late Assignments, Missing Work…
This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 4” tall Use this slide to give guidelines or information about your late work policy, school absences, etc. As you type and add information, text will move up the page. If you hit enter and create a new line after text, the text will move up the page. You want your header positioned near the top of the white part of the textbox. You can add and delete any text. You can change the textbox size.

6 This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 4 ½” tall
Classroom Management This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 4 ½” tall Use this slide to give tips or information about your classroom management system. As you type and add information, text will move up the page. If you hit enter and create a new line after text, the text will move up the page. You want your header positioned near the top of the white part of the textbox. You can add and delete any text. You can change the textbox size.

7 This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 4 1/2” tall
Math Facts This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 4 1/2” tall Use this slide to give tips or information about math facts– or information about math class or another academic area. As you type and add information, text will move up the page. If you hit enter and create a new line after text, the text will move up the page. You want your header positioned near the top of the white part of the textbox. You can add and delete any text. You can change the textbox size.

8 This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 5” tall
Reading Requirement This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 5” tall Use this slide to give tips or information about the reading requirement in your classroom– or information about another academic area. As you type and add information, text will move up the page. If you hit enter and create a new line after text, the text will move up the page. You want your header positioned near the top of the white part of the textbox. You can add and delete any text. You can change the textbox size.

9 This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 5” tall
Spelling This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 5” tall Use this slide to give tips or information about weekly spelling tests– or information about another academic area. As you type and add information, text will move up the page. If you hit enter and create a new line after text, the text will move up the page. You want your header positioned near the top of the white part of the textbox. You can add and delete any text. You can change the textbox size.

10 This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 5 ½” tall
Vocabulary This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 5 ½” tall Use this slide to give tips or information about weekly vocabulary tests– or information about another academic area. As you type and add information, text will move up the page. If you hit enter and create a new line after text, the text will move up the page. You want your header positioned near the top of the white part of the textbox. You can add and delete any text. You can change the textbox size.

11 This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 5 ½” tall
Schedule This is a slide that is 5 3/8” wide x 5 ½” tall Add lunch time and lunch information. Add dismissal information. Important Dates Add important dates here. As you type and add information, text will move up the page. If you hit enter and create a new line after text, the text will move up the page. You want your header positioned near the top of the white part of the textbox. You can add and delete any text. You can change the textbox size.

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