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Session objectives Identify strengths and weaknesses of cross-cultural teams Learn to identify potential trouble-spots in cross-cultural teams Develop.

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Presentation on theme: "Session objectives Identify strengths and weaknesses of cross-cultural teams Learn to identify potential trouble-spots in cross-cultural teams Develop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session objectives Identify strengths and weaknesses of cross-cultural teams Learn to identify potential trouble-spots in cross-cultural teams Develop and practice a set of techniques for effective management of cross-cultural teams

2 Experiential exercise: The new plant site
You will be asked to work first in a single-culture team to determine the best site for a new plant You will then be asked to work in a multi-cultural team to make the decision

3 You are no longer students!
Imagine this is a real business situation Please try to stay in character as best as you can But, please try to work effectively in your team

4 Cross-cultural teams have strengths and weaknesses
Innovative ideas Diverse information Minimization of group-think Wide-spread commitment Weaknesses Process loss (actual productivity = potential productivity - loss due to faulty process)

5 Advantages of multicultural teams
Diversity permits increased creativity--more perspectives; more ideas; less groupthink Diversity forces enhanced concentration to understand others’ ideas, arguments Increased creativity-->better problem definition, more alternatives, better decisions Teams become more effective

6 Disadvantages Lack of cohesion caused by
mistrust (lower interpersonal attractiveness; stereotyping; more within-culture conversations); miscommunication; and stress (tension, less agreement) Inability to validate ideas, gain consensus, take concerted action Teams become less efficient, less productive

7 Balance of cultures critically important in cross-cultural teams
“Tokens” who deviate from group norms tend to be ostracized “Tokens” tend to be stereotyped “Tokens” tend to be less-listened to IMPLICATIONS Avoid tokens in group composition Build in explicit procedures to allow minority voices to be heard

8 3 critical tasks in team management
Structure the task What is the objective? What is the time frame? What are the resources available? Set the norms How will we communicate? How will we present information? How will we make decisions? Build team emotional intelligence aware of the emotions of its members and work with these emotions

9 All of this takes time!

10 Cross-cultural teams: Before the first meeting
Prepare ! get to know other team members circulate agenda and materials set a concrete goal and obtain team buy-in make sure that the team has the appropriate resources, training and authority Decide whether or not your team requires a leader base decision upon corporate culture and national culture Be conscious of mix of nationalities avoid tokens

11 Cross-cultural teams: The first meeting
Teams that start out right get better over time. Teams that start out badly are difficult to turn around. Build relationships before getting to work. Set norms for teamwork. promptness, interruptions, presentation of data, decision-making Set norms for equal participation. Provide written summaries of team proceedings.

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