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Cell Organelles UNIT 3 MRS. HUNT.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Organelles UNIT 3 MRS. HUNT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Organelles UNIT 3 MRS. HUNT

2 ORGANELLES “LITTLE ORGANS” – SPECIALIZED Structures in the cell that perform specific tasks

3 Control CENTER Contains DNA Chromosomes NUCLEIC Acid Nucleus
Central MEMBRANE bound organelle Manages or CONTROLS cellular functions. Contains the cell's GENETIC info Directs most of the activities of the cell. Control CENTER Contains DNA Chromosomes NUCLEIC Acid

4 The Nucleus

5 Cell / Plasma Membrane Maintains HOMEOSTASIS GATEWAY to Cell doorway into & out of cell Both PLANTS & ANIMALS Composed of: Lipids Proteins _________BACK__________ Fluid Mosaic Model: The cell is a SOLID but behaves like a LIQUID Flexible boundary between the cell and its environment. Allows steady supply of nutrients to come into the cell. ______BACK______ Semi-Permeable: Some substances can enter & exit

6 Cell / Plasma Membrane

7 Cell Wall SUPPORTS & PROTECTS the Cell. Found ONLY in PLANT Cells
Located OUTSIDE the plasma membrane. Made of CELLULOSE Carbohydrate/Sugar

8 Mitochondria Membrane bound organelles DOUBLE Membrane
BOTH PLANT & ANIMAL cells Transforms ENERGY for the cell Energy in the form of ATP Contains Own DNA, different from Nucleus “Power House” of Cell

9 Chloroplast Captures LIGHT energy & converts it to CHEMICAL energy
Contains green pigment that gives leaves their green color - Chlorophyll ONLY in PLANT CELLS PHOTOSYNTHESIS ENERGY = ATP Double Membrane (2) Contains Own DNA, different from Nucleus

10 Ribosome Site where cell produces PROTEIN Made of: PROTEIN RNA
Not Membrane Bound NO MEMBRANE Found on/in: Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough) Cytoplasm

11 Vacuole Membrane bound organelle Temporary STORAGE
Stores FOOD, ENZYMES, WASTE products, & other materials Both Animal & Plant cells. LARGER in Plant Cells

12 CYTOPLASM Clear JELLY-LIKE fluid inside the cell
Site of numerous CHEMICAL REACTIONS Made mostly of WATER SUSPENDS Cell Organelles

13 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
2 Types ROUGH SMOOTH PREPARES Protein for Export Rough ER & Ribosomes SYNTHESIZES Steroids Smooth ER REGULATES Calcium Levels BREAKS DOWN Toxic Substances

14 Golgi , Lysosomes, & Cytoskeleton
Golgi Apparatus PROCESSES & PACKAGES substances produced by the cell. Lysosomes Digests Molecules, Old Organelles, & Foreign Substances (“LITTLE ENZYME”) Cytoskeleton Maintains SHAPE & SIZE network of long protein strands in Cytosol Participates in Movement of Organelles

15 Conclusion All the cell organelles work together to insure the cell functions properly, thus insuring the survival of the organism!

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