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Published bySarah Hofmeister Modified over 6 years ago
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors A Review General Introduction Electromagnetic Form Factors Formalism Neutron Proton Two-Photon Exchange Contributions Interpretation Summary Outlook towards 12 GeV upgrade γ Kees de Jager Jefferson Lab INFN/Roma Sanita June 30, 2008 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Kinematics Q2 > 0 space-like region, studied through elastic electron scattering Q2 < 0 time-like region, studied through creation or annihilation e+ + e- -> N + N or N + N -> e+ + e- In the isovector channel (T = 1) two pions can contribute, so Q2 < -4mπ2 In the isoscalar channel (T = 0) only an odd number of pions can couple, so Q2 < -9mπ2 _ _
Formalism Dirac (non-spin-flip) F1 and Pauli (spin-flip) F2 Form Factors γ with E (E’) incoming (outgoing) energy, θ scattering angle, κ anomalous magnetic moment and τ = Q2/4M2 Alternatively, Sachs Form Factors GE and GM can be used In the Breit (centre-of mass) frame the Sachs FF can be written as the Fourier transforms of the charge and magnetization radial density distributions
Modern Era Akhiezer et al., Sov. Phys. JETP 6, 588 (1958) and
Arnold, Carlson and Gross, PR C 23, 363 (1981) showed that: accuracy of form-factor measurements can be significantly improved by measuring an interference term GEGM through the beam helicity asymmetry with a polarized target or with recoil polarimetry Had to wait over 30 years for development of Polarized beam with high intensity (~100 µA) and high polarization (>70 %) (strained or superlattice GaAs, high-power diode/Ti-Sapphire lasers) Beam polarimeters with 1-3 % absolute accuracy Polarized targets with a high polarization or Ejectile polarimeters with large analyzing powers
Double Polarization Experiments to Measure GnE
Study the (e,e’n) reaction from a polarized ND3 target limitations: low current (~80 nA) on target deuteron polarization (~25 %) Study the (e,e’n) reaction from a LD2 target and measure the neutron polarization with a polarimeter limitations: Figure of Merit of polarimeter Study the (e,e’n) reaction from a polarized 3He target limitations: current on target (12 µA) target polarization (50 %) nuclear medium corrections
Neutron Electric Form Factor GEn
Galster: a parametrization fitted to old (<1971) data set of very limited quality Schiavilla and Sick analyzed data on deuteron elastic quadrupole form factor Most recent results (Mainz, JLab) are in excellent agreement, even though all three different techniques were used For Q2 > 1 GeV2 data hint that GEn has similar Q2-behaviour as GEp
Exclusive QE scattering: 3He(e,e′n)
7 Iron/scintillator sandwich planes Q2 = 1.3, 1.7, 2.5, 3.5 GeV2 n Target polarization ~50% Beam polarization 84% 2 veto planes Requires: sufficient resolution to identify quasi-elastic events. e e′
GEN experiment E02-013 Electron Arm Polarized He-3 target Neutron Arm
Six planes, total 244 bars Two planes of 192 veto counters Overall 1.8x5.0 m2 front area 35-40% neutron detection efficiency ns time resolution Electron Arm 15 planes, fast Drift Chambers Shower/preshower calorimeter Luminosity 1x1037 cm-2/s Solid angle of 75 msr Momentum resolution at 1% at 1.5 GeV/c Polarized He-3 target Novel hybrid K-Rb cell Novel scheme for target field Record high polarization, 50%
Data analysis: step 1 - Time-of-Flight
Finally we approaching the data analysis. First if TOF = raw - black line and after cut of Angular correlation - red - almost clean! RED lines present events after cut on e’-n angular correlation: accidentals and tails almost gone Raw events (BLACK lines) have significant accidental level and large tail from slower protons
Analysis: step 2 - q⊥ vs W; 1.7 GeV2
perpendicular “q” = q x tan(ϑqh); W2 = M2 + 2M(E-E’) - Q2 Second step is analysis based on W = sqrt ( M^2 + 2 M (E-E’) -Q2) For elastic scattering all events at W = 0.94 GeV. For Quasi-Elastic there is a peak which width is growing with Q2. This slide for Q2 = 1.7 GeV2. Raw data on left. Cuts of angular And time peaks plus missing mass of two protons -> Right plot. Right plot has final event sample! Quasi elastic events dominates after Full Cuts have been applied max value of qperp used
Analysis: step 2 - q⊥ vs W; 3.5 GeV2
Second step is analysis based on W = sqrt ( M^2 + 2 M (E-E’) -Q2) For elastic scattering all events at W = 0.94 GeV. For Quasi-Elastic there is a peak which width is growing with Q2. This slide for Q2 = 3.5 GeV2. Raw data on left. Cut on TOF - second plot. Next after all cuts: Right Bottom plot has final event sample!
Analysis: step 3 - W distribution
One dimensional spectra are better for quantitative illustration - Again for both Q2 1.7 and for 3.5 Black curve shows distribution for all events (limited just by acceptance). Red curve presents events after angular correlation cut Blue line shows events after ALL CUTS
Analysis: step 4 - corrections
Asymmetry then corrected for Conversions p-n in shielding Accidental events A|| contribution and Ap FSI for 3He(e,e’n) process Target and beam polarizations Finally we approaching the RESULTS Need several corrections. Comparison p/n yields for three targets with different ratio of N/Z : 0/1; 1/2; 1/1 Analysis of large detector area From known GMn and GEp, GMp In progress by Misak Sarksian Accurate to 4% (relative) for the target
Preliminary results from Hall A GEN E02-013
GEn at 1.7 GeV2 is well above GGalster GEn at 3.4 GeV2 is closer to GGalster, far below CQM (Miller) and Belitsky’s log scaling, reasonably close to Roberts’ DSE Final accuracy for 3.4 GeV2 expected to improve by factor 1.5 Next release will be the result at 2.5 GeV2
Measuring GnM Old method: quasi-elastic scattering from 2H
large systematic errors due to subtraction of proton contribution Measure (en)/(ep) ratio Luminosities cancel Determine neutron detector efficiency On-line through e+p->e’+π+(+n) reaction (CLAS) Off-line with neutron beam (Mainz) Measure inclusive quasi-elastic scattering off polarized 3He RT’ directly sensitive to (GMn)2
Preliminary CLAS results for GMn
A systematic difference of several % between results ( ) in Q2 range GeV2. A final analysis and paper from CLAS is coming soon. Reminder that at least two independent experiments are always needed. The data set for GMN at low Q2 also significant. Useful to point that there is inconsistency between results of two Measurements which both used ratio method, and polarized target method just between them
Spin Transfer Reaction 1H(e,e’p)
No error contributions from analyzing power beam polarimetry
JLab Polarization Transfer Data
E PRL 84, 1398 (2000) Used both HRS in Hall A with FPP E PRL 88, (2002) used Pb-glass calorimeter for electron detection to match proton HRS acceptance Reanalysis of E93-027 (Punjabi, nucl-ex/ ) Using corrected HRS properties No dependence of polarization transfer on any of the kinematic variables
Ongoing extension for GEp
Perdrisat et al. E01-109 Used Hall C HMS (with new FPP) and larger Pb-glass calorimeter Just completed
Super-Rosenbluth (E01-001)
I. Qattan et al. (PRL 94, (2005)) Detect recoil protons in HRS-L to diminish sensitivity to: Particle momentum Particle angle Rate Use HRS-R as luminosity monitor Very careful survey Rosenbluth Pol Trans MC simulations
Rosenbluth Compared to Polarization Transfer
John Arrington performed detailed reanalysis of SLAC data Hall C Rosenbluth data (PRC 70, (2004)) in agreement with SLAC data No reason to doubt quality of either Rosenbluth or polarization transfer data Investigate possible theoretical sources for discrepancy
Two-Photon Exchange 11/18/2018 Proton form factor measurements
Comparison of precise Rosenbluth and polarization measurements of GEp/GMp show clear discrepancy at high Q2 Two-photon exchange corrections believed to explain the discrepancy P.A.M. Guichon and M. Vanderhaeghen, PRL 91, (2003) Compatible with e+/e- ? Yes: previous data limited to low Q2 or small scattering angle Still lack direct evidence of effect on cross section, except for Beam normal spin asymmetry, the only observable in elastic e-p where TPE are observed Chen et al., PRL 93, (2004) Test
Two-Photon Exchange Measurements
11/18/2018 Two-Photon Exchange Measurements Comparisons of e+-p and e--p scattering [VEPP-III, JLab-Hall B, ε dependence of polarization transfer and unpolarized σe-p [JLab-Hall C] More quantitative measure of the discrepancy Test against models of TPE at both low and high Q2 TPE effects in Born-forbidden observables [JLab-Hall A, Hall C, Mainz] Target single spin asymmetry, Ay in e-n scattering Induced polarization, py, in e-p scattering Vector analyzing power, AN, in e-p scattering World data Novosibirsk JLab – Hall B Test
Two-Photon Exchange Calculations
11/18/2018 Significant progress in theoretical understanding Hadronic calculations appear sufficient up to 2-3 GeV2 GPD-based calculations used at higher Q2 Experimental program will quantify TPE for several e-p observables Precise test of calculations Tests against different observables Arrington, Melnitchouk, Tjon [nucl-ex] Used TPE from Blunden et al. with additional phenomenological corrections Want calculations well tested for elastic e-p, reliable enough to be used for other reactions Test
Reanalysis of SLAC data on GMp
E. Brash et al. (PRC 65, (2002)) have reanalyzed SLAC data with JLab GEp/GMp results as constraint, using a similar fit function as Bosted Reanalysis results in 1.5-3% increase of GMp data
μpGpE/GpM and GnE at low Q2 from
C.B. Crawford et al., PRL98 (2007) It is very interesting to look at the impact of the GE/GM ratio on the separation of GE and GM. In blue is an extraction of GE and GM from existing unpolarized data, suitably binned. In red, the result of the same extraction when the BLAST GE/GM ratios are taken into account as a constraint. Tremendous accuracy achieved, with clear evidence for a deviation from the “dipole” form. Impact of BLAST data combined with cross sections on separation of GpE and GpM Errors factor ~2 smaller Reduced correlation Deviation from dipole at low Q2! E. Geis et al., ArXiv [nucl-ex] *Ph.D. work of C. Crawford (MIT) and A. Sindile (UNH)
New Hall A Polarization Transfer Results for GEp
PRL 99, (2007) Cross Section from C. Berger et al., Phys. Lett. B35 (1971) 87 Deviation in Ratio is due to Electric Form Factor Parasitic to G0 40% Polarized Beam Approx. 12 hours/point
Experiment E04-007 One Day of Beam Time per Point! Completed on June 9
Achieved 0.5% precision for most data points Extensive ongoing program of accurate low-Q2 cross-section measurements at MAMI
Charge and Magnetization Radii
Experimental values <rE2>p1/2= fm <rM2>p1/2= fm <rE2>n= fm2 <rM2>n1/2= fm Even at low Q2-values Coulomb distortion effects have to be taken into account The three real radii are identical within the experimental accuracy Foldy term = fm2 canceled by relativistic corrections (Isgur) implying neutron charge distribution is determined by GEn
Nucleon densities and relativity
Q2-evolution of quark mass intrinsic FF rest frame density non-rel : importance of relativity (with increasing Q2) : Lorentz contraction of spatial distributions in Breit frame At Q ≈ 0.5 GeV mu/d ≈ 0.3 GeV limit : k = 2 M (Compton wavelength) Thus Fourier transform remains valid for r > rmin ≈ 0.3 fm
Low Q2 Systematics All EMFF show minimum (maximum for GEn) at Q ≈ 0.5 GeV
Pion Cloud No information extractable
Kelly has performed simultaneous fit to all four EMFF in coordinate space using Laguerre-Gaussian expansion and first-order approximation for Lorentz contraction of local Breit frame Friedrich and Walcher have performed a similar analysis using a sum of dipole FF for valence quarks but neglecting the Lorentz contraction Both observe a structure in the proton and neutron densities at ~0.9 fm which they assign to a pion cloud _ Hammer et al. have extracted the pion cloud assigned to the NN2π component which they find to peak at ~ 0.4 fm
High-Q2 behaviour of GEp/GMp
Basic pQCD (Bjørken) scaling predicts F1 ∝ 1/Q4 ; F2 ∝1/Q6 F2/F1 ∝ 1/Q2 (Brodsky & Farrar) Data clearly do not follow this trend Schlumpf (1994), Miller (1996) and Ralston (2002) agree that by freeing the pT=0 pQCD condition applying a (Melosh) transformation to a relativistic (light-front) system an orbital angular momentum component is introduced in the proton wf (giving up helicity conservation) and one obtains F2/F1 ∝ 1/Q and equivalently a linear drop off of GE/GM with Q2 Brodsky argues that in pQCD limit non-zero OAM contributes to both F1 and F2
High-Q2 Behaviour Belitsky et al. have included logarithmic corrections in pQCD limit They warn that the observed scaling could very well be precocious Clearly GEn does not follow Belitsky scaling
Theory Vector Meson Dominance
Photon couples to nucleon exchanging vector meson (ρ, ω, φ) Adjust high-Q2 behaviour to pQCD scaling Include 2π-continuum in finite width of ρ Lomon 3 isoscalar, isovector poles, intrinsic core FF Bijker 2 isoscalar, 1 isovector pole, intrinsic core FF Hammer 4 isoscalar, 3 isovector poles, no additional FF Relativistic chiral soliton model Holzwarth one VM in Lagrangian, boost to Breit frame Goeke NJL Lagrangian, few parameters
Vector-Meson Dominance
charge magnetization proton neutron
Theory Relativistic Constituent Quark Models
Variety of q-q potentials (harmonic oscillator, hypercentral, linear) Non-relativistic treatment of quark dynamics, relativistic EM currents Miller: extension of cloudy bag model, light-front kinematics wave function and pion cloud adjusted to static parameters Cardarelli & Simula Isgur-Capstick oge potential, light-front kinematics constituent quark FF in agreement with DIS data Wagenbrunn & Plessas point-form spectator approximation linear confinement potential, Goldstone-boson exchange Giannini et al. gluon-gluon interaction in hypercentral model boost to Breit frame Metsch et al. solve Bethe-Salpeter equation, linear confinement potential
Relativistic Constituent Quark
charge magnetization proton neutron
Lattice QCD calculations
LHPC collaboration Isovector radius is insensitive to neglect of disconnected diagrams, but has double the pion cloud effect at small pion mass
quark transverse charge densities in nucleon
Model-independent Fourier transform on the light front q+ = q0 + q3 = 0 photon only couples to forward moving quarks quark charge density operator unpolarized nucleon Marc Vanderhaeghen
empirical quark transverse densities
Marc Vanderhaeghen proton ρ0 ρT neutron
GPDs yield 3-dim quark structure of nucleon
Burkardt (2000, 2003) Belitsky, Ji, Yuan (2004) Elastic Scattering transverse quark distribution in coordinate space DIS longitudinal quark distribution in momentum space DES (GPDs) fully-correlated quark distribution in both coordinate and momentum space
Electromagnetic Form Factors
PROTON NEUTRON modified Regge GPD parameterization 1 : Regge slope -> proton Dirac (Pauli) radius 2, 3 : large x behavior of GPD Eu, Ed -> large Q2 behavior of F2p, F2n 3-parameter fit Guidal, Polyakov, Radyushkin, Vdh (2005) world data (2006) also Diehl, Feldmann, Jakob, Kroll (2005)
Summary Very active experimental program on hadron electro-weak form factors thanks to development of polarized beam (> 100 µA, > 75 %) with extremely small helicity-correlated properties, polarized targets and polarimeters with large analyzing powers Electromagnetic Form Factors GEp discrepancy between Rosenbluth and polarization transfer not an experimental problem, but highly likely caused by TPE effects, recently data taken up till 8.4 GeV2 GEn precise data up to Q2 = 1.5 GeV2 GMn precise data up to Q2 = 5 GeV2, but inconsistency at ~ 1 GeV2 Further accurate data will continue to become available as benchmark for Lattice QCD calculations In addition, many exciting new data to be expected with the JLab 12 GeV upgrade
Upgrade magnets and power supplies
Add new hall 12 11 6 GeV CEBAF Upgrade magnets and power supplies CHL-2 INFO FOR ME, BUT DO NOT SAY UNLESS ASKED!!!!! Cost range (from Mission Needs Statement) $170M-$250M This includes $30-50 M that could come from redirection of the present JLab Ops budget, and ~$20M that might come from foreign contributors (if they match what they did for the original project) About $47M of the total could come from a redirection of present operating funds over the duration of the project." Enhance equipment in existing halls
Extensions with JLab 12 GeV Upgrade
11/18/2018 ~7.5 GeV2 Test BLUE = CDR or PAC30 approved, GREEN = new ideas under development
GEP-15: GEp/GMp up to 15 GeV2 approved by PAC32 for 12 GeV program
Perdrisat, Pentchev, Cisbani, Punjabi, Wojtsekhowski Beam: 75 μA, 85% polarization Target is 40 cm liquid H2 Electron arm at 37o, covers Q2 = 12.5 to 16 GeV2 Proton arm at 14o, ΔΩ ~ 35 msr 58 days of production time resulting accuracy: Layout and Parameters of the proposed experiment Beam line with +/- 25 milli radian opening to beam dump 40 cm long liquid hydrogen target Beam of 75 micro Ampere Scattered electron detected in Lead-glass calorimeter resolution of 3.5% at 3.5 GeV energy of final electron, position resolution of 5 mm Proton arm consists of a Magnet, Tracking devices and Trigger calorimeter approved by PAC32 for 12 GeV program
GEP-15: Projected accuracy
Plan for GEP-15 Layout and Parameters of the proposed experiment Beam line with +/- 25 milli radian opening to beam dump 40 cm long liquid hydrogen target Beam of 75 micro Ampere Scattered electron detected in Lead-glass calorimeter resolution of 3.5% at 3.5 GeV energy of final electron, position resolution of 5 mm Proton arm consists of a Magnet, Tracking devices and Trigger calorimeter
Perspective: GEn up to 7.5 GeV2
The most familiar for me is GEN, I had similar experiment a year ago. In E we double Range of Q2 from 1.5 to 3.4 GeV2. The ideas how to go ahead now exist. With larger magnet and better tracking device we will be able to reach 7 GeV2 with reasonable accuracy for neutron F2/F1. Beam at 6.6 GeV Resolution δp/p for electron - BNL magnet, GEM He-3 cell in vacuum, lower background in neutron arm Hybrid He-3 cell with narrow pumping laser line Target polarization 70% at 30 µA GEn at 7.5 GeV2 with uncertainty 30% in 25-day run
Time-Like Region _ Can be probed through e+e- -> NN or inverse reaction Data quality insufficient to separate charge and magnetization contributions No scaling observed with dipole form factor Iachello only model in reasonable agreement with data Large new accurate data set from BaBar/ CLEO /DAΦNE
New Data in Time-Like Region
Asymptotic behaviour for Mpp > 3 GeV/c2 Steep rise at threshold GMn data only from FENICE and DM2 Clear need for new data
Consequences for d(x) New GEn datum has strong impact on F1d behaviour
GPDs : x + ξ x - ξ P + Δ/2 Q2 >> P - Δ/2 t = Δ2 GPD (x, ξ ,t)
* Q2 >> x + ξ x - ξ P - Δ/2 t = Δ2 GPD (x, ξ ,t) GPDs : ξ = 0 Fourier transform of GPDs : simultaneous distributions of quarks w.r.t. longitudinal momentum x P and transverse position b
GPDs : 3D quark/gluon imaging of nucleon
Fourier transform of GPDs : simultaneous distributions of quarks w.r.t. longitudinal momentum x P and transverse position b
quark transverse charge densities in nucleon (II)
transversely polarized nucleon transverse spin e.g. along x-axis : dipole field pattern
Chiral Quark Model Calculation by Tuebingen group PRD 73, (2006) Constituent quarks are dressed by mesonic DOF through chirally invariant effective Lagrangian ChPT at the quark level automatically includes all excited states of the nucleon Five free parameters, three of which are fitted to the magnetic dipole moments of the nucleons and hyperons, the two remaining ones to the form factors of the valence quarks at Q2 ≥ 0.7 GeV2
The Chiral Quark Cloud Model gives excellent description of all 4 EMFF up to large Q2 Cloud in charge FF peaks at Q2≈ 0.25 GeV2 In magnetic FF mesonic cloud contributes ~15% to dipole moment
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