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Symbolic Images Created from Type

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1 Symbolic Images Created from Type
TypoGraphy Symbolic Images Created from Type





6 Elements of Typography
Typography is the art of arranging type to create an image Elements of Typography TYPEFACES POINT SIZE LEADING (line spacing) TRACKING KERNING

7 TYPEFACES Set of one or more fonts, in one or more sizes, designed with stylistic unity Garamond Braggadocio Bauhaus 93 Gill Sans Ultra Bold STENCIL Rockwell

8 POINT SIZE The point has long been the usual unit for measuring font size and leading Size 28 Size 44 Size 8

9 LEADING (line spacing)
Rhymes with heading Refers to the distance between the baselines of successive lines of type. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah witty blah blah blah blah Amazing example of leading

10 T Y P O GRAPHY TRACKING KERNING Spaces between groups of letters
EXAMPLE The Glass Menagerie THEGLASSMENAGERIE Spaces between pairs of letters EXAMPLE T H E G L A S S M E N A G E R I E

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