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Mr. Mendonca Your coding teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Mendonca Your coding teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Mendonca Your coding teacher

2 A little bit about me… University Education…. Teaching subjects…
Background… How to contact me…

3 University Education Bachelor in Technology (Computers)
Bachelor in Arts (Philosophy) at the seminary of Christ the King. Bachelor in Education (Teaching school)

4 Teaching Subjects Computers Social Studies Career Education

5 Background Born in India Grew up in Oman
Spent most of my life in Canada Taught in China for 2 years Taught in Qatar for 1 year

6 Classroom Rules and Expectations
Regular attendance is important. If you miss a class, you are responsible for catching up. Check the sfxchool blog for what you missed. Respect the computer equipment. No food or drinks are permitted near the computers.

7 Classroom Rules and Expectations
Respect everyone in the room. Do not speak when someone else is speaking | Raising your hand to add to the conversation or ask questions is highly encouraged. ONLY use the websites permitted by your instructor. The use of other websites can be used only with permission from your teacher. HAVE FUN!!

8 Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if someone is not meeting the class expectations? What should I do if I finish my work early? What do I do if I do not understand something?

9 Classroom Procedures You will save your work on the school computer network and on your USB. You will each be assigned your own Winbook during class time. You will take turns with putting the computers back at the end of class. Classwork and any homework will be posted on the SFX website. Check this website every day.

10 Materials Needed 4GB USB to store work done on the computer.
Headphones to listen to videos on website. Have a duotang for coding.

11 Contact Me Mr. Michael –

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