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Vamos a aprender y divertirnos mucho.

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Presentation on theme: "Vamos a aprender y divertirnos mucho."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vamos a aprender y divertirnos mucho.
!Bienvenidos! Welcome to Sra. Morgan’s Spanish Class. Vamos a aprender y divertirnos mucho.

2 The Golden Rule Treat others how you would like to be treated.
Be kind and respectful to everyone.

3 Classroom Rules Be sitting in your assigned seat when the bell rings to begin class. Stay in the blue part of your assigned seat until the bell rings. Please do not sit on the desks.

4 Homework Late homework is not accepted.
Homework is due at the beginning of class. Do your own homework! Homework is practice. You will have some each class.

5 Participation Learning Spanish is fun. Attitude is important!
We learn to speak Spanish only by speaking Spanish. Making mistakes is part of learning! Speak Spanish even when Sra. Morgan is not looking.

6 Make-up work Make up your work before you are absent when possible (sports). Make-up work must be picked up the morning you return to school. Complete your make-up work BEFORE the next class. Keep up! Rely on your partner.

7 Make up work partners When you are absent, your partner will get all your work and handouts and put them in the stack tray. Complete all work and quizzes before the next class. Uncompleted work will receive a zero.

8 Passes out of the room Two passes out of the room are allowed per nine weeks. Return to the room within 3 minutes. If you go to the bathroom before class, you must be in your seat before the bell rings.

9 Supplies need for class
Bring these every day: Spanish text Notebook Folder Dictionary* Computer Two pencils or pens A GOOD ATTITUDE

10 My Expectations Students will do their best and ask for help when needed. Students will pay attention in class and take notes. Students will listen when someone else is talking.

11 Avoid the following Academic dishonesty constitutes a zero. Do not copy others’ work or use a computer translator. Do not text message or work on other subjects when you should be participating in class.

12 Working with partners We can often work in partners if everyone is on task and speaking Spanish. If students are not working, they will be asked to return to their desks. Speak Spanish only.

13 In the classroom. . . Only water is allowed. Juice, pop and candy are not allowed. Put garbage in its place. The room must be neat before dismissal. Do not write on the desks. No cell phones.

14 Technology: A privilege
No cell phones allowed. If I see it, hear it, or see you using it, it is mine until 3:15. Computers are used for academic purposes only. If your computer lid is open, you must sign into Synchroneyes. You must have permission to use your I-pod or computer.

15 Common courtesies Sit up straight during class. Do not sleep.
One person talking at a time. Raise your hand. Be nice to everyone. Do not use inappropriate language. No complaining allowed.

16 En caso de emergencia Instructions are posted by the door.
Tornado: go to the north end of the library. Fire: go out the gym doors and across the circle drive.

17 Be sure to . . . Have fun! Ask questions! Do your best!
Take advantage of your free Spanish lessons!

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