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What is your favourite time of Year?

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Presentation on theme: "What is your favourite time of Year?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is your favourite time of Year?
Spring Birthday Winter Summer holiday Christmas ??????

2 Every Year the Church celebrates all the things that happened in the life of Jesus
This is called: The Liturgical Year

3 Each season of the Church’s Year remembers something special about Jesus

4 It begins with Advent. Can you remember what Advent is?
The time when we prepare to celebrate the Birth of Jesus What do you think comes next? Christmas. When we celebrate the Birth of Jesus

5 Holy week at the end of Lent
The other Seasons are: Epiphany Ordinary Time Lent & Holy week at the end of Lent Easter Pentecost Ordinary Time

6 Which one happens more than once?
Ordinary Time: This is the time when we think about the different things that Jesus said and did and the things he taught us. Because it is called ordinary doesn’t mean it is not important.

7 Each season has its own colour
For times of preparation. Which two seasons would we colour purple? For times of celebration. Which seasons would we colour white? For ordinary times For when we celebrate the Holy Spirit

8 ?????? Why do you think it is important to Christians to remember these things every year? Share your ideas. ??????

9 It might be: To help think more about Jesus To learn more about Jesus
To remember that at every time of year God is with us To give opportunities to pray and do things together To give opportunities to celebrate the life of Jesus

10 Do you know what this word means?
HOLIDAYS What happens on a holiday? In the past people did not get holidays but they did get Holy days are special days within the main seasons where people go to church and remember special events. In the past people got the day off so they could go to church Our word Holiday comes from Holy day Holy Days

11 All Saints Day All Saints Day is a Holy Day It is on November 1st
Some people think that saints are people or beings who float around in the clouds singing and looking very pretty. But saints are ordinary people who try to get close to God Once a year the Church celebrates All Saints’ Day. This is when Christians remember the saints who have given an example in their lives of how to follow Jesus’ teaching.

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