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Please…. Take out your READER’S NOTEBOOK. On your label write: READING

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Presentation on theme: "Please…. Take out your READER’S NOTEBOOK. On your label write: READING"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please…. Take out your READER’S NOTEBOOK. On your label write: READING
First and Last name Homeroom

2 Nature Vs. Nurture

3 Any idea what this is?


5 DNA DNA: something we have in every cell of our bodies and which is unique to each individual Double Helix 

6 DNA: a molecule that is like an “instruction manual” for life

7 microscopic

8 Microscopic: very, very small
So small that you would need a microscope for viewing purposes.

9 Even though DNA is microscopic, it has a huge influence over who we are.

10 “What makes us who we are?”
New Unit! “What makes us who we are?”

11 What comes to your mind when you hear the word….
genetic or genetics genes

12 genetic disease or genetic mutation
How about….. genetic disease or genetic mutation

13 Traits Genetic traits are characteristics passed from parent to child.

14 Example EYE COLOR


16 Some people’s thumbs bend back to a 45 degree angle
Some people’s thumbs bend back to a 45 degree angle. This is called hitchhiker’s thumb. This is an inherited trait. -a trait received from one’s parents

17 If both parents have straight thumbs, what kind of thumb is the child likely to have?

18 If both parents have hitchhiker’s thumbs, what kind of thumb is the child likely to have?

19 If one parent has a hitchhiker’s thumb and the other parent has a straight thumb, what type of thumb is the child likely to have?

20 Straight Thumb! Straight thumb is the dominant gene
Hitchhiker’s thumb is the recessive gene.

21 What other traits could children inherit from their parents?

22 Possible Answers Hair color Skin color Eye color Body type
Shape of face Athletic ability Artistic talent Musical ability Predisposition to certain diseases

23 It is interesting that even though no two people are exactly alike….
….99.9% of our DNA is identical to everyone else’s!

24 ENVIORNMENT Our environment also makes us who we are.

25 ENVIORNMENT includes…
Home School Neighborhood City Country How people treat you

26 People have disagreed for years over which is more important – the genes we inherit from our parents or the environment in which we grow up. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

27 In your Reader’s Journal….
What do you think makes you who you are, genetics or your environment? (paragraph format)

28 Talk with a partner On your post-it, write down one or two things that “make us who we are”.

29 Group Time Nature/Genetics Nurture/Environment Combination of both

30 What did you decide on? Nature/Genetics Nurture/Environment Combination of both

31 Word Wall Microscopic Inheritance DNA Genetics Gene Trait Nature

32 Homework Bring class supplies. Turn in Student/Parent Info form
Notebook Folder Pen/pencil USB Post-its Notecards Kleenex for Extra Credit Turn in Student/Parent Info form Ms. Gelz by Monday

33 Put away all reading materials.
Come post your post-it!

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