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Periodic Table of Elements

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Presentation on theme: "Periodic Table of Elements"— Presentation transcript:

1 Periodic Table of Elements
Journal Pages 82-83

2 Use pages 82-83 in your journals
On page 82 Draw 10 boxes and color and label them according to the boxes below. EXCEPT BASIC METALS WILL BE GRAY!!!

3 What is the periodic table of elements?
Underneath your key answer this question after doing research on the web. Look for the following information: Who started it? What does it show us? How is it organized? What are families and periods….please label these on your periodic table.

4 Step 1: Color the Non-metals Green Non-Metals include the following:
Hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, selenium

5 Step 2: Color the Halogens light blue. Fluorine down to Unenseptium.
What do you notice about this family??

6 Step 3: Color the Semi-metals yellow-green.
What state of matter are all the semi-metals in?

7 Step 4: Color the Nobel Gases INDIGO

8 Step 5: Color the Alkali Metals Red

9 Step 6: Color the Alkaline Earth Metal: Orange

10 Step 7: Color the Transition Metals: Yellow

11 Step 8: Color the Lanthanide series PURPLE

12 Step: 9 Color the Actinide Series PINK

13 Step 9: Color the basic metals gray.

14 Now fill out the arrows by the Carbon box

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