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Lesson 39: The Book of 1 Timothy

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2 Lesson 39: The Book of 1 Timothy
Scriptures in quotation marks are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible.

3 1:4 – Don’t teach things that continually raise questions but things that build people in the faith.

4 1:13 – He was a blasphemer and a persecutor of the church, but he obtained mercy.
1:14 – The grace of the Lord was exceedingly abundant for him in Christ Jesus.

5 1:16 – God used him as a pattern to show others anyone can be saved.
1:15 – Paul says that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom he is chief. 1:16 – God used him as a pattern to show others anyone can be saved.

6 2:2 – For all who are in governmental authority, city officials, congressmen, governors, the President, etc. 2:5 – There is one God and one mediator between God and us—Jesus Christ.

7 Abilities (vs. 2) – Able to teach
Character (vs. 2) - Blameless (no outstanding faults), husband of one wife, temperate, hospitable Abilities (vs. 2) – Able to teach Home Life (vs. 4-5) - One who rules (leads) his own house well and his children have proper respect

8 Christian Experience (vs. 6) – Not a novice, not a new convert
General Reputation (vs. 7) – Must be well thought of by those outside the church

9 The love of money is the root cause of deceit, stealing, selling of drugs, prostitution, etc.


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