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Tim Lee The Boeing Company

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1 Tim Lee The Boeing Company
9100/9110/9120:2009 AQMS Transition Tim Lee The Boeing Company RMC Meetings Atlanta, GA July 20, 2010

2 Objective To provide an update of the IAQG time line for transition and Other Party Management Team (OPMT) established rules. Re-affirm 30 Month timeline Discuss Supplemental Rule Updates Questions


4 IAQG OPMT Resolution No. 73 issued to support deployment
In support of the IAQG Councils time line and concepts for transition to the 9100/9110/9120:2009 series of AQMS standards; the OPMT has documented rules for affected stakeholders which will ensure that time lines are met and successful transition occurs. SR-001 released in Jan 2010 Updated in May 18, 2010 IAQG OPMT Resolution No. 73 issued to support deployment

5 Removal of reference to 9104/1:
May 18, 2010 SR-001 Changes: Removal of reference to 9104/1: Due to the SMS ballot failures it was evident that the 9104/1 updated standard would not be published in the near term, therefore reference to the document and audit day tables where removed. 91094/1 will have a separate implementation schedule Audit days required for 9100/9110/9120:2009 upgrade: transition during surveillance audit using 50% of initial audit day requirements of IAF MD 5 and 100% of the initial audit day requirements of table 2 of 9104. transition during recertification audit using 80% of initial audit day requirements of IAF MD 5 and 100% of the initial audit day requirements of table 2 of 9104. Sanctioned Aerospace Auditor Transition Training (AATT): Added instructor and class size requirements that needed to be maintained in order to deliver effective training and complete the oral examination process on day 4. 2 Instructors – Class size no greater than 12 students

6 Timeline for transition will be discussed at Sept 2010 RMC meeting
Auditor Authentication Metrics SR-001 Team is reviewing the rule Clarification Feedback Received Develop FAQ’s

7 Questions

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