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Outline Analysis of some real data taken with the GLAST minitower (cosmic rays only). Offline analysis software used. Full Monte Carlo simulation using.

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Presentation on theme: "Outline Analysis of some real data taken with the GLAST minitower (cosmic rays only). Offline analysis software used. Full Monte Carlo simulation using."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline Analysis of some real data taken with the GLAST minitower (cosmic rays only). Offline analysis software used. Full Monte Carlo simulation using GLEAM with the minitower geometry.

2 Angular distributions
Black histograms: data. Blue crosses: Monte Carlo. Red line: expected distribution (CR flux + detector angular response). Red dotted line is the geometrical upper limit on theta (~82 degrees), given the minitower aspect ratio.

3 TOT vs. theta Average of TOT distribution increases as theta increases (the bigger the angle, the longer the path in the silicon). Real data Monte Carlo simulation

4 TOT vs. theta projected on XZ-YZ
Example of average TOT as a function of the polar angle theta projected on the XZ or YZ plane (real data). Distributions are shown for the X3 layer (i.e. strips oriented along Y axis!). Along the Y axis: the bigger the angle, the bigger the charge released on a single strip. Along the X axis: more complicate interplay between path length in the silicon and charge sharing.

5 TOT vs. phi Average TOT as a function of the azimuthal angle (real data) is clearly oscillating: Tracks along the strips direction: big TOT. Tracks orthogonal to the strips: charge sharing. Note the 90 degrees phase difference between layers X3 and Y3.

6 TOT vs. hit multiplicity
Average TOT as a function of the hits multiplicity (number of fired hits per event) shows a 2 (charge sharing on almost vertical tracks) confirmed by Monte Carlo simulation. Real data Monte Carlo simulation

7 Hitmaps Black histogram: data. Blue crosses: Monte Carlo simulation.
Red line: expected distribution for a “perfect” detector (not including the shadow effect of not active regions on ladder edges, which are very well reproduced by the Monte Carlo simulation).

8 Hitmaps ~ 200 strips not wire bonded.

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