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By Hector M Lugo-Cordero September 17, 2008

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1 By Hector M Lugo-Cordero September 17, 2008
Structs By Hector M Lugo-Cordero September 17, 2008 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

2 The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Outline Creation Usage Enhancing The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

3 The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Creation Syntax struct <name>{ Fields [Methods] }; Just like objects (to be discussed) structs allow operator overloading in C++ (not in C) The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

4 The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Creation (cont.) Example: struct Pair{ double first; double second; Pair(){ first = 0; second = 0; } Pair(double x, double y){ first = x; second = y; bool equal(Pair other){ return (first == other.first) && (second == other.second); }; The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

5 The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Usage int main(int argc, char** argv) { Pair myPair(5, 2); //sometimes struct Pair myPair cout << “(“ << myPair.first << “, “ << myPair.second << “)” << endl; Pair test; test.first = 5; Test.second = 2; if(myPair.equal(test)){ cout << “Enter a new pair: ” << endl; cin >> test.first; cin >> test.second; //input is read x y } return 0; IS THERE AN EASIER WAY? :S YES :P The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

6 The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Enhancing Operator overloading bool operator==(Pair& other){ return (first == other.first) && (second == other.second); } friend ostream& operator<<(otstream& out, Pair data){ out << “(“ << data.first << “, “ << data.second << “)”; return out; The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

7 The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Questions? ? The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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