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Banner Finance Approvals.

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1 Banner Finance Approvals

2 Introductions Name Organization Title/function Job responsibilities
Banner experience Expectations Introductions The instructor will introduce himself/herself by describing his/her experience with: SCT SCT Banner SCT Banner [Product name] Higher Education The participants in the class will introduce themselves by sharing with the class: Name Organization Title/Function Job Responsibility SCT Banner experience SCT Banner [ Product name] experience And their expectations of the training session Write down the expectations of the class members at the beginning of the training session. That way, at the end, you will be able to see if all expectations have been met. If they are not to be met, explain why.

3 Course Goals The goal of this course is to provide you with the knowledge and practice to perform online approvals at your institution After discussing the course goals, discuss the use of the associated workbook and how it will assist them during training and after they return to their institutions.

4 Agenda Overview Set up Day-to-Day Question and Answer
Discuss how the course will be structured…first going over the Set up (rule and validation forms) that are required for recruitment and application training. Followed by the discussion of the Day-to-Day procedures that are required to handle recruitment and application training.

5 Overview Enables you to create finance documents online in document entry forms Understanding to set up your approvals process Knowledge of the several forms and fields you need in order to define for minimum approvals processing

6 Introduction Process Discuss the Finance process and where Finance Approvals fits into that process

7 Set up Objectives At the end of this section, you will be able to
identify and describe the maintenance forms that will be needed for the approvals process initiate the approvals process establish document approval queues create queue routing criteria See page B-1 of workbook.

8 Set up - Rule and Validation forms
Rule Forms FOASYSC Finance System Control FTMAPPQ Approval Queue Maintenance FOMAQRC Approval Queue Routing Codes Access Banner and, selecting all or some of the above forms, displays and discuss how each is used. See Workbook - page B-2. Procedures/How to complete the above forms are located in Section B of workbook.

9 Set up Review What form lists the documents for which you can establish an approval process? What are the three types of approvals? What is the purpose of the Next Queue field on FTMAPPQ? In FTMAPPQ, how can one determine if a change was made to the approval queues? Solicit answers from above questions from audience.

10 Day-to-Day Objectives
At the end of this course, participants will be able to create requisitions for approval and run the approvals process route documents to specific users based upon the approval queues determine if documents are awaiting your approval and approve them work with NSF checking and approvals display approval history for a document

11 Day-to-Day Process Describe the day-to-day process and procedures. – See page C-2 and C-3 in workbook.

12 Day-to-Day Creating Requisitions for Approval
Requisition Form (FPAREQN) Used to create and maintain the header, commodity, and accounting information for requisitions Access Banner and enter data on form.

13 Day-to-Day Running the Approvals Process Approvals Process (FORAPPL)
Reviews completed documents and ‘maps’ their approval requirements, i.e., assigns them to the queues you created in the preceding Lessons Access Banner and enter data on form.

14 Day-to-Day Determining if Documents are Awaiting your Approval
User Approval Form (FOAUAPP) Used for the actual approval of documents It is the most versatile and useful form for querying the status of unapproved documents Access Banner and enter data on form.

15 Day-to-Day Approving a Document User Approval Form (FOAUAPP)
Enables you to approve or disapprove a document, view a document’s detail, and view all the queues/levels responsible for approving the document Access Banner and enter data on form.

16 Day-to-Day Working with NSF Checking and Approvals
Chart of Accounts Maintenance Form (FTMCOAS) Designates whether NSF conditions are to be treated with a simple warning alone (W), or will generate an error that requires manual override (E) Access Banner and enter data on form.

17 Day-to-Day Viewing and Overriding NSF Documents
User Approval Form (FOAUAPP) Used to review these documents and override their NSF conditions Access Banner and enter data on form.

18 Day-to-Day Displaying the Approval History for a Specific Document
Document Approval History Form (FOIAPPH) Displays the approval history for a specified document Access Banner and enter data on form.

19 Day-to-Day Review List the different ways that you can route documents. Both of our queues specify a fund of What will happen to a document with a different fund? Is it possible to require approvals for some requisitions, but not all requisitions? When will documents display in FOAUAPP under your user ID? Solicit answers from above questions from audience.

20 Course Summary/Review
As a result of this course we have provided you with the knowledge and practice to perform online approvals at your institution

21 Questions and Answers

22 Thank you for your participation

23 SunGard, the SunGard logo, SCT, the SCT logo, and Banner, Campus Pipeline, Luminis, PowerCAMPUS, SCT Matrix, SCT Plus, and SCT PocketRecruiter are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunGard Data Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. All other trade names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. © SunGard

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