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WILLIAM DALEY Facts about artist: Born in New York

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1 WILLIAM DALEY Facts about artist: Born in New York
The Massachusetts College of Art in Boston Graduate Degree from Columbia University Teachers College Ceramics teacher and artist Artist’s statement: Studio time is a kind of morphology: A quickener of tacit cues, which slows down my head to allow “seeping time,” as I work with tools in hand. I call it practice: The wonderings of If. “If” as add- venturing, “If” as play, serendipity, or chance. “if” as the alternatives of un-thought: Intuitions and feelings that morph my parts and pieces into holds. “Holds” nudge more pro-found possibles for what I thought I was trying to do with “now and then” or “how and why.” When the power of “If” informs “the possible becoming,” and these inter-restings insist, I have found something useful to pursue and given material evidence to share with others. I enjoy the rush of moving toward a more telling vessel: One in which the duality of material and spirit whisper the symmetry of wonder we share together.

2 Remembered Place, 1985 William Daley B's Place, 1985 William Daley

3 Friendly Location, 1981 William Daley Triaxel Opening, 1985 William Daley

4 Kufic Center, 1981 William Daley Coupled Place, 1988 William Daley

5 Sketches:

6 Goals for Artwork~ Architectural Vessel
1. Create organic, feminine vessel forms- go big. Attach geometric, repetitive forms inside and outside. Go with the flow- use my style. 2. Switch and make geometric vessels- adorn with organic designs. 3. Combine these two ideas into one piece. 4. Create a sculpture with two together, not a vessel. 5. Get crazy on final one. Maybe- add symbolic objects like birds, flowers, etc…


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