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RestComm Open Source Mobile WebRTC SDKs

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Presentation on theme: "RestComm Open Source Mobile WebRTC SDKs"— Presentation transcript:

1 RestComm Open Source Mobile WebRTC SDKs
Antonis Tsakiridis Jean Deruelle

2 RestComm is a Real Time Communications Platform for Web and Mobile Developers to build and scale Voice, Video, and Messaging Apps for WebRTC, SIP and PSTN networks.

3 Restcomm SDKs

4 “So, what are the lessons learned?”

5 Events at SDK level, App Visual Indicators
Quality of Experience Mobile devices experience network updates all the time Mobile signal going weaker or stronger Wifi become available while on 4G Moving from Wifi to Data only without connectivity loss SDK needs to be able to dynamically allocate/deallocate networking resources or handover between networks Mobile App needs to be notified on connectivity events by the SDK so that it can consume them and maintain a smooth user experience. SDK needs to ensure that the least cost route is always preferred and avoid sending data over communication channels, unless absolutely necessary Events at SDK level, App Visual Indicators

6 Connectivity Prioritization
Bill shock

7 Video Conferencing Bandwidth limitations

8 Address Mobile Device Diversity
Not only about the Screen resolution but hardware diversity as well

9 WebRTC media takes (noticeable) time to setup
Due to the ICE mechanism the call setup might take considerable time Each peer has to gather its candidates and send them out Connectivity checks need to be done to find out the best media path Consider using a different ICE ‘policy’, like Trickle ICE where: candidates start to be sent out before they are fully gathered usually a media path is found before all candidates are exhausted which results is a much faster media path

10 Be prepared for surprises with SIP
Google uses an old version of the JAIN SIP Stack Namespaces issues as Google kept the original gov.nist package names. Unfortunately the SIP API or stack has not evolved in Android and is not up to date with latest code improvements nor expose the raw stack. Add to build and maintain a separate version of JAIN SIP with different package namespace just for that. Some operators try to block SIP traffic with deep packet inspection, ALG, … Some specific Android versions block SIP traffic to port 5060 Use different port for SIP but non standard which is a bit of a pain for users Use SIP Over TLS which is recommended anyway for hop by hop secure communications

11 Join the fun and Come Help us !
Improved reachability facilities, to handle network connectivity changes within a live call Trickle-ICE support QoS/QoE libraries (being contributed by MyMobileCoverage) Screen & File sharing Recording GeoLocation Co-browsing, remote control (Amazon MayDay type of experience - being contributed by SpanSystems)

12 Real world use cases enabled by WebRTC in mobile

13 E-health - Telemedicine

14 Real-time translation

15 Office 2.0 : Remote workers - distributed teams

16 Face recognition Security For Retailers, Airport, …
Conversion rate improvements for contact centers with emotion analysis Identity: Login to Social Networks, websites or mobile apps with your voice and face. Captcha upgraded. Augmented Reality

17 Customer Experience

18 Helping community

19 Home/Office security

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