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The Rise of Russia.

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1 The Rise of Russia

2 The Varangians Russia was settled by the Vikings - aka Varangians.
Expert sailors. Settled in Kiev which became a vital center of trade.


4 Language St. Cyril will adopt the Greek alphabet for the Slavic languages. It will be known as the Cyrillic alphabet.


6 Slavic Language

7 Mongol Invasions In the 1200’s the Mongols Invaded Russia, China and Muslim states in Southwest Asia, destroying cities and countryside.

8 Mongol Invasions They were led by Genghiz Khan.


10 Mongol Invasion In 1236, the grandson of Genghiz Khan leads the Golden Horde into Russia.


12 Mongol Invasion They defeated the Russians but let them rule as they had before as long as they paid their tribute every year.

13 Ivan the Great Ivan the Great came to power in Moscow in 1462.
Ivan took the name of Czar. (Caesar)

14 Moscow Takes the Lead Ivan and the Russians in Moscow throw out the Mongols and returned power to the Russians. The Russian nation will expand under Ivan the Great.

15 Ivan the Terrible Grandson of Ivan the Great.
Introduced laws tying serfs to land. Was subject to violent fits of rage.

16 Ivan the Terrible He trusted no one and even killed his own son.
Started a tradition of extreme absolute power.

17 Map Exercise Rome Greece Mediterranean Sea Athens Asia Minor Sparta
Carthage Russia Moscow Balkan Pen. Kiev Black Sea Italian Peninsula Danube River Black Sea Alps Constantinople Byzantine Empire

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