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Male Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology

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Presentation on theme: "Male Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Male Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 5 Male Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology 1

2 Anatomy of the Male Sexual and Reproductive System
The Penis External Root Shaft Glans Penis Foreskin Internal (Corpora) Urethra Corpora cavernosa Erection Corpus spongiosum 2

3 Anatomy of the Male Sexual and Reproductive System

4 Anatomy of the Male Sexual and Reproductive System
The Glans Penis Meatus Coronal ridge Frenulum 4

5 The Underside of the Penis

6 The Prepuce (Foreskin)
Ridged band Erogenous receptors Gliding mechanism 6

7 Anatomy of the Male Sexual and Reproductive System
The Scrotum Testis Spermatic cord The Testicles Crypotorchidism The Epididymis 7

8 The Scrotum 8

9 The Testicles 9

10 The Pathway of the Sperm
Vas Deferens Urethra Seminal Vesicles The Prostate Gland The Cowper’s Glands Semen 10

11 The Male Duct System 11

12 Male Sexual Development
Gonache (ages 9-12) Spermarche (12-18 months later) Nocturnal Emissions Spermatogenesis The Brain and Testosterone 12

13 Spermatogenesis 13

14 Physiology of the Male Sexual and Reproductive System
Erection Angle determined by suspensory ligament Ejaculation Emission phase Expulsion phase Premature ejaculation 14

15 The Perineum and Pelvic Floor
Male Kegel Exercises 15

16 Male Sexual Anatomy and the 21st-Century
Body Image: Adonis Complex Penis Size Circumcision The procedure The risks and possible effects Effects on sexual satisfaction 16

17 Circumcision 17

18 Research on Sexual Satisfaction Following Circumcision
Sexual Drive Erectile Function Ejaculation Penile Sensation Overall Satisfaction 18

19 Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use
Performance-enhancing Drugs Extent of Use Among Non-elite Athletes Physical, Physiological, and Psychological Effects 19

20 Male Sexual and Reproductive Health
Testicular Cancer Penile Cancer Priapism Peyronie Disease Balantis Epididymitis Testicular Torsion 20

21 Self-Care and Prevention
Genital Self-exam Prostate Health Prostatitis 21

22 Sexual Life Education Concluding Points 22

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