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Establishment aid coordination and management mechanisms

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1 Establishment aid coordination and management mechanisms
Government of the Republic of Montenegro Secretariat for European integration Establishment aid coordination and management mechanisms in Montenegro Ana Vukadinovic Secretary of the Secretariat for EI Regional conference Strengthening National Capacities for Efficient Management of External Assistance 14-15 May 2007 Podgorica, Montenegro

2 Effective use of EU assistance
Content: Present stage of preparation in Montenegro Activities which have been done Further activities

3 Montenegrian European Integration Chronology
Zagreb Summit, November 2000 Consultative Task Force, 2001/02 Belgrade Agreement, March 2002 Constitutional Charter of the State Union, February 2003 Thessaloniki Agenda, June 2003 Law on Action Plan for Harmonisation of the Economic Systems of Member-States of The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, August 2003 Enhanced Permanent Dialogue, 2003 European Partnership, May 2004 Action Plan for European Partnership Implementation, December 2004 “Twin track” aproach, September 2004 Positive Feasibility report, April 2005 Stabilization and Assosiation Agrement negotaiations, October 2005 New European Partenrship, 2006 Negotiation on SAA with SCG stopped, May 2006 Referendum on Independency of Montenegro, May 2006 Direct negotiations on SAA continuing New European Partnership, November 2006 for Intependent Montenegro Finishing Negotiations on SAA, December 2006 Initialling the SAA, Mart 2007 Hope – By the end of German Presidency – official signing the SAA

4 Previous experience - CARDS
Centralized implementation system Initiative and preparation of the projects - EAR and line institutions Increasing role of the Ministry for International Economic Relations and European Integration: MIP AP 2005 AP 2006

5 Preparation for IPA programming
May 06 – Senior Programme Officers (SPO) have been appointed May 06 - Training activities started August 06 – NIPAC nominated - coordination and management on the policy level (programming of EU assistance, setting the priorities for the assistance, negotiations with the EC Delegation...). August 06 – Governmental Commission for Coordination of Assistance Programmes established October 06 – Montenegrin contribution for MIPD - January 07 – Log-frames for annual programs prepared

6 Next steps… - Strengthening of capacities of Montenegrin institutions for Programming for IPA– CARDS 2006, - Seminars and expert support: - Present Twinning project - Capacity Development Programme Phase Two - Creation of coordination mechanism for CBC, Implementation of the Aid Management Platform, Further preparation for DIS, EAR mandate finishes by the end of 2008.

7 MIPD - priorities Political requirements
Judiciary and capacity building in PA Sector policies Agriculture and rural development and environment Justice, freedom and security IBM, fight organized crime Internal market Technical standards and rules

8 CARDS Montenegro 2002 - 2004 Sector 2002 2003 2004 Total
Building Institutions Economic recovery Civil Society Other Total

9 Trends

10 IPA MIFF 2007 -2009 (mil Euro) Component 2007 2008 2009 2007-2009
I. Transition assistance and Institution Building 27.5 28.1 28.6 84.2 II. Cross-Border Cooperation 3.9 4.5 4.7 13.1 Total 31.4 32.6 33.3 97.3

11 Changes of institutional set-up
September 06 – Elections October 06 – New Government Deputy Prime Minister for European integration - NIPAC Secretariat for European Integration (Replaced previous Ministry) – Sector for Coordination of Foreign Assistance May 07 – Governmental Commission for Coordination of European Integration (Replaced previous Commission for Assistance Programmes)

12 Next steps in 2007 Establishment of new structures for DIS/IPA
Competent Accrediting Officer (CAO) who should be a high-ranking official in the government or the state administration. The National Fund which should be the central treasury entity within the Ministry of Finance through which the EU funds will be channelled towards beneficiaries. The National Authorising Officer (NAO) who should lead the National Found and take the overall responsibility for the financial management of EU funds. The Central Financing and Contracting Unit (CFCU) which should be the core body responsible for managing and implementing the projects in IPA components I, II, III and IV. Component V will have its own Operating Structure later. An Audit Authority (AA) which should be responsible for verifying the effective and sound functioning of the management and control systems. This is a part of much broader Public Internal Finance Control (PIFC) Strategy development and implementation.

13 Next phases in the preparation for DIS
Set up phase: legal and physical establishment of the required institutional structures (NAO, NF, CFCU, etc…), Gaps assessment: in-depth review of the institutional structures to identify the specific actions, changes and improvements needed to ensure compliance with them, Gap filling phase: develop the procedures necessary to meet DIS requirements with special regard to the functions of programming, management, implementation, tendering, contracting, financial control, monitoring and evaluation and the related procedure manuals, Compliance assessment phase: whether the target institutions have achieved the improvements necessary to satisfy the conditions of the relevant EU rules. Preparation for Commission decision (verification audit by Commission Services): upon the official request by the NAO, verification by the Commission of the effective existence of the preconditions for DIS, followed by the authorisation to switch to the DIS.

14 Final goal

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