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Presentation on theme: "Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Policy

2 Know how to get where you want to be going so you know where your going when you get to the destination you are going for. We aren't gonna get too in the weeds, just talk about the techniques and tools that are already out there waiting for you to employ.

3 How to drive the message out.

4 One super up finly tuned machine that represents your entire jurisdiction. List pros and cons

5 A separate voice on the same basic platforms to deliver by departments.

6 A hybrid. Instead of one or the other, group departments by service offered.


8 How do you filter and stay away from the shiny new toy syndrome.

9 Examle of how you policy team can help decide the tools you use for use

10 End of policy prez

11 Micro-blogs Begin micro blog

12 Why microblogging? Create an Account Features Search Tweets People
Mentions Relationships Retweets Multimedia Lingo/Etiquette Links Interaction Hashtags Geolocation What we want to cover. Will go back to check road map of all items. Sticking to the basics touching on the advanced like geo location

13 End of micro blogs

14 Social Media & NIMS Presented by Hal Grieb

15 Nims is a framework like military

16 Photo by Patsy Lynch/FEMA
It has allowed flexibilty to respond to different scenarios  Photo by Patsy Lynch/FEMA

17 Marvin Nauman/FEMA photo
It takes training and allows us to talk to new peole quickly Marvin Nauman/FEMA photo

18 The components of nims can be helped by the web 2.0 tools out there

19 But its nothing new….

20 We have talked a lot about social media

21 And web 2.0

22 The tech is not new, just getting easier for the average person to use

23 Heck most peoples mom are on now…
Heck most peoples mom are on now…..which is goood an bad…how do we harness this in ICS?

24 The extreme snowfall of February 11-12, 2010 goes down as THE snowiest 24-hour period in the history DFW weather records, according to the National Weather Service (NWS). An amazing 12.5" was measured, 11.2" of which fell on the 11th.

25 This slide demonstrates the power of the rebroadcast or Retweet, and how quickly we can unify with other jurisdiction in ensuring a unified message organincally.

26 The Binghamton shootings took place on Friday, April 3, 2009, at the American Civic Association immigration center in Binghamton, New York, United States. At approximately 10:30 a.m.  Note the tweet about cell towers being down. However SMS Short Message Service can usually get through.

27 Bomb threat reported May 6 2010 Found via tweetdeck keyword search
Note the spped of the reporting and how the user even comments on conversation around, giving the viewer the possibility for great information gathering.

28 On Sept 28, 2010 The University of Texas an active shooting took place
On Sept 28, 2010 The University of Texas an active shooting took place. As soon as the shooting began, the school sent out text messages to all students and teachers, warning them to stay away from the library, where the suspect is hiding, and stay indoors until it was deemed safe to go outside. After it was found that the gunman committed suicide, the school put a message on his website that the school was closed and that all classes were canceled for the day.

29 So notice that this user not only took a picture, she gave the exact location of the police resources.

30 On Sep 1, 2010 ... Radical environmentalist James Lee took three hostages at the DiscoveryChannel HQ in Maryland. Many of the surrounding building were immediately locked down. The bored occupants began tweeting to their friends what was goin on. In this picture you can see where the Mobile command post was parked.

31 This picture shows a sniper hidden from view of bad guy, but not from mobile cameras.

32 So here we are getting actionable intell from many that are faceless

33 The stigma of general population being sheeople has been overthrown literally with governments.

34 Expectations of government.

35 Where do you begin?

36 Works for events






42 Finance/Admin. Section Incident Commander
Branches Air Ops Branch Divisions Groups Operations Section Single Resource Task Force Strike Team Resources Unit Planning Section Demob. Situation Doc. Unit Logistics Section Finance/Admin. Section Compensation Claims Unit Procurement Cost Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Safety Commun. Medical Food Service Support Staging Area Supply Facilities Ground Time Intelligence / Information So I bought in, how does it fit?

43 Intelligence/Investigations Function
Based on the incident needs, the information and investigations function may be activated as a fifth Section, as an element within the Operations or Planning Sections, or as part of the Command Staff. Planning Section Resources Unit Demobilization Situation Documentation Unit Intel/Investigations Incident Commander Intel/Investigations Officer Intel/Investigations Branch Operations Section Intell / info Operations Section Planning Logistics Finance/Admin. Intel/Investigations Section



46 Cool advanced tech pictures follow



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