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September 2007 ELT Oran.

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1 September 2007 ELT Oran

2 SE 3 New Prospects Coursebook The overall approach remains :
Competency-based Learner-centred Project-based Coursebook

3 New Prospects SE 3 Coursebook Interacting Interpreting producing
It aims at developing the three competencies: Interacting Interpreting producing The focus is on negotiation of meaning, observing, reflecting, analysing, synthesising as well as assessing through “ inductive learning” individually and with peers. Coursebook

4 New Prospects SE 3 Coursebook Suggested Themes ×
M / TM / SE / GE Ph&L / LLE 1. Ancient Civilisations × 2. Ethics in Business: Fighting Fraud and Corruption 3. Education in the World: Comparing Educational Systems 4. Advertising, Consumers and Safety 5. Astronomy and the Solar System 6. Feelings and Emotions, Humour and Related Topics Coursebook

5 New Prospects Rubrics’ General Aims AIMS

6 Pronunciation and spelling
Listen & Consider Getting started To access and activate students’ background knowledge of the topic Let’s hear it To listen and respond Sequence Around the text To exploit the text for language use and focus on its grammatical and lexical content Pronunciation and spelling To increase students’ understanding of the sound-spelling relationships 1 Think, pair, share To interact with peers then produce

7 Pronunciation and spelling
Read & Consider Getting started A brainstorming session Taking a close look To read a passage silently to look at its content and form Sequence Around the text To exploit the reading text for language use and focus on its grammatical and lexical content Pronunciation and spelling To increase students’ understanding of the sound-spelling relationships 2 Think, pair, share To interact with peers for a particular purpose

8 (2) Sequence Take a break
A lighter side rubric for students to relax before moving to the next sequence Sequence Research & Report To encourage students to look for information, collaborate and be ready for their final task ( the project) (2)

9 3 Sequence Listen & Speak Before listening As you listen
To prepare students for an aural text through pre listening activities As you listen To listen for gist then for details Sequence After listening A post listening stage in which students confirm their understanding Saying it in writing A transitional rubric for it prepares students for the next sequence 3

10 4 Sequence Read & Write Before reading As you read Writing development
To activate students’ pre existing knowledge As you read To read for a purpose Sequence After reading To confirm comprehension Writing development To use language outcomes , skills and strategies outcomes to do the writing tasks 4

11 Two more important parts of the unit
Project Outcomes assessment

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