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27th February 2018 Ross brevitt

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1 27th February 2018 Ross brevitt
Maths parent workshop 27th February 2018 Ross brevitt

2 Concrete or pictorial representations support students to understand abstract concepts
Children need to start with real objects (concrete), move onto visual representations of those objects (pictorial), and once full understanding is gained, move to abstract methods (no visual support)

3 Real objects Bead strings Dienes apparatus Unifix Numicon Counting
Sorting grouping Dienes apparatus Unifix Place value Addition and subtraction Counting Addition and subtraction Grouping Patterns Sorting Numicon Number bonds Addition and subtraction Ordering

4 Bar Modelling Drawing dienes Number lines Part-whole model 100-square
Calculation Solving problems Part-whole model Addition and subtraction Place value Addition and subtraction with ‘exchanging’ 100-square Number patterns Place value Addition and subtraction Number lines Addition and subtraction Ordering

5 Part-whole model Column methods Missing box questions

6 Year 1 addition = 18 Add one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20

7 Year 1 addition = 18 Add one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20

8 Year 2 addition Add two-digit numbers = 71

9 Year 2 addition = 71 Add two-digit numbers

10 Year 2 addition = 71 Add two-digit numbers

11 Year 1 Subtraction Subtract two-digit number and one-digit numbers 17 – 5 = 12 ?

12 Year 1 Subtraction Subtract two-digit number and one-digit numbers 17 – 5 = 12

13 Year 2 Subtraction 34 – 15 = 19 Subtract two-digit numbers

14 Year 2 Subtraction 34 – 15 = 19 Subtract two-digit numbers

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