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Presentation on theme: "TEXAS 4-H LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is leadership Leadership is a process by which one group member exerts positive influence over other members, it is the ability to help oneself and others achieve goals through guidance and influence.

3 Leaders Lead in Different Ways
Some feel driven to accomplish immediate tasks Some are more concerned with relationships in their organization Some involve members at all stages of a task Some decide everything themselves Some never change their leadership styles while some freely adapt to changing situations

4 4-H Leadership Experiences
4-H Club Office Serving on committees Promoting the 4-H program to other youth Participation in county, district or state 4-H committees, councils, etc.

5 Leadership Opportunities
Leadership is a part of every project. It is your duty as a 4-H member to develop leadership skills. Here are some opportunities: Present and display your project work in schools and in your community Assist individual members with their projects Conduct interviews Help plan and conduct workshops Serve as a chair of your project group Teach groups about project work Organize a 4-H project club Conduct project contests in the local 4-H club Assist volunteer leaders with project

6 Leadership Opportunities, continued. . . .
Set up a project tour for your club Assist with county contests Serve as a project leader for your club Recruit new members into your project Write an article for your local newspaper Serve as a group leader during a workshop or tour Secure a county donor for your 4-H project Teach disabled children about your project Develop a business related to your project Develop a slide set or a video about a certain part of your project

7 Leaders 4 Life The goal of the Leaders 4 Life Program is to provide the necessary “tools”, to aid current leadership in the development of training future leaders. Leaders 4 Life provides resources to equip counties in conducting high quality leadership training, parliamentary procedure training, and service learning projects.

8 Clothing and Textiles Advisory Board
4-H members have an opportunity to help determine and expand the 4-H clothing program Help provide and implement special activities and new project ideas Provide the leadership and coordination of the State contests at Texas 4-H Roundup

9 Equine Ambassadors Have the opportunity to develop and practice advanced leadership skills related to mentoring other youth Become advocates for the equine industry in Texas

10 Livestock Ambassadors
Opportunity to learn more about the livestock industry Serve as a mentor and practice advanced leadership with other youth Become advocates for animal agriculture

11 Shooting Sports Ambassadors
Ambassadors that specifically represent Texas 4-H Shooting Sports Help with public relations at special events Serve as a expert in the field of Shooting Sports with 4-H groups, schools, and media contacts. Serve as spokespersons for the 4-H Shooting Sports program Help make 4-H shooting sports programs more visible

12 Texas 4-H Council 4-H members elected by their peers to represent 12 districts across Texas Serve as an ambassador for the Texas 4-H program Members represent the organization statewide while working with Extension faculty to plan, coordinate, and facilitate activities and events.

13 Technology Team State-wide team who work in youth-adult partnership structure to promote, educate and inspire other in the area of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics Team meets throughout the year to develop program areas such as robotics, photography, movie making, and television production.

14 Water Ambassadors Opportunity to gain advanced knowledge and practice leadership skills related to the science, technology, engineering, and management of water in Texas.

15 National 4-H Conference
Yearly opportunity for 4-H members from all over the nation to gather together and discuss societal topics. April 7-12, 2018

16 Texas 4-H Roundup Texas 4-H Roundup is a qualifying and invitational event for youth who placed in a district level roundup or signed up to compete in one of the invitational events.

17 Texas 4-H Congress Texas 4-H Congress allows 4-H members to experience the law making process first hand by writing, submitting, and then serving as a member of the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Press, or as a Lobbyist.

18 One Day 4-H Lend a hand to your community on One Day 4-H. This event allows 4-H members, parents, and volunteers help their community through service projects.

19 National 4-H Congress The National 4-H Congress is a gathering of a national design team of extension educators, 4-H members, and 4-H volunteers who together examine issues affecting youth and try to develop methods to address those issues. November in Atlanta, GA

20 Texas 4-H Leadership Conference
The Texas 4-H Leadership Conference, also known as “Texas Record Book Trip” is a recognition event for senior level 4-H members (grades 9-12) who have placed first at the state levels in one of the 29 4-H Record Book categories. November in Washington, D.C.


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