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SWBAT :Develop an understanding of sexually transmitted infections/diseases. Do Now: Shake hands and get as many names as you can on your index card….

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Presentation on theme: "SWBAT :Develop an understanding of sexually transmitted infections/diseases. Do Now: Shake hands and get as many names as you can on your index card…."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWBAT :Develop an understanding of sexually transmitted infections/diseases.
Do Now: Shake hands and get as many names as you can on your index card…. You only have 30 sec. the person who has the most will get a prize 


3 Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Cervical cancer Females (only) Genital warts (males and females) 100 different types Skin to skin contact

4 HPV warts in mouth

5 Remember me Warts HPV

6 Vaccine Gardasil for males and females ages 9-26

7 CHLAMYDIYA: STI caused by bacterium chlamydia trachomatis
Discharge Burning during urination PID /infertility

8 Gonorrhea: STI caused by bacteria neisseria Gonorrhoeae that live in warm moist areas of the body.

9 Herpes: Viral Simplex 1 and 2
Simplex 1 –mostly outbreaks on or around mouth Simplex 2 –mostly on or around genitals or body

10 Hepatitis B&C: viral STI that attacks the liver.

11 What do you think these people have?

12 Syphilis: STI caused by the bacterium treponema pallidum ,and it progresses in stages
1) Chancre sore, 2) rash, 3) internal damage

13 Trichomoniasis : STI caused by a parasite
Burning Discharge Odor

14 Pubic lice: “Crabs” tiny parasite that infest the genital area of humans.

15 Scabies: infestation of the skin with microscopic mites called sarcoptes scabiei.
Sharing bedding Clothing Prolonged skin to skin contact

16 Abstinence What will you choose?

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