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Events Leading up to the War of 1812

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1 Events Leading up to the War of 1812
Britain and France were yet again at war (for almost 20 years) Former Thirteen Colonies was now the United States of America; a nation completely independent from the colonies to the north that made up British North America British still did not recognize the Americans as equals Seen as former colonists; almost like children.

2 Tensions High British saw the USA as a threat to:
their profitable fur trade the colonies BNA’s entire population numbered less than 500,000 people compared to the USA which numbered over 8 million Americans were upset: the European ports were blockaded so they were unable to deliver their cargo loss of trading privileges within the British Empire British fleets consistently disrupted their shipping routes British provided military support for First Nations who were resisting American expansion into the Northwest.

3 Key Events of the War

4 The Details Fought between the US and the British Empire (particularly Great Britain and BNA) from US started it Not completely united in their cause (ex. New England) Second time that the US invaded Canada and failed British army was equally as unsuccessful The war lasted for over two years, and it ended much like it started Came to be known as “The War that Nobody Won”

5 The Conclusion of the War
The Treaty of Ghent, signed on Dec. 24, 1814 (currently in Belgium) officially ended the war Due to the era's slow speed of communication, it took weeks for the news to reach America, well after the Battle of New Orleans (the last battle of the war) had begun.

6 In-Class Assignment Read pages in Canada Revisited and answer the following: What were the results and lasting impacts of the war of 1812?

7 Results of the War of 1812 Future US immigrants were discouraged from immigrating north (BNA) The border between the USA and BNA was stabilized British attitude change  USA as a sovereign nation Americans turned their attention towards expanding southward and westward A small feeing of unity began in the Canadas Both the French and the English had fought side by side against the Americans The war and treaty was devastating to all of the eastern First Nations  reservations Heightened hostilities that lead to many, albeit, unsuccessful wars for First Nations autonomy, independence, and full legal treatment

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