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Vaccine development for pandemic influenza

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1 Vaccine development for pandemic influenza
John Treanor University of Rochester

2 Antibody against the HA and NA are major components of influenza immunity
Neuraminidase (NA) Hemagglutinin (HA) Cell surface receptor

3 Antibody against the HA and NA are major components of influenza immunity
Functions of HA antibody Prevention of attachment Postattachment events Functions of NA antibody Prevention of cell spread Reduced severity of illness Other mechanisms M2 antibody Cellular responses

4 Pandemic influenza vaccine: Background information
Pandemics result from emergence of influenza A viruses with new HA and/or NA Avian viruses are the source of H1-H16 and N1-N9 H5 and H7 viruses come in two types: highly pathogenic (HPAIV) and low pathogenicity (LPAIV) The structure of the HA cleavage site determines HP – multiple basic aa = HPAIV Antibody against the HA is neutralizing and protective – main goal of immunization is to induce HA antibody There is significant antigenic variation in the HA of current H5 viruses

5 Priority list of avian viruses with pandemic potential
H5: HPAIV, current human cases, high pathogenicity H7: HPAIV, human outbreaks, generally mild disease H9: Some documented human cases, generally mild disease H2: No current human cases, still circulates in birds, proven pandemic potential H6: No human cases, but contributed genes to current H5 viruses

6 Options for Pandemic Vaccines
Similarity to current vaccines Inactivated vaccine resembling currently licensed inactivated vaccine (+/- licensed adjuvant) Live vaccine resembling currently licensed live vaccine Inactivated vaccines with experimental adjuvants/route of administration Experimental approaches (DNA vaccines, peptides, vectors) CLOSER FARTHER

7 Strategies for production of H5 vaccine seed viruses
Problem: HPAIV are lethal for eggs, must be used under high levels of containment Use antigenically related LPAIV (e.g., Duck/Singapore/97, H5N3) Use expressed recombinant protein (e.g., rHA A/HK/156/97) Use reverse genetics techniques to alter HA cleavage site (e.g., rg A/VN/1203/04 x PR8)

8 Antibody response to egg-grown A/Duck/Singapore/77 (H5N3) without adjuvant
Study day H5N3 Neutralization GMT Nicholson et al Lancet 357:1937, 2001

9 Recombinant rHA H5 Vaccine
H5N1 HA Gene Recombinant Baculovirus Insect cell expressing rHA RBCs Purified rHA H5 SDS-PAGE

10 Two doses of rH5 A/HK/156/97 vaccine resulted in a 50% MN response rate
Percent responding* * 4-fold or greater increase to a titter of 1:80 with positive WB Vaccine 19:1732, 2001

11 sanofi pasteur H5N1 vaccine virus
1. Engineer the cleavage site A/Vietnam/1203/04 2. Change internal genes to PR8 rgA/Vietnam/1203/04xPR8

12 Geometric Mean Titer (GMT)
Serum neutralizing antibody after one and two doses of H5N1 subvirion vaccine Geometric Mean Titer (GMT) 8 16 32 64 128 Treanor et al NEJM 354:1342; 2006

13 Reverse cumulative distribution of HAI antibody at day 56 (28 days after dose 2)
Percent at above indicated titer 44% (34%, 55%) Reciprocal HAI titer Treanor et al NEJM 354:1342; 2006

14 Factors affecting response rates
Receipt of TIV in the previous fall (significantly lower responses) Age > 40 years (significantly lower responses) Male (significantly lower rates) Multivariate analysis pending

15 Modeling of the post-vaccination MN response controlling for prior TIV, gender, dose, visit 1 result, and age p=.0003 (Adjusted for multiple comparisons) p=.0057 Adjusted ln neutralization titer at day 56 No TIV TIV DMID

16 Response to H5 compared to inactivated vaccine in children
HAI GMT Percent responding 69% 84% 43% Percent > 40 50% 69% 44% Antigen A/Nanchang/933/95 (H3) A/Texas/36/91 (H1) A/Vietnam/1203/04 (H5) Pre 5.3 4.6 5.1 Post 28.9 70.3 27.7 Responses to H1 and H3 viruses in 36 children 6 mo to 18 mo of age after two doses of TIV (15 mcg per HA) 1996, unpublished Responses to H5 in 102 adults 18 to 64 years of age receiving two doses of 90 mcg NEJM 354: 1343, 2006

17 A 90 mcg dose in perspective
Doses of licensed and experimental vaccines administered in multi-dose regimens to unprimed individuals Vaccine Subvirion H5N1 Tetanus Pertussis Hepatitis B HPV VLP rPA (Anthrax) rGP120 (HIV) Dose (mcg) 90 15 10-40 20-40 50-100 Comment (based on Lf) PT component of aP Experimental All vaccines, except H5N1, administered with alum or other adjuvants

18 Effects of dose on vaccine availability
Current US manufacturing: ~60M x 45 mcg = 2700M mcg 90 mcg x 2 = 180 mcg = 15M 2-dose vaccines HHS goal requires 20-fold increase in US manufacturing capacity Persons vaccinated (M) Pandemic week

19 Strategies towards improved vaccination against pandemic infuenza
Alternative route of administration (intradermal) Addition of adjuvants Booster doses Live vaccines

20 Aluminum based adjuvants
Category of aluminum salts (e.g., aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxide) or mixtures Mechanism of action not defined, but depends on binding of antigen to the aluminum Widely used in human vaccines, including pediatrics, licensed in most countries Not currently used for inactivated influenza vaccines

21 Evaluation of alum adjuvanted vs unadjuvanted (aqueous) H1N1 vaccine in H1 naïve adults (1977)
GMT HI Antibody (% >40) after 9 mcg split H1N1 SC (58%) (93%) (27%) (70%) 4 16 64 128 GMT Nicholson J Biolog Standard 7:123, 1979

22 GMT day 42 post vaccination HAI antibody
Effect of aluminum hydroxide on responses to A/VN/1194/04 (H5N1) subvirion vaccine 8 16 32 64 7.5 mcg 15 mcg 30 mcg Alum HA dose GMT day 42 post vaccination HAI antibody Bresson et al Lancet 367:1367, 2006

23 Immunogenicity of a whole virus vaccine formulated with alum
Dose of whole virion vaccine + alum Percent with > 4- fold HAI response after 2 doses Lin et al Lancet 2006

24 Oil-in-water emulsion – MF59
ANTIGEN No real benefits in young adults, modest improvements in flu response in elderly Increased local pain and irritation Licensed in some countries SQUALENE TWEEN 80 SPAN 65

25 Significant enhancement of the response to H5N3 virus with MF59
4 8 16 32 64 H5N3 Neutralization GMT Vaccine dose group Nicholson et al Lancet 357:1937, 2001

26 Serum HAI responses to H9N2 subvirion vaccine formulated with or without MF59
4 8 16 32 64 128 256 GMT HAI antibody day 56 Vaccine Dose Group Atmar et al CID 43:1135, 2006

27 Additional adjuvants in development
AS03 (GSK) Adjuvant “A” (sanofi) CPG (Coley, others) ISCOM (CSL) Transdermal LT (Iomai) Others

28 Strategies towards improved vaccination against pandemic infuenza
Alternative route of administration (intradermal) Addition of adjuvants Booster doses Live vaccines

29 Enhanced antibody responses following a third dose of H5N3 vaccine -/+ MF59
Microneutralization GMT Stephenson et al, Vaccine 21:1687, 2003

30 Evaluation of priming with an antigenic variant: schematic of study design
1998 2005 UR-98012 A/HK/156/97 rH5 DMID Healthy recipients of any rH5 rgA/VN/1203/04 H5-PRIMED Placebo 25 ug x 2 45 ug x 2 90 ug x 2 90 ug x 1 + 10 ug x 1 Placebo excluded 90 ug x 1 37 subjects This diagram shows a schematic of the study design. H5-primed subjects were derived from our original study, denoted as UR 98012, which was conducted in In that study, subjects were randomized to receive placebo or rH5 at either two doses of 25 mcg, two doses of 45 mcg, two doses of 90 mcg, or one dose of 90 mcg followed by one dose of 10 mcg, at intervals of 21, 28, or 42 days. Subjects who received any active vaccine were considered H5-primed and were recruited to participate in the current study (DMID ). All subjects received a single dose of 90 mcg of A/VN/1203/04 vaccine in open label fashion. Their results are compared to those of H5-naïve individuals who had received two doses of 90 mcg of A/Vietnam/1203/04 vaccine in study DMID 147 subjects DMID Vaccine 19:1732, 2001 rgA/VN/1203/04 H5-NAIVE 90 ug x 2 103 subjects NEJM 354:1343, 2006 CLADE 3 CLADE 1

31 Serum neutralizing (NT) antibody responses following one or two doses of H5 vaccine in naïve subjects or following a single dose in H5 vaccine-primed subjects 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 H5 NAIVE H5 PRIMED DMID DMID GMT NT Antibody 90 mcg 5.1 8.3 22.9 6.4 93.8 68.9 This slides show the neutralizing antibody responses in H5-naïve subjects shown in the left and the H5-primed subjects shown in the right, with 95% confidence intervals. Neutralizing titers after a single 90 mcg dose in H5 primed subjects were also higher than after one or even two doses of 90 mcg in vaccine naïve subjects

32 Advantages and disadvantages of priming
Current strategies generally depend on two doses (naïve population) Logistically difficult in face of pandemic Requires twice as much vaccine Pre-priming would require less vaccine when pandemic occurs, easier response, possibly some protection Requires decision to administer potentially unnecessary vaccine Priming vaccine would not match pandemic strain, but multiple priming experiences might broaden response

33 Strategies towards improved vaccination against pandemic infuenza
Alternative route of administration (intradermal) Addition of adjuvants Booster doses Live vaccines

34 Rapid attenuation of new antigenic variants by genetic reassortment

35 Live vaccine is especially efficacious in unprimed, immunologically naïve subjects
Attack rate (%) Antigenic relatedness of vaccine and circulating virus 89.2 (67.7 to 97.4) 79.2 (70.6 to 85.7) 16.1 (-7.7 to 34.7) Relative protective efficacy of CAIV compared to TIV A/H3N2 A/H1N1 B Belshe et al NEJM 356:685-96, 2007

36 Live vaccines Conventional CAIV are highly immunogenic in susceptible populations Higher levels of protection Potential use of low doses Induction of mucosal immunity might reduce shedding, halt transmission Broader cross protection Overattenuation is possible Concerns about transmission But…..

37 Experimental Approaches
DNA Vaccines Live viral vectors (e.g., adenovirus, alphavirus replicons) Expressed protein/virus-like particles Cross protective peptides/epitopes Nasal inactivated vaccines Alternative live vaccines

38 H5 vaccines: summary Likely licensure of sanofi 90 mcg vaccine is only a first step Multiple simultaneous approaches to improved vaccines are being explored Advances in H5 vaccines may be translated into better control of seasonal influenza

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