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EEL 4713/EEL 5764 Computer Architecture

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1 EEL 4713/EEL 5764 Computer Architecture
Required Textbook: Computer Organization & Design, by Patterson and Hennessy, 3rd Ed. Spring Semester 2005 Instructor: Dr. Michael Frank 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

2 Competency Areas The Course Instructional Objectives cover six competency areas: 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

3 Competency Areas Computer System Components:
Identify important parts of a computer system and classify them according to the five components of a computer Performance Metrics: Calculate and interpret different performance and cost metrics of computer systems. 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

4 Competency Areas Programming & Coding Methods: Computer Arithmetic:
* Derive binary MIPS RISC processor code from assembler coding and verify with software simulation tools * Derive assembler code from an equivalent C-code representation. Computer Arithmetic: * Calculate floating point and two’s complement number conversion and solve arithmetic equations in two’s complement. * Analyze the datapath and control of an arithmetic logic unit. * Design and implement multiplication and division algorithms. 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

5 Competency Areas Processor & Datapath Control: Cache Architectures:
Analyze a multicycle datapath of a MIPS microprocessor. Cache Architectures:      Identify, analyze and design optimal cache architectures for a given need. 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

6 Assignment #1 Sign the Prerequisite form and turn it in to me before the end of class today. Go to Blackboard Course Web page and verify and/or self-enroll in the class. Obtain the textbook (3rd edition) and read chapter 1. 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

7 Computer Abstractions and Technology
Computers have led to the information revolution or technological movement. Technologies used in computers (Fig. 1.13): Computer technology (in terms of memory capacity and processor speed) is a rapidly changing field quadrupling every 3 years! (aka The DRAM Growth Rule  4 times every 3 years). Vacuum Tubes (1951) Transistor (1965) IC (1975) VLSI (1995) 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

8 Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology
Innovative computer systems have led to the development of applications that until recently were economically infeasible: Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) Laptop Computers The Internet Computer performance has been a primary concern for computer architects and programmers (memory versus speed). 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

9 Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology
Major goals of this text: To understand how computers work by understanding machine language; 2. To understand the internal organization of computers; 3. To identify and evaluate performance metrics for a computers and their programs; 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

10 Inside a computer (The Big Picture)
Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology Computer Abstractions and Technology What is a computer? Inside a computer (The Big Picture) Five Classic Components of a Computer: Memory where programs are kept when they are running; also contains data needed by programs Control one of two components of processor that tells memory, datapath, and I/O devices what to do Datapath one of two components of processor that performs arithmetic operations Input Devices devices that supply input to the computer such as the keyboard and the mouse Output Devices devices, such as printer and monitor, that convey the result of a computation to the user Control Datapath Input Output Memory 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

11 Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology
Computers communicate using machine language which is a binary representation of electrical signals (1 and 0). Binary digits are known as bits. Since computers only follow commands, we say the individual commands are called instructions. For example: is an instruction that tells a computer to add two numbers (more in chapter 3). 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

12 Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology
Bits are used to represent both instructions and data. Initially only binary numbers are used to design and program computers, however this became tedious. Hence, the development of assembly language and high-level programming languages. The notion of low-level and high-level programming is a common approach to hardware and software system design. A system that consists of hierarchical layers with each lower layer hiding the details from the layer above it is known as abstraction. 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

13 Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology
Example High-level Language (in C) A + B (High-level Instruction) Compiler add A, B Assembly Language Program (Assembly Language Statement) Assembler (Binary Instruction) Binary Machine Language 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

14 Instruction Set Architecture
Computer Abstractions and Technology Chapter 1 Computer Abstractions and Technology Instruction Set Architecture INSTRUCTION SET ARCHITECTURE (ISA) Important interface between hardware and low-level software standardizes instructions, machine language bit patterns, etc. advantage: different implementations of the same architecture disadvantage: sometimes prevents using new innovations Modern instruction set architectures: 80x86/Pentium, PowerPC, DEC Alpha, MIPS, SPARC, HP 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

15 Computer Abstractions and Technology
The remainder of the semester will consist of development and understanding of the six competency areas: Computer System Components Performance Metrics Programming & Coding Methods Computer Arithmetic Processor Datapath Control Cache Architectures 11/18/2018 EEL 4713 & 5764, Spr. '05, M. Frank

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