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Inter-Service Postal Training Activity

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1 Inter-Service Postal Training Activity
INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDANCE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment and time. Perform Postal Functions Effective Date Not Assigned 805C-CJAF5242 / Version 5 Including This All Courses SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 7C-SI/ASI4J/500- Course Number Version Course Title Lesson 5.0 Course Created on Wed Oct 12 15:37:31 EDT ASIF5 Taught(*) or Task(s) 2011 Task Number Task Title Supported Task(s) Task Number Task Title Reinforced None 805C-LF Prepare Mail Transportation Documentation 805C-LF Process Mail 805C-LF Close a Registry Section 805C-LF Dispatch Outgoing Registered Mail 805C-LF Deliver Registered Mail 805C-LF Maintain Postal Supplies 805C-LF Conduct Postal Directory Functions 805C-LF Provide Postal Security 805C-LF Operate a Postal Service Center 805C-LF Report Suspected Postal Incidents Knowledge Id Title Taught Required Skill Id Title Taught Required The administrative/academic hours required to teach this lesson are as follows: Administrative/Academic Hours 1 Yes 12 hrs 40 mins Practical Exercise (Hands-On) Academic Resident Hours / Methods Yes 2 hrs 25 mins Test Yes 0 hrs 25 mins Test Review Yes 0 hrs 10 mins Conference/Discussion Total Hours: 16 hrs 0 mins ________________________________________________________________________ Number Hours Lesson Number Test Lesson Lesson(s) Lesson Number Lesson Title Prerequisite 805C-CJAF5216 Process Registered Mail 805C-CJAF5230 Conduct Postal Directory Functions 805C-CJAF5221 Prepare Mail Transportation Documentation 805C-CJAF5218 Process Mail 805C-CJAF5240 Maintain Postal Supplies 805C-CJAF5232 Operate a Postal Service Center U - Unclassified. Security Level: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: Training Material Classification FD1. The materials contained in this training event/course have been reviewed by the developers in coordination with the Fort Jackson / Soldier Support Institute FD authority. This training event/course is releasable to students from all requesting foreign countries without restrictions. Foreign Disclosure Restrictions DOD M DoD Postal Manual 15 Aug 2002 DMM Domestic Mail Manual References Number Title Date Additional Information Manual POM Postal Operations Student Study Information USPS POS103 Postage Rates, Fees and Instructor Assignment None Support Additional Requirements None Requirements Personnel Ratio Qty Student Name Hours Man Required Equipment 2 for Instruction Ratio ID - Name Student PAD,RUBBER STAMP INKING Ratio Spt Qty Exp - SPECIAL HANDLING Small Stamp 0:0 0:0 No 0 - SPECIAL DELIVERY Small Stamp - INSURED - elliptical Large Stamp REQUESTED - RETURN RECEIPT Small Stamp Large Stamp showing addres where delivered - Return receipt requested - Return Receipt Requested Large Stamp - PAL Large Stamp - RESTRICTED DELIVERY Small Stamp - FIRST CLASS Small Stamp Series 2000, Model 2050, IRT C-PVI - Unisys 0:0 0:0 Yes 0 (PVI) Postage Validation Imprinter Model 2050, Keyboard IRT Unisys Series 2000, Retail Terminal (IRT) 2000, Model 2050, Integrated IRT2050-CPU - Unisys Series Display 2000, Model 2050, Customer's IRT2050M07 - Unisys Series 2000, Model 2050, Clerk's IRT2050M12 - Unisys Series Printer 2000, Model 2050, Receipt IRT2050PTR - Unisys Series Reader (Wand) 2000, Model 2050, Barcode IRT Unisys Series Materials (Note: Asterisk before ID indicates a TADSS.) Student Materials: Lesson Plan / Slides; Mock Post Office Scenarios; Test Required Instructor Materials: Training Area, Classroom, 3 and Range ID - Name Quantity Student Mins Setup Cleanup Ammunition 1 2:30 5 5 General Instruction Classroom, 30 Person Requirements DODIC - Name Exp Instruct Qty Spt \ Instructional Instr Type(I:S Ratio/Qty): F5 Certified Instructor (1:30/2) Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion SECTION II. INTRODUCTION Instructional Strategy: Large Group Instruction Time of Instruction: 5 mins distribution of personal and official mail within the Department of Defense. Armed Forces post offices provide postal services to members of the Armed Forces and DoD civilians, including their accompanying family members. As a Military Postal Clerk, you are responsible for uniform worldwide postal practices and procedures to ensure accurate processing, transportation, and distribution of military mail. Motivator: It is your mission is to achieve efficient and responsive processing, transportation, and Perform Postal Functions Phase 1 June 2018

LESSON OUTCOME: Students will perform postal functions IAW USPS and DOD directives/guidance in support of postal operations. The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: ACTION: Perform Postal Functions Conditions: In a Mock Post Office environment; given access to Standard USPS and DoD Postal supplies, equipment, publications, charts, forms and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: Accept and process domestic mail, conduct postal directory functions, maintain postal supplies, maintain a stamp stock, and prepare claims and inquiry forms. Students are required to receive a "GO" on all hands-on exercises in the Mock Post Office and receive a minimum passing score of 75% on a written / performance based examination. Terminal Learning Objective Action: Perform Postal Functions Conditions: In a Mock Post Office environment; given access to Standard USPS and DoD Postal supplies, equipment, publications, charts, forms and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: Accept and process domestic mail, conduct postal directory functions, maintain postal supplies, maintain a stamp stock, and prepare claims and inquiry forms. Students are required to receive a "GO" on all hands-on exercises in the Mock Post Office and receive a minimum passing score of 75% on a written /performance based examination. The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent. Safety Requirements: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with ATP 5-19, Risk Management. Leaders will complete the current Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet (DD Form 2977) in accordance with the TRADOC Safety Officer during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection, FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Decontamination. Assessment: Low risk. Electrical shock. Risk Assessment Level Low - Back injury. Leader Actions: Leaders will conduct a Risk assessment and ensure students use proper lifting techniques when moving heavy parcels and inspect electrical equipment and outlets for frayed Inspect electrical equipment and outlets. Controls: Ensure students use proper lifting techniques. or broken wires before energizing and use. IAW FM , Environmental Considerations {MCRP 4-11B}, and ensure students are briefed on hazards and control measures. Environmental Statement: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTALRELATED RISK ASSESSMENT Environmental Considerations: Instructor should conduct a Risk Assessment to include Environmental Considerations scenario based examination with a minimum passing score of 75%. Evaluation Students must receive a "GO" on the Mock Post Office hands-on exercise and pass a written / Lead-in Military post offices (MPOs) are branches of a U.S. civil post office, operated by the Army, Instructional Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps to serve military personnel overseas or aboard ships. MPOs provide postal service for military personnel where the U.S. civil postal service does not operate and a military situation requires the service. During this lesson, you will review all previous lessons and operate a Mock Military Post Office. Instructor to Student Ratio: 2:30 Method of Instruction: Practice Exercises 1. Learning Step 1 / Activity 1. Mock Post Office Media: Simulation Time of Instruction: 8 hrs Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) At the completion of this lesson, you [the student] will: Action: Perform Mock Post Office Scenarios Conditions: In a Mock Post Office environment; given access to Standard USPS and DoD Postal supplies, equipment, publications, charts, forms and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. 3. PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition 2. Flexible Credit Account to be Audited 1. Integrated Retail Terminal (IRT) 4. PS Form 1096, Receipt 7. PS Form 3369, Consigned Credit Receipt 6. PS Form 3368, Stamp Credit Examination Record 5. PS Form 3294, Cash and Stock Count Summary 10. Student Handout 9. All Purpose Dating Stamp (APDS) and Stamp Pad 8. PS Form 3977, Duplicate Key Inventory STANDARDS: Students will review the following tasks IAW DOD M, to achieve a minimum of 80% accuracy on the End of Course Exam. - Conduct an Audit of a Flexible Credit Stock. - Receipt for a Flexible Credit Stock. - Operate an IRT. - Exchange Damaged Stock. - Replenish a Stamp Stock. 21st Century Soldier Competencies are outlined in Appendix C of TRADOC Pamphlet (The U.S. Army Learning Concept for 2015) are general areas of competence or attributes required by Students and leaders to prevail in complex, uncertain environments. Together, they provide a foundation for operational adaptability. Evaluation: Instructors will conduct observations for every section of the Mock Post Office and inform students of ‘No Go’ or ‘Go’. NOTE: show slide- Mock Post Office Overview/Exercise Perform Postal Functions PH 1

3 Operational Variables (OE)
Note: Instructor will give an Personal Experience, scenario and or ask students how the different OE variables listed above will affect how we accomplish the mission. Purpose: Inform students of the different Operational variables that may affect the mission. To insure students have adequate knowledge of the possible operating environment, Conditions, Circumstances and influences that may affect the employment of the capabilities of the mission. Slide: Should generate a brief discussion. No longer than three minutes Publishing document: Training Circular TC *** Breaks down OE Variables further. Perform Postal Functions PH 1

4 Mock Post Office Overview / Exercise
Note to Instructor: In slide show presentation mode, click on the picture open the link and play the video. SECTION III. PRESENTATION TLO - LSA 1. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 1. Overview of Mock PO Method of Instruction: Practical Exercise (Hands-On) Instr Type(I:S Ratio/Qty): F5 Certified Instructor(1:15/2)* Time of Instruction: 1 hr 40 mins Instructional Strategy: Large Group Instruction Media Type: Actual Equipment Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U - Unclassified. Note: Marked as (*) is derived from the parent learning object Note: Instruct students to: Conduct an overview of Mock Post Office operations / scenarios. Exercise documents are located on SharePoint: Check on Learning: NOTE: Check on Learning Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is the most secure means of mailing item(s)? A: Registered mail Q: What are the stipulations for Self-sealing envelopes? A: They are not accepted as registered mail, unless the are sealed with paper tape. Q: The fee to register an article is based upon what? A: The declared full value of the article. Review Summary: Conduct a Summary Review TLO - LSA 2. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 2. Administer Mock PO Scenarios and MESLS; Reset Mock PO Instruction Type(I:S Ratio/Qty): F5 Certified Instructor(1:15/2)* Time of Instruction: 6 hrs 0 min Note to Instructor: Administer Mock Post Office Scenarios and MESLS. Reset the Mock Post Office for future classes. Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: Insurance coverage and indemnity claims are NOT accepted in case of loss or damage for what type of mail service? A: Certified Mail Q: When using certified mail service, a FEE is collected in addition to what? A: In 7 addition to the appropriate First-Class or Priority mail postage any additional fee(s) for other services. Q: What step(s) do you take to enter certified mail into the IRT? A: Press the CERT/RECORD DEL key, press the PO METER/PVI key Perform Postal Functions PH 1

5 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Monitoring Supplies Supply clerks monitor supplies using PS Form 1586, Supply Record. A separate PS Form 1586 is maintained for each item used. Enter minimum and maximum levels in pencil to allow for adjustments. Monitoring Supplies MONITORING SUPPLIES. Supply clerks monitor supplies using PS Form 1586, Supply Record. Maintain a separate PS Form 1586 for each USPS supply item used. PS Form 1586 must reflect the following: The appropriate PS item/form number, a brief (item/form) description, unit of issue, source of supply, maximum and minimum levels, balance on hand; quantity issued, received and ordered. Some of this information is in USPS Publications 223 and 247. NOTE: Refer students to Student Handout pages 2 and 3 NOTE: Show Slide (PS Form 1586 showing Required Information) Perform Postal Functions PH 1

6 PS Form 1586 Showing Required Information
NOTE: Review PS Form 1586 NOTE: Enter maximum and minimum levels in pencil to allow for adjustment when requirements change. (Occasionally, the USPS will introduce a new item; this may cause deletion of another item. As supply clerk for your MPO, you must annotate changes in your supply catalog and on the PS Form You will read these changes in the Postal Bulletin your office receives on a biweekly basis.) NOTE: Show Slide (Inventory Control) Perform Postal Functions PH 1

7 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Inventory Control Establishes minimum and maximum stock quantity. MPOs should maintain at least a 3-month but not more than a 5-month level of supply. Ships should maintain at least a 5-month supply. NOTE: Review the Inventory Control functions with students. Inventory control establishes the minimum and maximum stock quantity. By maintaining an accurate stock level, you will have sufficient USPS postal supply items available at all times and not run out. Conduct inventory on a semiannual basis, as a minimum (during the months of January and July). This shows the need of supplies and the accuracy of the supply record. Record the inventory count on PS Form 1586. (1). Operating MPOs should maintain at least a 3-month but not more than a 5-month level of supplies. Consider the amount of time it takes to receive supplies from the Material Distribution Center. (2) If you are stationed on a Navy ship deployed for months, be sure you have enough postal supplies to last at least 5 months. NOTE: Show Slide (PS Form 1586 Showing Inventory Entry) Perform Postal Functions PH 1

8 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Inventory Entry 2018 25 JAN 650 INVENTORY NOTE: PS Form 1586 Showing Inventory Entry The example shows that the clerk counted 650 PS Form 3806s during inventory. This inventoried amount is the current balance on hand. Record this amount in the appropriate area. Note to Instructor: Briefly review with students that if the shipping order is not received or if they state the reason for non-shipment of an item the supply clerk should report the discrepancy to the Material Distribution Center. NOTE: Show Slide (Check on Learning) Perform Postal Functions PH 1

9 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Check on Learning When should supply clerks order supplies? When supply level falls below 3 month stock level If there are discrepancies on a shipping order who would the supply clerk report it too? COPE or Postmaster What is the amount of supplies that land based MPO should maintain on hand? 3 months but not more than 5 months When supply level falls below 3 month stock level COPE or Postmaster 3 months but not more than 5 months Perform Postal Functions PH 1

10 Definitions and Terms (1 of 2)
Military Mail United States Postal Service (USPS) Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) USPS and MPSA (Jointly) Military Postal Clerk (MPC) Transportation documents Transportation Control and Movement Document (TCMD) PS Form 2942-A/CN-38 (AV-7) Joint Military Postal Activities (JMPA) Space Available Mail (SAM) Enhanced Distribution Label (EDL) Universal Postal Union Label (UPU) Definitions and Terms a. Definitions and Term/or Descriptions of Responsibility. (1) Military mail - Any domestic or international mail which bares a military address, return address, and at some stage in its transmission, is in the possession of the Department of Defense (DoD). (2) U.S. Postal Service (USPS) - Establishes mail transportation policy in accordance with public law and maintains contracts with U.S. commercial air carriers to transport the majority of airworthy mail between the United States and military activities overseas. (3) Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA) - Responsible for ensuring military mail is transported in a responsive, economical and efficient manner in support of DoD missions. (4) USPS and MPSA (jointly) - Establish agreements with foreign air carriers to move DoD mail and could be as specific as flights and/or designated routes that a Military Post Office (MPO) may use when U.S. commercial air carriers and Air Mobility Command (AMC) is not available. (5) Military Postal Clerk (MPC) - Responsible for selecting the appropriate mode of transportation for his/her location and accurately completing the required transportation documents. (6) Transportation Documents - Serve as receipts, provide evidence of the number of pieces of mail, weight of the shipment, transportation points (origin and destination), and the specific carrier and flight information, the date of shipment and shipper information. (7) Transportation Control and Movement Document (TCMD), DD Form Used to receipt and dispatch mail. Acts as a receipt and provides data for payment to AMC and Military Sealift Command (MSC). (8) PS Form 2942-A/CN-38 (AV-7) - Delivery Bill generated for Military Retrograde/IDS and Diplomatic Retrograde consignments. This document is generated when a consignment is closed. (9) Joint Military Postal Activities (JMPA) - Used in conjunction with the MPSA to establish routes and contracted with the commercial air carriers to move military mail to its intended destination. (10) Space Available Mail (SAM) - Refers to parcels mailed to APO/FPO addresses at parcel post rates that are first transported domestically by surface and then to overseas destinations by air on a space available basis. (11) EDL (Enhanced Distribution Label): Unique destination barcode applied as a slide number. It will be scanned for Piece-to-Bag Nesting/Bag Closing/Bag Dispatching via AMPS. (12) Universal Postal Union (UPU) Label: This will generate when a bag/outside piece is assigned transportation. It is applied to bag/outside piece to provide transportation details and barcode tracking. NOTE: Show slide - Definitions and Terms (Cont.) Perform Postal Functions PH 1

11 Definitions and Terms (2 of 2)
Military International Dispatch and Accounting System (MIDAS) Automated Military Postal System (AMPS) Fleet Mail Center (FMC) Mail Control Activity (MCA) Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Military Post Office (MPO) – Mobile or Shore Based Fleet Post Office (FPO) Army/Air Force Post Office (APO) Air Mobility Command (AMC) Military Sealift Command (MSC) International Airport (IAP) Definitions and Terms (Cont.) (13) Military International Dispatch and Accounting System (MIDAS) - Used to receipt and dispatch mail. Acts as a receipt and provides data for payment to AMC and Military Sealift Command (MSC). (14) Automated Military Postal System (AMPS) - A web-based management tool that functions as a central repository for the information required to keep military post offices functioning such as aircraft flights, postal rules and regulations. (15) Fleet Mail Center (FMC) - Serves as a consolidated mail facility for mobile units and shore based facilities throughout the pacific theater. (16) Mail Control Activity (MCA) - Serves Navy and Air Force postal activities in Japan. (17) Military Mail Terminal (MMT) - Serves as the main postal distribution center throughout the Pacific. (18) Military Post Office (MPO) - post offices operated by Military Departments. (19) Fleet Post Office (FPO) - Military Post Offices operated or supported by the Navy, Marine Corps or U.S. Coast Guard. The term FPO is also used as a placeholder for the city on all items mailed thru the Military Postal Service to and from military activities outside the continental United States. (20) Army/Air Force Post Office (APO) - Military Post Offices operated or supported by the Army or Air Force. The term APO is also used as a placeholder for the city on all items mailed thru the Military Postal Service to and from military activities outside the continental United States. (21) Air Mobility Command (AMC) - Use of the Air Force to operate military cargo/passenger aircraft to carry passengers, cargo and mail where civilian flights won't/can't go. (22) Military Sealift Command (MSC) - Provide ocean transportation of equipment, fuel, supplies and ammunition to sustain U.S. forces worldwide during peacetime and in war for as long as operational requirements dictate. (23) International Airport (IAP) - Airports which host international and domestic flights. Such airports are usually larger, and often feature longer runways and facilities to accommodate the large aircraft commonly used for international or intercontinental travel. NOTE: Accurate documentation of Army/Air Force Post Office and Fleet Post Office mail ensures that each branch of service is properly charged for the amount of mail transported. b. Military Postal Clerks can be assigned as a mail transportation dispatcher in the following organizations: (1) Aerial Mail Terminal (AMT) - USAF (2) Fleet Mail Center (FMC) - USN (3) Mail Control Activity (MCA) - USAF (4) Military Mail Terminal (MMT) or Joint Military Mail Terminal (JMMT) - any branch of service. (5) Mobile or Shore-based Military Post Office (MPO) - Any branch of service, but primarily USN or USMC. Perform Postal Functions PH 1

12 Transportation Control and Movement
Document DD Form 1384 is commonly referred to as "TCMD " Use when manifesting mail for transport by Air Mobility Command or Military Sea-lift Command assets Manifest APO and FPO mail separately List all classes of mail separately For a single shipment of ordinary mail, complete blocks 1 through 23 as applicable NOTE: When completing blocks of the TCMD that require a date entry, enter the JULIAN DATE, unless otherwise specified. Julian date calendars are provided in the Student Handbook. Transportation Control and Movement Document a. DD Form 1384 is often referred to as the TCMD and is used to dispatch mail on AMC and MSC. The form is completed in two copies; the MPO maintains an original signed copy and either AMC or MSC maintains the duplicate. b. Mail from APO's and FPO's must be accounted for separately. Therefore, you must prepare an individual TCMD for mail being distributed to an APO and another TCMD for mail being dispatched to an FPO. In addition to listing APO and FPO mail on separate TCMD(s), the different classes of mail must be listed on a separate TCMD. c. It is important to manifest APO and FPO mail on separate TCMDs for accounting and payment purposes. d. Each postal activity will have a transportation control number or identifier that is unique to their location and acts as a tracking number. To create the transportation control number, perform the following: (1) Enter the APO/FPO number of the military postal activity preceded by a “0”, or, the six letter abbreviation for the military postal activity, e.g., or LONAMT (London Aerial Mail Terminal, London, United Kingdom). (2) Next, place the last digit of the Calendar Year. (3) Following the last digit of the Calendar Year, place the Julian Date followed by an “X”. (4) Finally, place the page or dispatch number (3 digits) followed by 3 “X”s. EXAMPLE: The London Aerial Mail Terminal (LONAMT), APO AE The date is 1 Jan 10 (FY 1 Oct 09 – 30 Sep 10 = FY10) and this is the third dispatch for the day. The Transportation Control Number would be X003XXX or LONAMT0001X003XXX. e. TCMDs are prepared differently from command to command and/or base to base. You will receive more in-depth training on TCMDs at the postal activity that you are assigned. NOTE: Refer Students to handout 5, (Blank DD Form 1384 instructions for preparing DD Form 1384) in the Student Handout. NOTE: Show slide - TCMD (DD Form 1384) Perform Postal Functions PH 1

13 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
DD Form 1384 (TCMD) DD Form 1384 (TCMD) DD Form 1384, Transportation Control and Movement Document (TCMD) - Used to receipt and dispatch mail. Acts as a receipt and provides data for payment to AMC and Military Sealift Command (MSC). NOTE: SHOW Slide _ PS Form 2942 AV-7 Perform Postal Functions PH 1

14 PS Form 2942-A, AV-7 Enter City or Ship’s name plus zip code and geographic location of dispatch. Select the FPO box when mail is dispatched by Navy and Marine Corps units. APO for Army/Air Force. AMPS generated USS ALWAYS UNDERWAY DD-9777 LISBON, PORTGAUL EWR, NEWARK, NJ X LIS TO MAD/TP331 - MAD TO EWR/DL1008 2 JAN 18 LIS 15.5 35.6 EWR 5 5.2 1 3 2 4 71.6 15.3 7M 7D 7B 7A ICAIR151AA >> ICAIR151AA H5MLIS0046 Enter the three-letter airport code of the dispatching activity, and the three-letter air stop code of transferring or destination flight of the receiving activity, and the flight number. AMPS generated ICGR and Contract Number information. Enter the actual date that the mail will be dispatched. PS Form 2942-A, AV-7, Military Mail Delivery List a. Description and Disposition of PS Form 2942-A, AV-7. (1) PS Form AV-7 is a printed set of seven sheets. (2) When military mail is being dispatched and transported solely by a single commercial and/or foreign-flag air carrier, only one set of the PS Form 2942-A is prepared. (a) The commercial air carrier will retain original and four duplicate copies. (b) One duplicate AV-7 will be retained in the dispatching activity file. (3) When military mail is transferred between more than one commercial air carrier, prepare sufficient sets of PS Form 2942-A to ensure that each carrier has their required copies.    (a) The commercial air carrier will retain original and four copies of each set and will transfer to gaining commercial air carrier when mail is transferred. (b) Two copies of AV-7 will be retained in the dispatching activity file. b. Methods to complete PS Form 2942-A, AV-7. (1) AV-7 can be completed in the following ways. (a) Can be generated by the Military International Dispatch and Accounting System (MIDAS). -1- MIDAS is only available at select high volume terminals, such as Frankfurt, Germany; Yokota, Japan. -2- There is no need to submit a hard copy to MPSA/USPS, if an electronic copy is submitted via MIDAS daily. -3- The dispatching activity only needs to retain the original signed copy of the AV-7 for record of shipment, the air carrier may retain six copies. (b) Can be generated in the Automated Military Postal System (AMPS) which is a network computer-based system operated by MPSA. -1- AMPS is only available at locations with network connectivity and active AMPS account (units with no connectivity or limited connectivity will need to utilize a different method to complete the AV-7). -2- AMPS is a good back up to units using MIDAS. -3- There is no need to submit a hard copy to MPSA/USPS, if an electronic copy is submitted via AMPS daily. -4- Dispatching activity only needs to retain the original signed copy of the AV-7 for record of shipment, the air carrier may retain six copies. (c) Can be completed using hard copy and/or electronic template that is locally generated by a postal activity – an Excel spreadsheet, Word document, etc. -1- Available at any location with a computer, printer and word or database type software. -2- Good back up to units using MIDAS and/or AMPS. -3- Information will be uploaded into MIDAS and/or AMPS once the systems come back on line. -4- The dispatching activity will keep the signed original and one copy of the original AV-7, for MPO files. NOTE: Show slide - (PS Form 2942-A (AV-7) and continue to advance until all portions of the form have been discussed. Enter city or ship's name plus zip code and geographic location of dispatch. Enter the actual date the mail will be dispatched. Select the FPO box when mail is dispatched b Navy and Marine Corps units; select APO for Army and Air Force. Enter the three-letter airport code of the dispatching activity, and the three-letter air stop code of transferring or destination flight of the receiving activity, and the flight number. NOTE: Show Slide (Check on Learning) Perform Postal Functions PH 1

15 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Check on Learning Q. When preparing a TCMD to dispatch mail, can all classes of mail be combined on one TCMD? A. No Q. Why is it important to manifest APO and FPO mail on separate TCMDs? A. For accounting and payment purposes Q. How many copies are required for a TCMD and what is the distribution of those copies? A. Two copies are completed; the MPO maintains an original signed copy and either AMC or MSC maintains the duplicate Perform Postal Functions PH 1

16 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Operate a PSC What is a PSC? PSC is a section of the Military Post Office (MPO) designated to deliver mail to customers through mail receptacles. Services provided by a PSC includes: Issuance and withdrawal of mail receptacles. Delivery of accountable mail General delivery service. Directory mail service. Customer complaints and inquiries. Operate a PSC 1. Learning Step / Activity 1. Postal Service Center (PSC) General Information Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 2:30 Time of Instruction: 45 mins Media: Large Group Instruction  a. Postal Service Center (PSC) The PSC is a section of the Military Post Office (MPO) designated to deliver mail to customers, through mail receptacles. The PSC conducts business through a customer service window that provides the following services: (a) Issuance and withdrawal of mail receptacles. (b) Delivery of accountable mail, ordinary mail too large for the receptacle, or mail volume too excessive for the receptacle. (c) General Delivery service. (d) Directory mail service. (e) Customer complaints and inquiries. NOTE: Show Slides – Postal Clerk Responsibilities Perform Postal Functions PH 1

17 Postal Clerk Responsibilities
Provide mail service. Maintain physical security of the mail. Maintain directory card file. Deliver mail as expeditiously as possible. Correct discrepancies noted on inspections. Report known or suspected postal offenses. Conduct only official postal business at window. Handle customer complaints efficiently. Manage your behavior and display courtesy to all customers. Postal Clerk Responsibilities b. Postal Clerk Responsibilities within a PSC A postal clerk assigned to a PSC will distribute all personal incoming mail into mail receptacles, provide general delivery service, and prepare the necessary forms used to notify customers of oversized and accountable mail addressed to them. Your responsibilities within a PSC are to: (a) Provide mail service and operate the PSC in accordance with current directives. (b) Maintain physical security of the mail at all times. (c) Maintain an accurate and current directory card file as well as a mail record accountable file. (d) Deliver mail as expeditiously as possible. (e) Correct discrepancies noted on PSC inspections. (f) Report known or suspected postal offenses to the MPO supervisor. (g) Conduct only official military postal business at the PSC window. (h) Handle customer complaints efficiently and resolve them as soon as possible. If the problem cannot be effectively resolved, contact the MPO supervisor. (i) Manage your behavior in a professional manner by displaying the proper military bearing and courtesy to all customers. NOTE: Show Slides – Rules Applicable to All PSCs Perform Postal Functions PH 1

18 DD Form 2262 Receptacle Record
Perform Postal Functions PH 1

19 Directory File Cards for In-processing
Minimum Required Information: Name Rank/grade Unit Receptacle number Names of family members Directory File Cards for In-processing (1) Use directory cards to identify personnel receiving mail through the Postal Service Center. (You will learn directory functions in another block of instruction). File directory cards alphabetically and each must contain the following information as a minimum: (a) The individuals name. (b) The individuals rank/grade. (c) Organization/unit. (d) Receptacle number assigned. (e) A list of all family members including those with different last names. NOTE: Each individual branch of service may require additional information. (2) You may use computer listings or electronic storage instead of cards files. Electronically stored directories are not filed alphabetically, if a search-by-name can be done efficiently. Post all changes daily. f. Instructions for Preparing Directory Cards (In-processing) If a sponsor obtains an advance receptacle for a member, you must fill out a directory card using the information obtained from the personnel section or other available documentation. If the customer is present, let the customer complete the form. Follow the instructions for your respective branch of service. (a) Army Directory Card NOTE: Show Slide – DD Form 3955: In-processing Perform Postal Functions PH 1

20 DA Form 3955: In-Processing
2 1 3 4 5 A R M Y 6 7 8 DD Form 3955: In-processing NOTE: Refer students to Figure 5, page 4 in the student handout. #1 - Enter the member's name (Last, First, Middle Initial). #2 - Enter the Grade. #3 - Leave Blank (Utilize this block when out-processing) #4 - Enter the members assigned company/unit. #5 - Enter the members 10-digit DOD number. #6 - Enter the PSC receptacle number obtained from the next available DD Form 2262. #7 - Enter the losing command and address (if known). #8 - Enter member’s address. #9 - Enter dependent’s name (if any). #10 - Enter the Estimated Arrival Date (EAD) for advance mail receptacles ONLY. #11 - Member's signature, date member signed the card, and phone number if available. (Leave blank for advance mail receptacles). (b) Air Force Directory Card NOTE: Show Slide – AF Form 624: In-processing 9 10 (Advance Receptacles ONLY) 11 Mary J. Carson Perform Postal Functions PH 1

21 AF Form 624: In-Processing
1 2 3 4 5 AF Form 624: In-processing NOTE: Refer students to Figure 6, pages 5 and 6 in the student handout. BLOCK #1 - Enter the member's name (Last, First, Middle Initial). #2 - Enter the grade. #3 - Enter the PSC receptacle number obtained from the next available DD Form 2262. #4 - Enter the current organization. #5 - Enter the duty phone, if available. #6 - Fill this box out when the sponsor requests an advance mail receptacle for the member. Enter date the member is due to arrive at your station. #7 - Leave blank whether in-processing, out-processing, or for advance request. #8 - Enter dependent's name (if any). (d) Marine Corps/ Navy Directory Card NOTE: Show Slide – NAVMC 10572: In-processing Adv. Rec. Only 6 Leave Blank 7 Leave Blank 8 Perform Postal Functions PH 1

22 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
NAVMC 10572: In-Processing M A R I N E N A V Y 9 SEP 18 NAVMC 10572: In-processing NOTE: Refer students to Figure 7, page 7 in the student handout. BLOCK #1 – Enter the Marine’s/Sailor’s name (Last, First, Middle Initial). #2 – Enter the grade. #3 – Enter previous unit of assignment. #4 – Enter the date of arrival to new unit. Leave blank for advance mail receptacles. #5 – Enter the new unit of assignment. If advance mail receptacle, also enter the Expected Date of Arrival (EAD) to the unit. #6 – Enter dependent's name (if any). #7 – Leave signature and date blank. NOTE: If additional, pertinent information is required (i.e. Dependent Names) and no specific block is available for that information, place the information in the DROPPED block. g. DD Form 2263, Mailing Address/Combination Notice NOTE: Show Slide – DD Form 2263, Mailing Address/Combination Notice Perform Postal Functions PH 1

23 DD Form 2263 – Mailing Address/ Combination Notice
HI-A-J DD Form 2263 – Mailing Address/ Combination Notice MSGT JOHN P. SMITH 76 MUNSS PSC 100, BOX 24 APO AE COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS RECEPTACLE COMBINATION AND INSTRUCTIONS Review DD Form 2263. HI A J Perform Postal Functions PH 1

24 DD Form 2263 for Issuing Advance Mail Receptacles
MSGT JOHN P. SMITH 76 MUNSS PSC 100, BOX 24 APO AE DD Form 2263 for Issuing Advance Mail Receptacles ENTER THE COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS HERE. LEAVE THIS SECTION BLANK. Review DD Form 2263 for Issuing Advance Mail Receptacles. Perform Postal Functions PH 1

25 DD Form 2258 for Advance Mail Receptacle
Matthew Simms SPONSOR: SGT MARY JONES EXT: 5478, UNIT: HHC TSB, PSC 88 DUE IN: 26 SEP 2018 DOE, JOHN A. 54 DD Form 2258 for Advance Mail Receptacle RED DIAGONAL LINE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS POSTAL CLERK SIGNS & DATES DD FORM 2258 Perform Postal Functions PH 1

26 DD Form 2258 for Personnel Temporarily Absent
DOE, JOHN A. 54 X JOHN A. DOE 428 ABS/IMM PSC 88, BOX 5000 APO AE John A. Doe DD Form 2258 for Personnel Temporarily Absent Perform Postal Functions PH 1

27 Name Labels For Mail Receptacles
54 DOE, J. For Service Member 54 DOE,/SMITH, A. For Service Member & Dependent w/ Different Last Name Review Name Labels for Mail Receptacles. NOTE: Show Slide (Check on Learning) R54 DOE, J. For Retired Service Member Perform Postal Functions PH 1

28 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Check on Learning Q: SFC Jones, the sponsor of SFC Smith who is not in country, wants to obtain an advance receptacle for SFC Smith. What would you do? A: Fill out a directory card for SFC Smith using the information obtained from the personnel section or other available documentation Q: If SFC Smith received mail the next day, what would you do with the mail? A: Place mail for an individual with an advance mail receptacle in the receptacle. Q: Under the Sponsorship Program, how many days in advance of a member’s arrival can you issue a mail receptacle? A: Up to 90 days in advance. Check on Learning NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: SFC Jones came to you and said that he was the sponsor for SFC Smith who is not in country but he wanted to obtain an advance receptacle. What would you do? A: Fill out a directory card for SFC Smith using the information obtained from the personnel section or other available documentation. Q: If SFC Smith received mail the next day, what would you do with his mail? A: Place mail for an individual with an advance mail receptacle in the receptacle. Q: What would be the purpose of using DD Form 2263? A: You use DD Form 2263 to notify the receptacle holder of his/her mailing address and receptacle combination. Q: Under the Sponsorship Program how many days in advance of the member’s arrival can you issue a mail receptacle? A: Up to 90 days in advance. Q: PFC Doe is PCSing; his friend just arrived today and wants the same mail receptacle as his friend. Could you issue him the same mail receptacle? A: No, you must select a receptacle that has been unused for the longest period. NOTE: Show Slide – Mail Processing Order Perform Postal Functions PH 1

29 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Directory Cards Arrange in alphabetical order by last name regardless of rank or status. For same last names, file by first name then middle initial. As a minimum, directory cards contain: individual's name (last, first, middle initial) grade organization and mailing address PSC receptacle number Review Directory Cards. -Directory cards are arranged in alphabetical order by last name in one file regardless of rank or status (separate directory file cards by using alphabetical separators). If last names are the same, then subsequently file by first name and middle initials if necessary. -Postal directory cards are maintained on all service members. Directory cards contain, at a minimum, the individual's name (last, first, middle initial), grade, organization, mailing address, and PSC receptacle number. When a family member has a different last name, annotate the sponsor’s card with the dependent’s first name, middle initial and last name. Also, prepare a separate directory card using the dependent's last name and file it in the directory file with the rest of the cards. Perform Postal Functions PH 1

30 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Definition Directory mail is mail that cannot be delivered as addressed because of an incomplete/incorrect mailing address, and/or the member has transferred to another duty station on OFFICIAL ORDERS. Review Definition Slide. You might be asking yourself, what is directory mail? Directory mail is mail that cannot be delivered as addressed because of an incomplete/incorrect mailing address, and/or the member has transferred to another duty station on OFFICIAL ORDERS. All postal activities providing mail delivery service to authorized customers must maintain a directory file for personnel authorized to receive mail through their facility. Directory files include every person serviced to include those personnel on temporary duty (TDY/TAD); those scheduled to arrive; and those who have recently departed. Perform Postal Functions PH 1

31 Purge (Destruction) Date
Directory cards for PCS personnel are coded for destruction in the first work week of the 13th month after departure. For student or patient of six months or less, code for destruction four months after departure. Screen directory file and destroy card(s) during the first work week of each month. Computer listings may be used in place of card files. Review Purge (Destruction) Date. -Code directory file cards for permanent party personnel who have departed/PCS’d for destruction in 13 months. For example, if a member departs anytime during July 2010, then the directory file would be coded for destruction in August This date is called the 'purge date.' -If a projected gain has been canceled or the member was a student or patient for 6 months or less (temporary assignment), then code the directory card for destruction in 6 months. For example, if the individual departed in May, code the card for destruction in September. Screen (purge) the directory file during the first workweek of each month. Remove and destroy all cards coded for destruction during that month. -Computer listings or other means of electronic storage may be used in place of card files, if the requirements previously mentioned are met. All changes to manual or automated systems will be made as they occur (normally on a daily basis.) Perform Postal Functions PH 1

32 Treatment of UAA Periodicals
Periodicals are publications which transmits information to an established list of subscribers or requesters. Periodicals are forwarded for only 60 days. After 60 days, newspapers and magazines are: distributed to military hospitals, recreation services, dormitories, chaplains turned over to the nearest DoD property disposal office as salvage paper treated as waste returned at the publisher's request. Review Treatment of Undeliverable as Addressed Periodicals. a. Periodicals are publications (e.g. magazines and newspapers) whose primary purpose is transmitting information to an established list of subscribers or requesters. Directories process a large volume of periodicals. The reason is mainly that individuals do not inform their publishers that they are moving or have already moved. b. A method to reduce the volume of periodicals you process is to inform all PCSing individuals to notify their publishers of their new address as soon as possible. This is very important because periodicals are forwarded for only 60 days. After 60 days, newspapers and magazines are distributed to military hospitals, recreation services, dormitories, chaplains, turned over to the nearest DoD property disposal office as salvage paper, or treated as waste unless copies are to be returned at the publisher's request. NOTE: Show Slide (Check on Learning) Perform Postal Functions PH 1

33 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Check On Learning What is directory mail? Mail that cannot be delivered as addressed because of incomplete/incorrect mailing address, and/or the member has transferred to another duty station on OFFICIAL ORDERS. What information is included on the Directory Service card for a member who has departed? Date departed, purge date (date to destroy the card), and the forwarding address. When would you code the directory card for destruction in 6 months? If a projected gain has been cancelled or the member was a student or patient for six months or less. Provide Check on Learning. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is Directory Mail? A: Mail that cannot be delivered as addressed because of incomplete/incorrect mailing address, and/or the member has transferred to another duty station on OFFICIAL ORDERS. Q: What information is included on the directory service card for a member who has departed? A: Date departed, purge date (date to destroy the card), and the forwarding address. Q: When would you code the directory card for destruction in 6 months? A: If a projected gain has been cancelled or the member was a student or patient for six months or less. Perform Postal Functions PH 1

34 Receiving Dispatched Mail
Mail originates from United States or other APO/FPOs. Mail accompanied by DD Form 1372, Mail Manifest. Postal clerk and supervisor verify mail by class. Receiving Dispatched Mail a. Mail that arrives at the Military Post Office (MPO) dispatch section normally originates from the United States and other APOs/FPOs in your theater of operation. Its final destination is to the addressees served by your MPO. b. Mail from the Aerial Mail Terminal (AMT), Fleet Mail Center (FMC), or Military Mail Terminal (MMT) arrives by truck at the dispatch section of your MPO. This mail is accompanied by a DD Form 1372, Mail Manifest (see figure 1-1). The manifest will be carried by the military mail guard and will indicate the number of pieces and weight of each class of mail that is in the shipment. c. The dispatch section supervisor or designated clerk will count the mail by class as it's off-loaded from the truck and verify that it matches the piece count listed on the mail manifest. Then the person receipting for the mail will sign the form listing any discrepancies noted. Registry clerks should be present to handle incoming registered mail. Follow the instructions given below when receipting for the mail. NOTE: Show Slide – Receipting for Incoming Mail Perform Postal Functions PH 1

35 Sorting Incoming Mail by Class
Priority Express Mail Registered Mail First Class Mail Priority Mail Parcel Air Lift Mail (PAL) Space Available Mail (SAM) Military Ordinary Mail (MOM) Sorting Incoming Mail by Class d. After the mail has been off-loaded and receipted for, it will be sorted by class in this order and distributed as follows: (1) Priority Express Mail -- to the primary case (the case used for initial sorting of letter mail). (2) Registered Mail -- to registry section. (3) First-Class Mail -- to the primary case. (4) Priority mail -- to PSC/unit mail storage bins. (5) Parcel Air Lift/Space Available Mail (PAL/SAM) -- PSC/unit mail storage bins. (6) Military Ordinary Mail (MOM) -- to military ordinary mail section. NOTE: Show slide – Receipting for Incoming Mail Perform Postal Functions PH 1

36 Receipting for Incoming Mail
APO AE APO AE 01/08/18 AW SMITH, Carl Carl M. Smith ANDERSON, Fred Fred K. Anderson, E-5 1.5 Mail truck had a flat tire. SYNDER, Julie Julie Snyder, E-4 X x 1800 First Class Mail xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Receipting for Incoming Mail NOTE: Show Slide (Check on Learning) Perform Postal Functions PH 1

37 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Check on Learning What is DD Form 1372? Mail Manifest What information is contained on the Mail Manifest? The number of pieces and weight of each class of mail that is in the shipment After mail has been off-loaded, what class of mail do you sort first? Priority Express Mail Check on Learning NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is DD Form 1372? A: Mail Manifest Q: What information is contained on the Mail Manifest? A: The number of pieces and weight of each class of mail that is in the shipment. Q: After mail has been off-loaded what class of mail do you sort first? A: Express NOTE: Show slide – Checking Pouches/Sacks Perform Postal Functions PH 1

38 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Definition of Terms Let’s turn to Student Handout, page 1, to review definitions that are associated with working registered mail. Definition of Terms PRESENTATION Instructor to Student Ratio: 3:30 Method of Instruction: Conference/Demonstration 1. Learning Step / Activity 6. Definition of Terms Media: Programmed Instruction Time of Instruction: 2 hrs NOTE: Refer students to Student Handout, page 1. a. There are several terms that are associated with working registered mail. Let’s familiarize ourselves with these terms: NOTE: The instructor will have a sample piece of registered letter mail, a sample of an outside piece of registered mail, PS Form 3854 (truck bill and inside bill), slide label, APDS and pouch to use for demonstration to the class. outgoing registered mail. 1. REGISTRY SECTION: A highly secured area used to process incoming and incoming and outgoing registered mail. 2. REGISTRY CLERK: A Military Postal Clerk (MPC) who is authorized to process and outgoing registered mail. of witnessing the receipt and dispatch of articles listed on the inside bills of incoming 3. WITNESS: A Military Postal Clerk, other than the registry clerk, who has the task 4. MAILGUARD: An individual who accompanies the mail and is responsible for another MPO. the safe and secure transportation of mail dispatched from one MPO and AMT to Greene, LTC John Adams). 5. PERSONAL MAIL: Mail addressed to an individual by name (i.e., SSG Tony Commanding Officer, Safety Officer). 6. OFFICIAL MAIL: Mail addressed to a Commander or person by title (i.e., pouch. 7. OUTSIDE PIECE (OSP): Registered articles that are too large to fit inside a for first class and registered mail. 8. POUCH: A mailbag identified by its leather strap locking device generally used included with the next registered dispatch. Endorse missent mail "MISSENT TO APO (write your APO number). For example: MISSENT TO APO 9. MISSENT MAIL: An article received at the wrong MPO. These articles will be 10. TRUCK BILL: A PS Form 3854 (Manifold Registry Dispatch Book) used to transfer registered pouches and outside pieces (OSP's) between postal facilities. (Also referred to as an Outside Bill). The truck bill consists of two parts, the bill and a coupon. Prepare truck bills in three copies. 11. INSIDE BILL: A PS Form 3854 (Manifold Registry Dispatch Book) placed inside a registered pouch listing the registry numbers of the articles enclosed. The inside bill consists of two parts: the bill and a coupon. Prepare inside bills in two copies. 12. TRANSFER BILL: A PS Form 3854 used by window clerks to transfer registered mail accepted over the counter to the registry section. 13. COUPON: A detachable part of the PS Form 3854 located on the right hand side of the form. Prepare the front and reverse side of the coupon to report irregularities noted on the bill. Detach it from the bill at the perforation and mail it back to the post office at fault. RECEIPT: The registry clerk accepts responsibility of the articles received by signing the accompanying documentation. 15. DELIVER: Delivering mail to the addressee or to an authorized agent (i.e., mail clerk, mail orderly). 16. DISPATCH: Sending mail to another destination using Inside Bills and Truck Bills. 17. AERIAL MAIL TERMINAL (AMT)/FLEET MAIL CENTER (FMC): A facility used to process mail for further movement, which the Air Force and Navy manage respectively. 18. SLIDE LABEL: A printed strip of paper placed in the label holders of pouches that show the destination, class or type of mail, and office of origin. 19. BACKSTAMP: To mark the back of a mail piece with a postmarking or canceling device to show that the piece was received, dispatched, or missent. NOTE: Show Slide - Check on Learning JANUARY 2018 Perform Postal Functions PH 1

39 Receiving Articles on Inside Bill
MUST have a witness present when opening registered pouches. Verify contents listed against contents received then receipt for the articles. Annotate if discrepancies are found. Review Process Registered Mail Before you open any registered pouch, you MUST have a witness present. In rare instances, if a witness is not available, write NWA in the space the witness would normally sign. Inside each pouch you will find another bill [PS Form 3854] (inside bill) between the 1st and 2nd article listing the contents of the pouch. You and the witness will verify the inside bill and pouch content, then sign the bottom portion of the inside bill. Use the following procedure to verify and receipt for the articles inside a pouch Perform Postal Functions PH 1

40 2. Verify article numbers and describe any irregularities found.
REGISTERS 1 2. Verify article numbers and describe any irregularities found. WIT: Jerry Ryder Rochelle Sanders 3. Enter number of articles actually received Review Slides Receiving Articles on Inside Bill (Cont.). (1) Verify the pouch seal number against the seal number listed on the inside bill. (2) Check the registry numbers on the bill against the registry number on the articles. At the same time, verify that each piece of mail is addressed to your post office. If discrepancies are found, annotate as described above. Process missent mail for dispatch with the rest of the outgoing mail. (3) Enter the number of articles received on this bill. (4) Write the notation "WITNESS:" or "WIT:" and have the witness sign on this line. (5) Sign your name on this line. (6) Enter the current time here. (7) Postmark the bill and the coupon with the APDS. 4 7 WIT: Rebecca Solis Anthony L. Smith 0930 WIT: Jerry Ryder Troy Black 5 6 1030 Perform Postal Functions PH 1

41 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
10 RB US ‘SHOULD READ’ RB US RB US – ‘NOT RECEIVED’ RB US – ‘MISSENT’ 8 9 WIT: Jerry Ryder Rochelle Sanders After completing the coupon, detach it from the bill and return it to the dispatching activity. Receiving Articles on Inside Bill (Cont.) (8) Write the number of pieces received on the incoming inside bill. (9) Write “WIT:” and have the witness sign on this line. You sign below the witness’s signature. (10) Write the article number and irregularity for each irregularity found. NOTE: Back-stamp all registered mail received (letters and OSPs). NOTE: Show Slide (Check on Learning) WIT: Rebecca Solis Anthony L. Smith 0930 WIT: Jerry Ryder Troy Black 1030 Perform Postal Functions PH 1

42 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Check on Learning What is a transfer bill? A transfer bill is a PS Form 3854 used by window clerks to transfer registered mail accepted over the counter to the registry section. What is a mail guard? A mail guard is an individual who accompanies the mail and is responsible for the safe and secure transportation of mail. What distinguishes a pouch from an outside piece on a truck bill? A pouch is represented by a seal number that has an “S” preceding the number. An outside piece has an “O” preceding the article number. What are some common discrepancies found on incoming bills? Seal number used doesn’t match seal number on the bill; registry number transposed; registry number listed but article not present; registry article received but number not listed. What must be present before you open a registered pouch? A witness. Conduct Check On Learning. NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity. Q: What is a transfer bill? A mail guard? A: (1) A transfer bill is a PS Form 3854 used by window clerks to transfer registered mail accepted over the counter to the registry section. A: (2) A mail guard is an individual who accompanies the mail and is responsible for the safe and secure transportation of mail. Q: What distinguishes a pouch from an outside piece on a truck bill? A: A pouch is represented by a seal number that has an “S” preceding the number. An outside piece has an “O” preceding the article number. Q: What are some common discrepancies found on incoming bills? A: Seal number used doesn’t match seal number on the bill; registry number transposed; registry number listed but article not present; registry article received but number not listed. Q: What must be present before you open a registered pouch? A: A witness. Perform Postal Functions PH 1

43 TLO – Perform Postal Functions TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE:
ACTION: Perform Postal Functions Conditions: In a Mock Post Office environment; given access to Standard USPS and DoD Postal supplies, equipment, publications, charts, forms and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: Accept and process domestic mail, conduct postal directory functions, maintain postal supplies, maintain a stamp stock, and prepare claims and inquiry forms. Students are required to receive a "GO" on all hands-on exercises in the Mock Post Office and receive a minimum passing score of 75% on a written / performance based examination. LESSON OUTCOME: Students will perform postal functions IAW USPS and DOD directives/guidance in support of postal operations. The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent. Terminal Learning Objective Action: Perform Postal Functions Conditions: In a Mock Post Office environment; given access to Standard USPS and DoD Postal supplies, equipment, publications, charts, forms and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: Accept and process domestic mail, conduct postal directory functions, maintain postal supplies, maintain a stamp stock, and prepare claims and inquiry forms. Students are required to receive a "GO" on all hands-on exercises in the Mock Post Office and receive a minimum passing score of 75% on a written /performance based examination. The Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes. The General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Professional Competence GLOs GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent. Safety Requirements: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with ATP 5-19, Risk Management. Leaders will complete the current Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet (DD Form 2977) in accordance with the TRADOC Safety Officer during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection, FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Decontamination. Risk Assessment Level Low - Back injury. Controls: Ensure students use proper lifting techniques. Assessment: Low risk. Electrical shock. Inspect electrical equipment and outlets. or broken wires before energizing and use. Leader Actions: Leaders will conduct a Risk assessment and ensure students use proper lifting techniques when moving heavy parcels and inspect electrical equipment and outlets for frayed IAW FM , Environmental Considerations {MCRP 4-11B}, and ensure students are briefed on hazards and control measures. Environmental Statement: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTALRELATED RISK ASSESSMENT Environmental Considerations: Instructor should conduct a Risk Assessment to include Environmental Considerations scenario based examination with a minimum passing score of 75%. Evaluation Students must receive a "GO" on the Mock Post Office hands-on exercise and pass a written / Instructional provide postal service for military personnel where the U.S. civil postal service does not operate Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps to serve military personnel overseas or aboard ships. MPOs Lead-in Military post offices (MPOs) are branches of a U.S. civil post office, operated by the Army, and a military situation requires the service. During this lesson, you will review all previous 6 lessons and operate a Mock Military Post Office. Instructor to Student Ratio: 2:30 Method of Instruction: Practice Exercises 1. Learning Step 1 / Activity 1. Mock Post Office Media: Simulation Time of Instruction: 8 hrs Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) At the completion of this lesson, you [the student] will: Action: Perform Mock Post Office Scenarios Conditions: In a Mock Post Office environment; given access to Standard USPS and DoD Postal supplies, equipment, publications, charts, forms and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. 2. Flexible Credit Account to be Audited 1. Integrated Retail Terminal (IRT) 3. PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition 6. PS Form 3368, Stamp Credit Examination Record 5. PS Form 3294, Cash and Stock Count Summary 4. PS Form 1096, Receipt 7. PS Form 3369, Consigned Credit Receipt 10. Student Handout 9. All Purpose Dating Stamp (APDS) and Stamp Pad 8. PS Form 3977, Duplicate Key Inventory STANDARDS: Students will review the following tasks IAW DOD M, to achieve a minimum of 80% accuracy on the End of Course Exam. - Receipt for a Flexible Credit Stock. - Operate an IRT. - Conduct an Audit of a Flexible Credit Stock. - Exchange Damaged Stock. - Replenish a Stamp Stock. 21st Century Soldier Competencies are outlined in Appendix C of TRADOC Pamphlet (The U.S. Army Learning Concept for 2015) are general areas of competence or attributes required by Students and leaders to prevail in complex, uncertain environments. Together, they provide a foundation for operational adaptability. Evaluation: Instructors will conduct observations for every section of the Mock Post Office and inform students of ‘No Go’ or ‘Go’. NOTE: show slide- Questions? Perform Postal Functions PH 1

44 Perform Postal Functions PH 1
Questions TLO - LSA 4. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 4. Test Method of Instruction: Test Instr Type(I:S Ratio/Qty): F5 Certified Instructor(1:15/2)* Time of Instruction: 2 hrs 25 mins Instructional Strategy: Large Group Instruction / Individual/Timed Media Type: Situational Based Instruction Security Classification: This course/lesson will present information that has a Security Classification of: U - Unclassified. Note: Marked as (*) is derived from the parent learning object SECTION V. STUDENT EVALUATION Testing Requirements Students must receive a "GO" on the Mock Post Office hands-on exercise and pass a written / scenario based examination with a minimum passing score of 75%. Feedback Requirements Conduct a test review. TLO - LSA 5. Learning Step / Activity TLO - LSA 5. Test Review Method of Instruction: Test Review Instr Type(I:S Ratio/Qty): F5 Certified Instructor(1:30/0) 8 Time of Instruction: 0 hrs 25 mins Instructional Strategy: Large Group Instruction Media Type: None Perform Postal Functions PH 1

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