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Involuntary Resettlement Resettlement Instruments

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1 Involuntary Resettlement Resettlement Instruments
OPERATIONAL POLICY 0P 4.12 Resettlement Instruments Afshan Khawaja, OPCQC Zagreb, May 2009

2 Overview Social assessment Impacts that trigger OP 4.12
Required mitigation measures Who is eligible Key issues Replacement value, livelihood restoration, eligibility Consultation Resettlement instruments Borrower and Bank responsibilities Supervision, completion and beyond

3 Social Assessment Identification of Social Impacts and Risks
Good practice for the borrower to undertake a social assessment to: Identify the nature and magnitude of social impacts Identify indirect social and economic impacts* Define and implement measures to mitigate these impacts, especially on poor and vulnerable groups Identify project activities that may give rise to involuntary resettlement * Economic and social impacts that do not result directly from land taking can pose significant social risks if not mitigated and managed properly

4 Core Elements of Social Assessment
Social diversity and gender Stakeholder analysis Social risks and mitigation Participation

5 Impacts that Trigger OP 4.12
Direct economic and social impacts that both result from Bank-assisted projects, and are caused by the involuntary taking of land resulting from: Loss of assets or access to assets Loss of shelter or relocation Loss of income sources or means of livelihood (whether or not the affected persons must move to another location) Restriction of access to legally designated parks and protected areas that result in adverse impacts on the livelihoods of affected persons

6 Liberia: Infrastructure and Resettlement Challenge

7 Required Resettlement Measures
To inform displaced persons about their options and rights pertaining to resettlement Provide them technically and economically feasible resettlement alternatives

8 Required Resettlement Measures
To provide prompt and effective compensation at full replacement cost for losses of assets attributable directly to the project Provide assistance during relocation To provide with residential houses, or housing sites, or as required agricultural sites, at least equivalent to the advantages of the old site

9 Required Resettlement Measures “LAND VS. CASH”
Providing “land for land” is the preferred option for people whose livelihoods are land based

10 Required Resettlement Measures
Cash compensation may be appropriate when: Land taken by the project is a small fraction of the affected asset and residual is viable Livelihoods are not land based Cash compensation is the preferred option of displaced people and they have the capacity for self-resettlement

11 Required Resettlement Measures
Offer support after displacement, for a transition period, based on a reasonable estimate of the time likely to be needed to restore their livelihood and standards of living Moving expenses Employment training Income support while awaiting income restoration Develop affordable and accessible grievance redress mechanisms

12 Required Resettlement Measures
Include the total costs resettlement activities in the total costs of the project Link resettlement implementation to project timetable (people should be properly compensated and assisted prior to displacement

13 Who is Eligible? The borrower carries out a census to identify those affected and eligible for assistance: Those who have formal legal rights to land (compensation) Those who do not have formal legal rights to land at the time the census begins but have a claim to such land or assets (compensation) Those who have no recognizable legal right or claim to the land that they are occupying (resettlement assistance)

14 …particular attention should be paid to…
Vulnerable groups: below poverty line, landless, elderly, women, children, handicapped, single parents, indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities

15 Key Policy Application Issues
Differences with Countries’ Practices Replacement cost – for lost land and assets Practice: undervalued, under-compensated Livelihood restoration Not part of standard practice Eligibility Controversial – assistance to people without legal claims

16 Replacement Value Impacts Compensation Issues
Loss of land and other assets Agricultural and non-agricultural land Houses and other structures Assets – wells, trees, crops Compensation Full replacement costs (market value of assets plus transaction costs, registration and transfer taxes) Issues Who determine value? Who pays for it? When is it decided? Practice - undervalued, under-compensated

17 Livelihood Restoration
Impacts Loss of income-earning capacity Compensation alone does not guarantee the restoration or improvement of living standards Example: agricultural land has a market value (requires compensation), but it is also the basis for livelihood and future earning capacity (requires rehabilitation) Issues Not part of standard practice Household may have multiple providers of income – require intra-household analysis Women have different opportunities for employment – require gender analysis Vulnerable groups (poor, elderly, ethnic minorities) have different opportunities for livelihood restoration – establish criteria for vulnerability

18 Eligibility- Groups Not Protected by National Land Compensation Law
Definition People lacking title to land or structures Squatters (urban) or encroachers (agricultural or forest areas) Impacts Squatters in occupation of land before project initiation may have invested in structures or land improvement Issues OP 4.12 – affected people who do not have legal title to lands occupied/used by them need to be provided with resettlement assistance Controversial – no recognized rights When is a squatter not a squatter? Traditional rights where state never legally acquired land Local recognition based on taxes – defecto ownership Promises of land regularization by politicians Inconsistent applications of policies, court reversals

19 Loss of livelihood: Squatters

20 Resettlement Instruments
Resettlement plan (RAP) When it is possible to determine displacing population during project preparation (i.e. site-specific resettlement) Abbreviated resettlement plan (ARP) When affected people are not physically displaced and less than 10% of their productive assets are lost, or fewer than 200 people are displaced Resettlement policy framework (RPF) In a project with multiple subprojects where population to be displaced not know during project preparation (i.e. linear resettlement Process framework (PF) For projects involving restriction of access to legally designated parks and protected areas resulting in adverse impacts on the livelihoods of affected people Cartoon by Chris Madden

21 Legal Agreement The resettlement instrument is included in the Legal Agreement Between the Bank and the Borrower

22 Content of Resettlement Instruments

23 Resettlement Plan – Content (1)
Project description and location Potential impacts Components that cause displacement Affected areas and population Alternatives to prevent or minimize displacement Socioeconomic and cultural studies Methodology (including detailed household census survey) Results (size and socioeconomic characteristics of affected population, systems of labor, livelihoods property held and type of tenancy, etc.) Impact assessment Magnitude of the expected losses (total, partial) Type of displacement (physical, economic)

24 Resettlement Plan – Content (2)
Legal framework Relevant legislation (international treaties, national constitution, laws related to eminent domain and the nature of compensation associated with it) Methods of valuing affected assets Timing of payment Mechanisms for dispute resolutions Gaps between local laws covering eminent domain and the Bank's policy, and mechanisms to bridge such gaps Entitlements to be offered based on type of impact, and on socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of the population (Entitlement Matrix) Eligibility criteria for each entitlement Cut-off date to prevent "rent seeking" Measures to prevent the arrival of new settlers in the affected area

25 Resettlement Plan – Content (3)
Programs Communication, consultation, participation Land acquisition or land replacement Construction or acquisition of new housing, business, farms, industries and community facilities, public services Income restoration and development of economic opportunities Reestablishment of social networks Integration with host population Environmental impacts of the proposed resettlement and measures to mitigate them Grievance mechanisms and procedures Organizational responsibilities Budget and financing plan Timetable (linked to underlying project) Monitoring system Evaluation system

26 Resettlement Policy Framework - Content
Project description (explanation of displaced population) Legal framework (relevant legislation, mechanisms) Principles and objectives governing resettlement preparation and implementation Eligibility criteria for defining displaced persons Description of the implementation process, linking resettlement implementation to civil works or the events that could cause displacement Procedures to prepare and implement resettlement plans Ns (such plans are subject to prior review by the Bank before their implementation) Content of resettlement plans Participatory and consultation mechanisms Description of grievance redress mechanisms Institution responsible (resources, capacity and measures to strengthen it, if needed) Monitoring system Evaluation system

27 Process Framework - Content
Describe participatory process to: Prepare and implement project components that may cause restriction to access to resources Identify and assess the magnitude of the impacts Establish criteria of eligibility for any compensatory measure Choose potential mitigating or compensating measures to be provided to affected people Design conflict mechanisms resolution Administrative and legal procedures Monitoring arrangements

28 Responsibilities Borrower: Bank:
Prepare the Resettlement Instrument (Framework or Plan) Consult project affected persons Disclose the draft instruments as condition of project appraisal Disclose the instrument again after it is finalized Implement and monitor the Resettlement Plan Final evaluation of the Plan Bank: Provide advice during the preparation of the instruments Review and approve the Plan or Framework before appraisal Disclose draft instrument at the infoshop Disclose final instrument again at the infoshop Supervise regularly the implementation of the Plan Include Resettlement Results in the ICR

29 When it works!

30 Supervision, Completion and Beyond
The policy prescribes: An early review of implementation Earlier than the mid-term review for the project A project is not considered complete – and Bank supervision continues – until the agreed resettlement measures have been implemented A follow up socio-economic survey at project completion To assess the extent to which the objectives of the resettlement program have been achieved Based on the baseline socioeconomic survey and periodic monitoring reports If the assessment reveals that objectives may not be realized, the borrower should propose follow up measures Bank supervision may continue beyond project completion, if considered necessary by the Bank

31 Key Implementation Issues and Challenges
Capacity of implementing agency and understanding of agreements, rights an d obligations How are impacts addressed? Who is responsible? Who pays for it, with what budget? How is it monitored? How are impacts and results communicated to key stakeholders, particularly those affected? If problems arise, how are they dealt with? Consultants frequently prepare poor quality reports

32 Summary of Key Issues to Address Resettlement in Bank-Supported Projects
Policy Agreement with the borrower on applicable principles Analysis If potential adverse impacts: identify, avoid, minimize, mitigate Consultation and disclosure Prior information, documentation of views and concerns input to design, feedback Action and mitigation plans Instruments vary by policy and category Framework if direct impact area is unknown Institutional arrangements Responsibilities, budgets, capacity assessment, strengthening if needed

33 Thank you!

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