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Domains and Kingdoms Essential Question:

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1 Domains and Kingdoms Essential Question:
Ch. 15.3 Domains and Kingdoms Essential Question: How are Living Things alike yet Different? How are Organisms Classified Into Domains and Kingdoms? Pgs

2 Vocabulary Ch. 15.3 Prokaryote- A unicellular organism that lack a nucleus and some other cell structures. Eukaryote- An organism whose cells contain a nucleus.

3 Domains and Kingdoms pg. 598
The table shows the number of species of bees, mammals, and birds that scientists have found so far!

4 How Are Organisms Classified Into Domains and Kingdoms? Pg. 598
1869 scientist classified organisms as animals and plants Thanks to the invention of the microscopes, this has helped scientists discover tiny new organisms and identify differences among cells. The modern classification system is made up of three domains. Domain Bacteria, Domain Achaea, & Domain Eukarya Within the domains are kingdoms. Organisms are placed into domains and kingdoms based on: their cell type, their ability to make food the number of cells in their bodies.

5 Domains and Kingdoms pg. 599
Three Domains of Life Bacteria and Archaea are unicellular organisms that have no nucleus. Organisms with cells that contain nuclei are called Eukarya.

6 Domain Bacteria pg. 599 Bacteria are all around you
Some are autotrophs, while others are heterotrophs. Members of domain Bacteria are prokaryotes (organisms) whose cells lack a nucleus. A nucleus is a dense area in a cell that contains nucleic acids, (DNA=Deoxyribonucleic acid) which are the chemicals that direct all of the cell’s activities. In prokaryotes, nucleic acids are not contained within a nucleus.

7 Prokaryotic Cell

8 e.i. Deep oceans, hot springs, marshlands (plankton)
Domain Archae pg. 599 Like bacteria, members of domain Archaea are also unicellular prokaryotes They can be autotrophs or heterotrophs. Archaea are classified in their own domain because their chemical makeup differs from that of bacteria. Bacteria and archaea also differ in the structure and chemical makeup of their cells. Archaea can be found in extreme environments e.i. Deep oceans, hot springs, marshlands (plankton)

9 Domains and Kingdoms pg. 600
Three Domains of Life Bacteria and Archaea are unicellular organisms that have no nucleus. Organisms with cells that contain nuclei are called Eukarya.

10 Domain Eukarya pg. 600 Domain Eukarya consists: Eukaryotes
organisms with cells that contain nuclei. Domain Eukarya is divided into four kingdoms: protists fungi Plants animals unicellular multicellular

11 Marine Dinoflagettates
Pg. 600 The protist kingdom is sometimes called the “odds and ends” kingdom. It includes: any eukaryote that cannot be classified as an animal, plant, or fungus. Some are autotrophs and some can be heterotrophs Most are unicellular (but some can be multicellular=seaweeds) Fungi Kingdom: Mushrooms, molds, and mildew are all members of the fungi kingdom. Most fungi feed by absorbing nutrients from dead or decaying organisms. Apply it! Marine Dinoflagettates Aspergillus Fumigatus

12 assess your Understanding
Pg. 601 The plant kingdom includes a great variety of organisms, from giant redwood trees to mosses. All plants are autotrophs that make their own food. The animal kingdom All animals are all heterotrophs. Multicellular eukaryotes Animals have different adaptations that allow them to locate food, capture it, eat it, and digest it. Live in diverse environments/locations assess your Understanding

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