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Romeo and Juliet GCSE Literature Paper 1 Mon 22nd May

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1 Romeo and Juliet GCSE Literature Paper 1 Mon 22nd May 14 WEEKS UNTIL EXAMS!! What are Shakespeare’s views on women and their roles? JUSTIFY where we see these in the play! 5 – clear understanding 6/7 – thoughtful, developed consideration 8/9 – Convincing, critical analysis and exploration A B C D

2 Mark scheme descriptors:
Romeo and Juliet GCSE Literature Paper 1 Mon 22nd May Mark scheme descriptors: Band 4 – level 5 – clear understanding Band 5 – Level 6/7 – thoughtful, developed consideration Band 6 – level 8/9 – Convincing, critical analysis and exploration 5 – clear understanding 6/7 – thoughtful, developed consideration 8/9 – Convincing, critical analysis and exploration

3 AO3 Context and Social Views
GCSE Literature Paper 1 Mon 22nd May Patriarchal values and gender roles Make detailed but concise notes as we go through the slideshow. Patriarchal society – dominated by men 5 – clear understanding 6/7 – thoughtful, developed consideration 8/9 – Convincing, critical analysis and exploration

4 AO3 Context and Social Views Patriarchal values and gender roles
GCSE Literature Paper 1 Mon 22nd May Patriarchal values and gender roles How far is love ‘presented as a disease’ in Romeo and Juliet? 3 minutes to discuss then… A B C D 5 – clear understanding 6/7 – thoughtful, developed consideration 8/9 – Convincing, critical analysis and exploration

5 Romeo and Juliet Marriage Clandestine = secret
GCSE Literature Paper 1 Mon 22nd May Marriage In the world of Romeo and Juliet, marriage for love, rather than money or social position, is a radical and dangerous choice—particularly for children from wealthy and influential families. (Poor people could pretty much marry whoever they wanted, since they didn't have much to gain—or lose.) Romeo and Juliet's love-based union shows us a new focus on individual passion and inner conviction, a focus that was just starting to bubble up in Shakespeare's time. In the play, it comes dangerously in conflict with social and familial expectations. Romeo and Juliet pay a heavy price for marrying for love—their clandestine union propels the lovers towards their tragic deaths. And maybe one of the play's lessons is that adults should let their children have a say in their marriages? 5 – clear understanding 6/7 – thoughtful, developed consideration 8/9 – Convincing, critical analysis and exploration Clandestine = secret

6 Romeo and Juliet GCSE Literature Paper 1 Mon 22nd May Questions About Marriage – answer in any order, BUT IN DETAIL, trying to offer a convincing, critical analysis and exploration How does Capulet first react when Paris asks to marry Juliet at the beginning of Act 1, Scene 2? When and why does Lord Capulet decide Juliet should marry Paris? Friar Laurence doesn't think Romeo's love for Juliet is any more genuine than his former crush on Rosaline but he agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet anyway. What explanation does the Friar offer? What does this suggest about his character? Why do Romeo and Juliet marry in secret? What are the consequences of such secrecy? How would you characterise the Capulets' marriage? 5 – clear understanding 6/7 – thoughtful, developed consideration 8/9 – Convincing, critical analysis and exploration

7 Romeo and Juliet What would have happened if they had survived?
GCSE Literature Paper 1 Mon 22nd May What would have happened if they had survived? Watch the clip and consider your opinions, then discuss the statements below on your table – make notes if it helps! Juliet's transformation from girl to woman is reflected in the changing language she uses to talk about love. Romeo's so-called "love" for Juliet is no different than his passion for Rosaline because Romeo is merely in love with the idea of being in love. By reducing love to mere sexuality, the Nurse is unable to understand the strength of Juliet's feeling for Romeo. Her betrayal is rooted in this misunderstanding. 5 – clear understanding 6/7 – thoughtful, developed consideration 8/9 – Convincing, critical analysis and exploration

8 Romeo and Juliet GCSE Literature Paper 1 Mon 22nd May A B C D Juliet's transformation from girl to woman is reflected in the changing language she uses to talk about love. Romeo's so-called "love" for Juliet is no different than his passion for Rosaline because Romeo is merely in love with the idea of being in love. By reducing love to mere sexuality, the Nurse is unable to understand the strength of Juliet's feeling for Romeo. Her betrayal is rooted in this misunderstanding. 5 – clear understanding 6/7 – thoughtful, developed consideration 8/9 – Convincing, critical analysis and exploration

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