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Warm Up : February 23rd Where are you in the process of writing your outline? What strengths does your work exhibit? What areas of need exist? What can.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up : February 23rd Where are you in the process of writing your outline? What strengths does your work exhibit? What areas of need exist? What can."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up : February 23rd Where are you in the process of writing your outline? What strengths does your work exhibit? What areas of need exist? What can you do about them?

2 Learning Targets I can learn the new schedule for things, and understand how the snow days will affect my class. I can use the time to build an effective outline, if need be. I can learn about opportunities to earn extra credit and by participating in some Holocaust studies at the library. I can sign up for my writing conference date.

3 Schedule 2.19 NO SCHOOL 2.20 SNOW DAY 2.21 2.22 2.23
Writing - Catch up and outlining time 2.26 Last Day of SRE Writing Instruction – Notecard sorting and paragraph drafting 2.27 Booktalk and Unit Preview: new literary unit 2.28 SSR Time; Skill Drill: Fluency Writing Conferences 3.1 3.2 Literary Seminar 3.5 Reading Quiz; Skill Drill Quiz 3.6 Skill Drill: Fluency; 3.7 (Late Start 1,3,5) 3.8 (Late Start 2,4,6) 3.9 3.12 SSR Skill Drill: Cumulative 3.13 Reading Quiz/ Literary Seminar 3.14 3.15 Skill Drill: Cumulative; 3.16

4 Extra Credit – 5 points in the category of your choice
On March 12th at 6:30pm at the Camas Library: Matthew Erlich, Son of an Auschwitz Survivor. Just go. Listen to him. Connect as a person. Be willing to share your experience. 5 points. 

5 Sign Up for Writing Conference Here!
I hate doing this on a day when I can’t be in the building, but please access the form and sign up in the slot that works best for you. Access it here: WRITING CONFERENCE FORM

6 Homework Formal Works Cited Due Tuesday, 2/27
Rough Draft of SRE due by date of writing conference.

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