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Jun Jiang, Angelar Muthike, and Robert W. Field

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1 One-color (212-220 nm) Resonantly-enhanced (S1-S0) Multi-photon Dissociation of Acetylene
Jun Jiang, Angelar Muthike, and Robert W. Field Massachusetts Institute of Technology Spelman College

2 The S1 Acetylene System Majority of the trans conformer vibrational levels has been observed and assigned up to 4500 cm-1 above the trans origin level. Cis conformer levels can be observed via tunneling through the cis-trans isomerization barrier.

3 Difficulties in going up in energy
Reduced fluorescence quantum yield due to predissociation Rotational K-staggering, and failure of polyad fit model near the cis-trans isomerization barrier 46074 cm-1 Baraban et al. Science 2015, 350, 1338 Merer et al. JCP 2011, 134,

4 Long Lifetime Visible-fluorescence from Predissociated S1 acetylene levels (with <10 ns lifetime)
>1 µs decay C2H emission ~110 ns decay C2 Swan band Focused excitation beam 400 nm long-pass filter

5 Photofragments Fluorescence Action Spectroscopy (PFAS)
LIF PFAS Significantly improved s/n ratio compared to LIF Relatively easy to implement (only one UV excitation beam is required) Background scatter light essentially eliminated by using a visible long- pass filter.

6 Dispersed Fluorescence Spectra of the Photofragments
Predissociated Flow Cell (3 torr) Focused UV beam: nm 200 µJ/pulse Monochromator (Spex 750M) PMT detection (Hamamatsu R928)

7 Effective Temperatures of the C2 Fragments

8 Dispersed Fluorescence Spectra of the Photofragments
Flow Cell (3 torr) Focused UV beam: nm 200 µJ/pulse Monochromator (Spex 750M) PMT detection (Hamamatsu R928)

9 C2 Fragments in a Supersonic Jet
Good agreement between the DF results and the supersonic jet results DF Spectra

10 Long-lived Photofragments in a Supersonic Jet
>1 µs decay

11 Long-lived Photofragments in a Supersonic Jet
This work Literature S. Boyé et al. JCP, 116(20), 8843–8855 (2002)

12 C2H* Photofragments in a Supersonic Jet
This work Literature S. Boyé et al. JCP, 116(20), 8843–8855 (2002)

13 The CH 𝐴 2 Δ state observed in the DF study is likely generated from secondary chemical reactions
430 nm Band-pass filter (FWHM = 10 nm) Wavelength / nm No sign of CH A-X transition (500 ns decay time)

14 A summary of the observed photofragments
C2 𝑑 3 Π 𝑔 (Swan band, 470 nm) C2 𝐶 1 Π 𝑔 (Deslandres d’Azambuja band, 370 nm) C2H* with unknown electronic assignment (Visible Fluorescence from 400 nm to red) Relative Population C2H*: C2(d) : C2(C) = >40 : 4 : 1

15 Photodissociation Mechanism

16 Photodissociation Mechanism
C2+H2 cannot be a three photon process, because at two-photon region, c2h2 are highly dissociative, leaving no chance for three photon C2+H2.

17 Future works Identifying the dissociation precursor states
Identifying the electronic transitions associated with the C2H* long-lived visible fluorescence

18 Acknowledgements Timothy James Barnum Alex Hull David Grimes
Clare Keenan Steve Coy John Muenter Trevor Erickson Zhenhui Du

19 Photodissociation Mechanism
Spin-forbidden for C2(d) C2(d)/C2(C) = 4 C2(d)/C2(C) similar from S1 cis and trans conformer levels Previous VUV results C2+H2 cannot be a three photon process, because at two-photon region, c2h2 are highly dissociative, leaving no chance for three photon C2+H2.

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