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Voting Rights The Main Idea

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1 Voting Rights The Main Idea
In the 1960s, African Americans gained voting rights and political power in the South, but only after a bitter and hard-fought struggle. Reading Focus What methods did civil rights workers use to gain voting rights for African Americans in the South? How did African American political organizing become a national issue? What events led to passage of the Voting Rights Act?

2 Gaining Voting Rights for African Americans in the South
President Kennedy was worried about the violent reactions to the nonviolent methods of the civil rights movement. Attorney General Robert Kennedy urged civil rights leaders to focus on voter registration because he believed it was the key to achieving change He promised that the federal government would protect civil rights workers if they focused on voter registration. Hundreds of people volunteered to spend their summers registering African Americans to vote.

3 Twenty-fourth Amendment
Gaining Voting Rights Registering Voters SNCC, CORE, and other groups founded the Voter Education Project (VEP) to register southern African Americans to vote. Opposition to African American suffrage was great. Mississippi was particularly hard—VEP workers lived in daily fear for their safety. VEP was a success—by they had registered more than a half million more African American voters. Twenty-fourth Amendment Congress passed the Twenty-fourth Amendment in August 1962. The amendment banned states from taxing citizens to vote—for example, poll taxes. It applied only to elections for president or Congress.

4 Gaining Voting Rights Freedom Summer
Hundreds of college students volunteered to spend the summer registering African Americans to vote. The project was called Freedom Summer. Most of the trainers were from poor, southern African American families. Most of the volunteers were white, northern, and upper middle class. Volunteers registered voters or taught at summer schools. Crisis in Mississippi Andrew Goodman, a Freedom Summer volunteer, went missing on June 21, 1964. Goodman and two CORE workers had gone to inspect a church that had recently been bombed. President Johnson ordered a massive hunt for the three men. Their bodies were discovered near Philadelphia, Mississippi. 21 suspects were tried in federal court for violating civil rights laws.

5 The Results of Project Freedom Summer
Organizers considered Mississippi’s Freedom Summer project a success. The Freedom Schools taught 3,000 students. More than 17,000 African Americans in Mississippi applied to vote. State elections officials accepted only about 1,600 of the 17,000 applications. This helped show that a federal law was needed to secure voting rights for African Americans.

6 How did African American political organizing become a national issue?
Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders wanted to help President Johnson defeat Republican Barry Goldwater in the 1962 election. These leaders agreed to suspend their protests until after election day. SNCC leaders refused, saying they wanted to protest segregation within the Democratic Party. SNCC helped form the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. They hoped to replace the existing all white Mississippi delegates with their own black delegates

7 Political Organizing Fannie Lou Hamer told the convention’s credentials committee why the MFDP group should represent Mississippi. President Johnson offered a compromise—two members of the MFDP delegation would be seated and the rest would be non-seated “guests” of the convention. The NAACP and SCLC supported the compromise. SNCC and the MFDP rejected the compromise. The MFDP was an early indication of the coming split between SNCC and SCLC

8 The Voting Rights Act Selma Campaign
King organized marches in Selma, Alabama, to gain voting rights for African Americans. King and many other marchers were jailed. Police attacked a march in Marion. King announced a four-day march from Selma to Montgomery. Selma March 600 African Americans began the 54-mile march. City and state police blocked their way out of Selma. TV cameras captured the police using clubs, chains, and electric cattle prods on the marchers. Voting Rights Act President Johnson asked for and received a tough voting rights law. The Voting Rights Act of passed in Congress with large majorities. Proved to be one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation ever passed.

9 Voter Education Project
Let's have a discussion about the successes and failures of the Voter Education Project Possible discussion topics Who organized the VEP? What was the goal? What was the outcome of the VEP?

10 Voter Education Project
Successes Failures 24th Amendment Only vote for congress/prez 3k students from freedom school Still lots of violence More than 17k apply to vote Only 10% allowed to vote Use the information above to write a short story describing the obstacles faced by project workers and the reasons for their eventual success

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