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Ivy Tech Community College

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1 Ivy Tech Community College
Universal Design Intro & activity (Cheryl comfort zone activity)

2 Disability Support Services
What is Universal Design? Underlying theme to build a safe comfortable and navigatable environment for learners of all types

3 Universal Design is: Barrier free design coupled with assistive technology which provides a level of accessibility. Strives to be a broad spectrum solution that helps everyone. Recognizes how things look. A part of everyday living and is all around us. Elyse, include learning stlyes

4 Universal Design 9 Principles 1. Equitable Use
Instruction is designed to be useful to and accessible by people with diverse abilities Provide the same means of use for all students; identical whenever possible, equivalent when not. Larry Delivery and perception. Keeping in mind what people see, what people hear, and how people communicate. Activity (drop voice 15, 50) add these numbers. Deaf students use other senses in perception. Cup what is this flip, flip, flip, letter P flip, flip, flip. Perceptions different. q flip, flip, flip. Now that you know people may have learning disabilities be aware of what is presented and how it is percieved.

5 Universal Design 9 Principles 2. Flexibility in use
Instruction is designed to accommodate a wide range of individual abilities. Provide choice in methods of use Larry UD uses flexibility in use and perception. Mathematicians want exact process, providing a choice in method of use. Cheryl ex. Elyse ex. A person nodding their head does not necessarily mean they comprehend. If an instructor complains about intellectual property have instructor draft an agreement with student.

6 Universal Design 9 Principles 3. Simple and Intuitive
Instruction is designed in a straightforward and predictable manner, regardless of the student’s experience, knowledge, language skills, or current concentration level. Eliminate unnecessary complexity. Notes: In ANPH the lecture should incorporate all learning styles,( flashcards, tapes, models, and lecture). Student can access information via the web. If instruction/classroom is inadequate instructor should contact their supervisor. Instructors should be prepared to teach all students If a raised line model is needed, the faculty member, department and DSS should team to provide the resource.

7 Universal Design 9 Principles 4. Perceptible Information;
Instruction is designed so that necessary information is com-municated effectively to the student, regardless of ambient conditions or the student’s sensory abilities. Notes: For example in Math instruction would include different modalities ( abacus, for tactile learning, examples, for kinesthetic learners, study groups, for auditory and visual learners). Cheryl explanation

8 Universal Design 9 Principles 5. Tolerance for error;
Instruction anticipates variation in individual student learning pace and prerequisite skills. Keeping in mind the type of the learners we will have in our classrooms. Learning, and emotionally disabled, sensory impairments, and even physically challenged learners. Meet the students where they are.

9 Universal Design 9 Principles 6. Low Physical effort;
Instruction is designed to minimize nonessential physical effort in order to allow maximum attention to learning NOTE: this principle does not apply when physical/mental effort is integral to essential requirements of a course. Ex. Paramedic, nursing, surgical technology. Processing time differs from person to person. If a pop quiz is given do it at the end of the session, leaving ample time for extended time persons.

10 Universal Design 9 Principles 7. Size and space for approach and use;
Instruction is designed with consideration for appropriate size and space for approach, reach, manipulations, and use regardless of the student’s body size, posture, mobility, and communication needs. Note: All areas should be wheel chair accessible ie. A typical wheelchair needs 32” space and 36” turning space. Armless chairs in a class room are more accessible for all body sizes and types. A person in a wheel chair will need lower counter top space when engaged in a science or technology lab class. When environment is changed by adding or removing furniture it throws a blind student off because of changed placement. Warn student of changes all them to reaclimate to enviornmentow

11 Universal Design 9 Principles 8. Community of Learners;
The instructional environment promotes interaction and communication among student and between students and faculty. Note: A deaf student will require a sign language person to interpret and may or may not require that person to speak for them, or text to speech, speech to text technology to join a group discussion. Application to the learning process should be stressed, how does it apply in the real world.

12 Universal Design 9 Principles 9. Instructional Design;
Instruction is designed to be welcoming and inclusive. High expecations are espoused for all students. Note: a person with a visual impairment may need text enlarged or notes and texts converted to Braille. A person may need a text book/ test converted to Kurzweil/or any other screen reading system so that it can be read to them. Learners should be notified of all aspects of campus life and application to the course content stressed, where applicable.

13 So, who are our students today?
Students with disabilities come in all sizes, shapes, hues, IQ’s, physical abilities, but they all have one thing in common? ___________________: Allow them the flexibility to learn in an environment that best suits them. Cheryl comment


15 Visual impariments I need to make this a blurry image.

16 Learning impairment Need to flip pic or make sideways

17 Questions, comments Cheryl: exercise 3 volunteers What did you experience

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