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Dutchtown High School Announcements.

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1 Dutchtown High School Announcements

2 Kennesaw State & Valdosta State Tours
Cost for both tours is $40.00 each Due November 8th and no fees will be accepted after the 8th Sign up and Pay in the counseling office

3 Future Business Leaders of America
FBLA is collecting non-perishable food items for community service Please donate canned foods, rice, or pasta to Mrs. Walcott in room 405 or Coach Jackson in room 407 Deadline for collection is November 11th

4 Book Club: #Dutchtown Readers
Book club will meet on Wednesday, November 9th at 3:30-4:30 Members are required to purchase books that will be read Please have transportation home after the meeting

5 Bowling Night & Lock In Bowling night will be held on November 18th at 7pm at Pinstrikes bowling alley The lock in is being rescheduled for the Spring Please continue to check the webpage for more information

6 America’s Tooth-Fairy
The Green Dog society Science club recognizes Dental Hygiene Month! Toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash are needed for donation! Items will be collected from October 24th – November 11th Please send items to Mrs. Williams in room 335

7 Attention Seniors! Please nominate your favorite seniors for senior superlatives and submit your senior quote during lunch

8 Prom Tickets 2017 Prom tickets are now on sale!!!
Get them during the month of November for only $85! Tickets are to be purchased from the bookkeeper This is a night you will not want to miss!

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