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1a. Identify the order, family, species, common name.

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Presentation on theme: "1a. Identify the order, family, species, common name."— Presentation transcript:

1 1a. Identify the order, family, species, common name.
1b. What is a common nickname for these birds and what makes them so awesome? 1c. What makes this bird different from other water birds? 1d. Describes this bird’s eating habits.

2 2a. Identify the order, family, species, common name.
2b. What is this bird’s IUCN status? 2c. Describe this bird’s preferred breeding habitat. 2d. Describe this bird’s flight pattern.

3 3a. Identify the order, family, species, common name.
3b. What is the bird on the left doing… O.o? 3c. Describe how this bird’s nesting habit. 3d. Why is this bird important to the state of Arizona?

4 4a. Identify the order, family, species, common name.
4b. What gives these birds their common name? 4c. What is this bird’s preferred habitat?

5 5a. Identify the order, family, species and common name of each.
5b. Is this a migratory species? 5c. What other birds may be found in a flock with this bird?

6 6a. Identify the order, family, species and common name.
6b. What is the common nickname for this bird and how did it get it? 6c. Gulls often force these birds to relinquish their prey as soon as they surface with it. With what feeding habit do these birds avoid this fate?

7 A B 7a. Identify the species, common name of each. 7b. Describe how A kills its prey. 7c. What is responsible for the chest fractures found in 23% of A birds? 7d. What is a common nickname for B, and what effect does this have on its reproduction?

8 8a. Identify the order, family, species and common name.
8b. This bird is known for being able to eat a large quantity of a certain food in a short time. What food is this? 8c. This bird has a yellow supercillium. What is a supercillium? 8d. Is this a migratory species?

9 9a. Identify the order, family, species, common name.
9b. Is this bird’s young altricial or precocial? 9c. This bird has the largest __________ of any North American bird. 9d. What color-change occurs in adults during courtship or times of alarm? 9e. What does this bird’s vocalization sound like? Why? 9f. What is this bird’s IUCN status? 9g. Just kidding…… 

10 10a. Identify the order, family, species, common name.
10b. Describe this bird’s movement on the ground. 10c. These birds are “philopatric.” What does that mean? 10d. Describe this bird’s nests.

11 1a. Pelecaniformes, Anhingidae, Anhinga anhinga, Anhinga
1b. “Water Turkey” – long, lovely tail; or “Snake bird”– swims with snakelike neck halfway out of water 1c. Lacks oil glands for waterproofing feathers 1d. Dives and chases fish, which it spears on its long beak and sometimes must scrape off on rocks 2a. Charadriiformes, Alcidae, Brachyramphus marmoratus, Marbled Murrelet 2b. Endangered 2c. Branches of old conifers 2d. Short wings beat rapidly 3a. Passeriformes, Troglodytidae, Campylorhynchus brumneicapillus, Cactus Wren 3b. Drying its feathers 3c. Makes several decoy nests, but uses only one. Builds nests high in thorny trees/shrubs with narrow entrance 3d. State Bird of AZ 4a. Passeriformes, Mimidae, Dumetella carolinensis, Gray Catbird 4b. Cat-like mew sound 4c. Small thickets (vines, undergrowth, underbrush, etc) 5a. Passeriformes, Paridae, Baeolophus bicolor, Tufted Titmouse 5b. No. Stay within a few kilometers of birthplace 5c. Chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers 6a. Answeriformes, Anatidae, Melanitta perspicillata, Surf Scoter 6b. “Skunk-headed ____” 6c. Flocks dive in unison 7a. A- Accipiter cooperii, Cooper’s Hawk; B- Buteo swainsoni, Swainson’s Hawk 7b. Squeezes prey with feet 7c. Swoops low and fast through dense vegetation to chase prey 7d. “Locust Hawk” – toxins present in locusts casuse. Passeriformes, Certhiidae, Certhia americana, Brown Creeper 8a. Passeriformes, Fingillidae, Coccothraustes cespertinus, Evening Grosbeak 8b. Sunflower Seeds 8c. Eyestripe 8d. Yes 9a. Ciconiiformes, Cathartidae, Gymnogyps californianus, California Condor 9b. Altricial (semi-altricial) 9c. Wingspan 9d. Bare head turns pink 9e. Hissing or grunting, no vocal cords 9f. Critically Endangered 10a. Passeriformes, Alaudidae, Eremophila alpestris, Horned Lark 10b. Walks, does not hop. Does all its foraging on the ground. 10c. They return to their birthplace after migration every year. 10d. Shallow depressions in ground next to clumps of grass/manure/something and lined with soft grass and doorstep of pebbles 

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