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Ancient Rome Unit 5 (April-May).

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Rome Unit 5 (April-May)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Rome Unit 5 (April-May)

2 plebeians the common class citizens of Rome
(farmers, traders, craftworkers)

3 patricians the wealthy or upper-class citizens of Rome

4 republic A government where the citizens elect representatives to make government decisions (a type of democracy)

5 representative a person who is elected to make government decisions

6 senate the oldest and most powerful branch of the Roman government which was controlled by patricians

7 tribunes representatives of the plebeians in the citizen’s assembly (represented the common people)

8 consuls two elected government officials who commanded the army and were supreme judges

9 the code of law in Rome (written on 12 bronze tablets)
12 Tables the code of law in Rome (written on 12 bronze tablets)

10 End Section 1

11 a war fought between members of the same country
civil war a war fought between members of the same country

12 a ruler with absolute power
dictator a ruler with absolute power

13 a period of Roman peace when great accomplishments were made
Pax Romana a period of Roman peace when great accomplishments were made

14 people who were forced to fight for entertainment
gladiator people who were forced to fight for entertainment

15 a count of all the people living in an area
census a count of all the people living in an area

16 monotheism The belief in one god

17 A religion based on the teachings Of Jesus
Christianity A religion based on the teachings Of Jesus

18 Crucifixion Being put to death on a cross

19 Pope The leader of the Roman Catholic Church

20 Persecution Arresting, killing or injuring a group because of their race, ethnic background, or beliefs

21 A code of law written by Emperor Justinian
Justinian Code A code of law written by Emperor Justinian

22 Julius Caesar The dictator of Rome

23 Augustus The first Roman Emperor; began the Pax Romana.

24 Queen of Egypt who supported Julius Caesar in the civil war in Rome.
Cleopatra Queen of Egypt who supported Julius Caesar in the civil war in Rome.

25 Diocletian Roman emperor who divided the empire into Eastern and Western parts

26 Constantine Roman emperor who encouraged Christianity. Moved capital to Constantinople.

27 Emperor of the Byzantine Empire; created the Justinian Code

28 The name of the Eastern Roman Empire after 400 A.D.
Byzantine Empire The name of the Eastern Roman Empire after 400 A.D.

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