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How Can the Telecoms Industry Lead the Drive to a Greener Society

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1 How Can the Telecoms Industry Lead the Drive to a Greener Society
Transcript: Hi, this is Doug Gourlay from Cisco CMO Data Center Solutions. And I was asked to give a presentation today on Data Center, specifically green data centers. Now, it's kind of interesting. People were beating our doors down on green and energy-savings and carbon credits when oil prices skyrocketed to hundreds of dollars a barrel. And I got the joy of paying $4.50 at the pump. Once things went back down to two and change at the pump, a lot less questions about green from, what are we doing altruistically? How Can the Telecoms Industry Lead the Drive to a Greener Society Olaf Krahmer President & GM Cisco Systems Egypt, Nov 2nd 2010

2 1.4 billion tons = 3% …amount of CO2 used by electronic gear in 2020
…of total emissions from human activity

3 Component Architecture
3% System Average Use Optimization Virtualization Integrated Services As the world’s largest supplier of networking equipment, Cisco has established a comprehensive program to assess energy efficiency across our entire product range. Cisco’s greatest opportunity for improving network energy efficiency is to lower the demand for power in end devices while they are not in use. Our multilevel approach to addressing product energy efficiency ranges from components, systems, and software to optimizing the energy used by the network as a whole. Component Architecture and Hardware Efficiency begins with the smallest product components, namely integrated circuits, or chips. Cisco’s R&D and supply chain teams look to include sustainability in chip design criteria and have been able to make significant progress in enhancing the performance of each new chip generation. We use a chip design approach called Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Optimization to regulate the function of an ASIC so it performs a specific task at faster switching speeds. Voltage Scaling regulates the power needed to perform a targeted task. Cisco engineers also employ a technique called clock gating, which powers down portions of the chip circuitry that are not actively being used for computing. Source: Cisco 2008 Citizenship Report. Cisco Internal SMEs: Joe Russo and Andy Leong (anleong). Software Intelligent Power Management: Automated Power Down/Up Intelligent Energy and Business Data Management Systems Hardware Highly Efficient and Intelligent Power Supply Interactive Thermal Cooling Energy-Efficient Connectivity Component Architecture Voltage Scaling Clock Gating Low-Power Silicon

4 …amount ICT could reduce global emissions by
15% …amount ICT could reduce global emissions by = 5x …it’s own footprint

5 … CO2 savings potential from ICT in 2020
7.8 billion tons … CO2 savings potential from ICT in 2020

6 Architecture Innovations Networked Energy and Environmental Management
15% Network Architecture Innovations Copy for Networked Energy & Environmental Management (can pull script from this…not suggesting you use wholesale) Imagine the network as an intelligent information service that provides both the: Ability to measure, monitor, and manage energy, water, and other natural resources Visibility to plan for more efficient, more sustainable use of resources The simple axiom that you can‘t manage what you can‘t measure holds true, especially for the most complex challenges. The interconnection provided by the network makes both measurement and mangement possible. In smart buildings, the network will interconnect equipment that uses electricity. In smart grids, the network will be an intelligent information overlay that interconnects the systems that generate, store, distribute, and use electricity. In managing climate change and other environmental conditions, the network will be the interconnecting core of a massive global-monitoring system that will capture, collect, analyze and report environmental data. In each case, the result will be greater visibility that enables more informed decision making across governments, communities, organizations, and homes. *************** Today’s and tomorrow’s networks must support more sustainable ways of living and working. Cisco’s vision is to transform the network into a platform for environmental sustainability, with every networked device potentially a part of the environmental solution. That means using the network to collaborate, and also to measure, monitor, and better utilize energy and natural resources. Cisco is developing technology solutions that benefit the environment by improving transportation in urban areas, reducing the need to travel, making buildings more manageable and energy efficient, and helping people and businesses rethink traditional ways of working. Many of these benefits require a network architecture that can perform multiple tasks, such as: Integrating an array of monitoring and control mechanisms Enabling comprehensive management of diverse systems and operations Supporting technologies that encourage long-distance collaboration Our aim is to help our customers meet their environmental goals by making every network connection a sustainable one. Source: Cisco 2008 Citizenship Report. Cisco Internal SME: Piper Gianola, Corporate Marketing. Networked Energy and Environmental Management EnergyWise Smart Grids Planetary Skin Cities Smart Communities Connected Urban Development Smart Grids Buildings Cisco Connected Workspace Connected Real Estate EnergyWise Data Centers Virtualization Consolidation Intelligent Power Management Collaboration Connected Urban Communications Connected WebEx and MeetingPlace Cisco Telepresence Cisco Rich Media

7 Year One Results: 27.7 Percent Reduction in GHG Emissions
Cisco’s Commitment 25% Reduction in GHG Emissions by 2012 Labs and data centers Cisco connected workspace Collaboration technologies Year One Results: 27.7 Percent Reduction in GHG Emissions


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