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Variogram-derived measures for QC purposes

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1 Variogram-derived measures for QC purposes
Variogram-derived measures for QC purposes Markku Ohenoja Control Engineering group University of Oulu Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja 11/18/2018

2 Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

3 Background All measurements retain some amount of uncertainty, but also sampling errors may affect on the result Utilization of different measurements collected with very different sampling rates requires evaluation of their information content Environmental measurements are often periodic, sparsely collected and from various sources Variographical analysis used for evaluating sampling errors and information content of the measurement Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

4 Outline What is Variogram and how it is calculated?
Outline What is Variogram and how it is calculated? Variogram-derived measures Examples within MMEA Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

5 Variographical analysis
Variogram Tool for empirical estimation of sampling errors incl. analytical error Enables optimizing the sampling strategy with respect to variance of the sampling error and number of samples takes Provides an estimate of the standard error of the lot mean and the minimum possible error (MPE) of sampling Semi-variogram Chrono-variogram Variographical analysis Geostatistics Kriging Variography Chronostatistics Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

6 Variogram Collection of the data
Variogram Collection of the data At least 30 samples with systematic sampling 1/5 smaller sampling interval than routine samples Flowrate/sample weight should be included Calculation of the heterogeneity of the data Calculation of the experimental variogram v(j) Relationship between the samples and the lag distance j Estimation of the intercept v(0) (=MPE) Graphically, separate experiment… Auxiliary functions for comparing sampling strategies Point-to-point calculation, algebraic modeling… Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

7 Variogram σ2, σ, 2σ, ... Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

8 Variogram 3x Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

9 indices Variogram-based indices applied for QC and PAT purposes
indices Variogram-based indices applied for QC and PAT purposes Standard error of the mean MPE/σProcess v(1)/σProcess Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

10 indices Variogram-based indices applied for QC and PAT purposes
indices Variogram-based indices applied for QC and PAT purposes Standard error of the mean MPE/σProcess v(1)/σProcess Process stability measure Bisgaard & Kulahci, Quality Engineering, 17(2), 2005 DQOs for control charts Minnit & Pitard, Journal of SAIMM, 108(2), 2008 Drift estimation Paakkunainen et al., Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 88(1), 2007 Fault diagnosis Kouadri et al., ISA Transactions, 51(3), 2012 Temporal uncertainty propagation Jalbert et al., Journal of Hydrology, 397(1-2), 2011 Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

11 Standard error of the mean
Standard error of the mean Variance estimate of the sampling attained from variogram Standard error of the mean calculated based on variance estimate and number of samples collected during a selected time frame Recursive calculation possible for online measurements  moving average and its confidence intervals from the selected time frame Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

12 Standard error of the mean
Standard error of the mean Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

13 Standard error of the mean
Standard error of the mean TIEDEKUNTA TIEDEKUNTA / osasto osasto osaston osasto / Etuniminen Sukuniminen-Sukuniminen

14 Data comparison Multiple measurement sources with different sampling rates Data harmonization and comparison Based on MPE Comparable averaging of the dense data around sparse samples, Variographical analysis for whole averaged dense data mimicking more densely collected laboratory measurements Information content evaluation based on v(1)/σProcess Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

15 What sparse cannot see? Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

16 When dense is not representative?
When dense is not representative? TIEDEKUNTA TIEDEKUNTA / osasto osasto osaston osasto / Etuniminen Sukuniminen-Sukuniminen

17 Summary Variogram can be utilized for
Summary Variogram can be utilized for Sampling error estimation Sampling optimization Moving average and confidence interval calculation Information content evaluation Recursive calculation enables e.g. monitoring, filtering, decision making Information content evaluation allows comparison of measurement sources Faculty of Technology / Control Engineering / Markku Ohenoja

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