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Distinguished Teacher Award

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1 Distinguished Teacher Award
Processes & Procedures Excellence in Teaching Committee Academic Year

2 Objectives of Presentation
Distinguished Teacher Award Objectives of Presentation Participants will learn the following: Timeline for review and selection of 2018 Distinguished Teacher Documentation to include in teaching portfolio Guidelines for observing face-to-face classes Process to notify nominees of final status

3 Distinguished Teacher Award
Timeline Timeline for review and selection: Friday, January 19, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. Deadline to submit hard copy of teaching portfolio Take to Office of the Provost in 205 Howell McDowell January 29 to April 13, 2018 Committee observes face-to-face classes Committee has “observer” access to courses in Blackboard No later than mid-May 2018 Committee forwards recommendation to Dr. Ralston, Provost No later than end-of-June 2018 All nominees notified of their final status Fall Convocation 2018 Award recipient officially announced

4 Teaching Portfolio Nominees must submit a teaching portfolio to be considered. Use existing materials whenever possible: Avoid creating extra work for yourself Nominees typically submit one 3-ring binder Deliver a hard copy of the portfolio: To the Office of the Provost in 205 Howell McDowell No later than Friday, January 19, 2018 at 4:30 pm. Portfolios may be submitted early but no deadline extensions will be granted.

5 Teaching Portfolio Please include the following in your teaching portfolio: Curriculum vitae Statement of teaching philosophy Syllabi for Spring 2018 and other selected classes Sample tests, assignments and teaching materials for selected classes Student, alumni, peer and/or department chair evaluations of teaching Summarized data preferred for student evaluations NOTE: Avoid soliciting letters of support from all current MSU students

6 Include additional documentation as appropriate to
Teaching Portfolio Include additional documentation as appropriate to support your case for excellence in teaching. Examples include: Cover letter or executive brief Samples of feedback to students with identifiers removed Examples of research and service directly related to teaching such as: Journal articles and conference presentations focusing on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Projects with Undergraduate Research or Engagement Fellows

7 Classroom Observations
Members of the Excellence in Teaching Committee will visit face-to-face classes for each nominee. Guidelines include: All visits will be between January 29 and April 13, 2018. No committee member will come to a class, lab or private lesson unannounced. Committee members will arrange their own visitation schedule via direct contact with nominees. Committee members will stay for the entire session unless a prior arrangement has been made to arrive late or leave early. More than one committee member may observe a particular session. Committee members are listed on the Faculty Senate website.

8 Final Notification Process
Distinguished Teacher Award Final Notification Process By the end of June 2018 All nominees who submit a portfolio and are reviewed will: Receive written notification of their final status Be notified at their home address The award recipient will be contacted: Directly via telephone At their home or cell phone number NOTE: preferred number to

9 Questions Contact: Jennifer Little
Vice Chair – Excellence in Teaching Committee Office – Camden-Carroll Library Office Phone – (606)

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