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Why do people live near volcanoes

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1 Why do people live near volcanoes
Why do people live near volcanoes? What can people do to minimise the risk of a volcanic eruption? CNCS Year 9

2 We can tell when a volcano will erupt
Active volcanoes are monitored regularly by volcanologists. Scientists are still working on exactly why volcanoes erupt after long periods when they are dormant but this is thought to be mainly due to a gradual build up of pressure.

3 What happens when a volcano erupts?
When a volcano erupts it can cause serious problems and damage Providing a warning is given – usually most people have a chance to escape. But their homes, crops and possessions get destroyed However usually there is rumbling and steaming beforehand as well as a strong smell of sulphur.

4 Why do people live near volcanoes?
Because ash and lava create rich soils for agriculture Sometimes also because people are interested in volcanoes and it is good for tourism Some poorer people also do not have a choice and cannot afford to move

5 Pros and Cons of living near a Volcano
Farming Lava breaks down to give very fertile soil Tourism Money to be made out of foreign visitors. Hotels etc. Minerals Volcanoes are mined for pumice, borax and sulphur. Gold, silver, lead & copper are found in extinct volcanoes. Energy Geothermal energy can be generated from the hot rocks! Over 70% of Icelandic homes use this energy. Hot springs Can be used for bathing and heating. Eruption Numerous effects from direct consequences to long-term issues Insurance Difficulty of obtaining Uncertainty Difficulty of planning for future. Wildlife Volcanoes cause huge loss of wildlife trees and plants Effects Gases. Ash. Pyro-clastic flows. Mud-flows. Loss of life

6 Your task today Read the section ‘ the volcano awakens’ in Geog 1 p.120. Who are the people that monitor volcanoes. How can they tell when it will erupt? Do they know when it will stop? Now turn to page 125. Using the section ‘Now for the good news’ list all the advantages for countries which have active volcanoes. Once completed look at the cartoons on page 124. In a full paragraph give at least 5 reasons why people refuse to move away from areas where volcanoes might happen (see ques 2).

7 Volcano Causes Effects Responses
98 % of volcanoes happen on plate boundaries An huge ash cloud spread over most of Europe. Many travellers and business people were stuck. 4 types of boundary -collision, destructive conservative and in Iceland constructive. Ash rose up to 11km in the air and was blown over the UK and Scandanavia. The airline industry suspended all flights over Europe for several days. Usually a massive build up of pressure on a plate boundary. In Iceland hundreds of people had to move home. The Civil Aviation Authority warned of the danger to planes In Iceland the volcanic eruption was worse as it took place under a glacier The airline industry lost US $10 b in 2009/10 – US $2 b from the volcano The authorities in Iceland had to deal with flooding from the glacial melt.

8 Responding to the crisis
The Icelandic volcano was different from many others in that its effects were mainly felt in other countries because of the effects of the ash cloud. In Iceland some people were forced to move home temporarily and masks were issued to people in the local area.

9 Responding to disasters
But in most disasters the immediate need is to respond to what has happened to the local people affected. There are both short and long term responses. Short term means using the emergency services to rescue trapped people, provide immediate medical help, tents, food water and clothing. Long term means things like educating people about what to do in a disaster, monitoring volcanoes and setting up disaster readiness plans. Now answer in order questions 2, 3 and 4 on page 123. If you finish answer question 1.

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