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FUA Restrictions Flight Plan Buffer Zones

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1 FUA Restrictions Flight Plan Buffer Zones

2 Introduction Within the frame of the Free Route activities, Switzerland is moving from a route-based airspace management philosophy to an airspace-based one. This change will have consequences for flight planning. A step-by-step approach has been chosen for this change

3 FUA Restrictions FUA Restrictions for the central / west part of Switzerland are already published in RAD Appendix 7 As soon as relevant training is completed, AMC Switzerland will start to activate those restrictions in AUP / UUP This is expected for spring 2018 RSA RESTRICTION ID Number LST21 Not available for traffic during the times and within the vertical limits allocated at EAUP/EUUP Except ARR LSGS/MS, DEP LSGS/MS LST21R

4 FUA Restrictions Apart from the FUA restriction in RAD Appendix 7, skyguide will use the following type of restriction in RAD Appendix 4 referencing TRA activations from AUP / UUP This is in response to an airline request to improve the availability of this DCT segment CFSPs are (again) invited to give feedback on the codeability in their flight planning software

5 Flight Plan Buffer Zones (FBZ)
With effect from 1st Februray 2018, Switzerland has published Flight Plan Buffer Zones for all Temporary Reserved Areas (TRAs). However, FBZs will not be activated via AUP/UUP until validation activities have been completed. FBZ publication is currently limited to national territory only. Skyguide is open for cross-border publication of FBZs when and where needed.

6 Flight Plan Buffer Zones (FBZ)
Issue: As the FBZs must cover the total volume of airspace to be avoided at flight planning level, those buffer zones come very close to permanent ATS routes (and permanently available DCT segments)

7 Flight Plan Buffer Zones (FBZ)
Because of this proximity, a certain risk exists that permanently available trajectories are blocked (SESAR FREE Solutions Live Trial) To avoid this, skyguide is planning a series of validation and testing activities and is kindly asking CFSPs / AOs and Eurocontrol for support: - Validation of FBZ boundaries against ATS Routes and DCTs in flight planning software and in CACD / EAD - Prevalidation session in NMOC with participation of CFSPs Timeline: The aim is to conduct all preparations during the course of spring / summer and to finally activate FBZs and corresponding restrictions in AUP / UUP at the latest end of 2018.

8 Questions / Discussion


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