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Technological Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "Technological Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technological Revolution

2 Innovations Patents: grant giving the inventor exclusive rights to develop, use and sell an invention Number if patents sky rockets due to urbanization Promoted by the government and investors to improve industry and create new ones

3 New Technologies Thomas Edison invents the light bulb
George Westinghouse developed technology to send electricity over long distances (power lines) Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone More jobs for women (operators)

4 The Bessemer Process Bessemer Process: purifying iron into steel so that it was lightweight but still strong Used by Andrew Carnegie Led to the construction of skyscrapers and suspension bridges


6 More Technologies Refrigerated cars invented by Gustavus Swift
Government set up time zones for RR to follow Duryea Brothers invent a gasoline powered car Stephen Field invents the electric trolley George Pullman invents a luxury railcar for trains Thaddeus Lowe invents the ice machine Typewriter invented with contribution from many inventors but helps to fuel businesses Creates new opportunities for women as they become typists



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