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Trade Barriers and Trading Blocks

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1 Trade Barriers and Trading Blocks

2 Recall What are some advantages of international trade?
What are some disadvantages of international trade?

3 Trade Barriers Trade Barrier = a restriction on trade, prevents free trade. A barrier “stops” or “disrupts” something. A trade barrier is used to prevent free trade among countries. What are some examples of Trade Barriers? Tariff = a tax that must be paid on IMPORTS (meaning the country selling you the product charges the tax) Quota = limits the amount of products that can legally be imported into a country (set by the country receiving the product)

4 More Trade Barriers Embargo = to completely cut off trade with another country (for example Cuba and U.S.) Standards = products must meet safety/environmental standards set by the country’s government that is receiving the import. Higher standards makes it more difficult. Subsides = gov’t reduces costs of production for certain items in their country. Allow the opportunity for more production in your country (reducing imports in hopes of increased exports)

5 Benefits of Trade Barriers
Quotas – ensures that domestic producers will need be used. For example: if there is a quota set on cotton, but manufacturers need more than that, then they can buy cotton from local growers. Tariffs – earns money for the country Lower production costs – if a company can get parts cheaper, they will earn a higher profit Relationships – open door policies build international relations

6 Downside of Trade Barriers
Exact opposites can happen to the flip country when it comes to the benefits Fewer Jobs – if more money can be made off foreign goods, then the company will slow production here leading to layoffs Trade Wars – a country will react negatively to your trade barriers

7 Why are there Trade Barriers?
Protectionism = use of trade barriers to protect a nation’s industries from foreign competition Including protection of 1. Worker jobs – if barriers are too low, then more domestic jobs are threatened (many politicians are using this strategy now) 2. Infant industries – helps newer industries build up time to compete with more mature ones 3. Safeguarding National Security – do not want to completely depend on another nation – what if there was a crisis, we want to keep certain industries going at all times

8 Trading Blocks Trading Block = When two or more countries enter into free trade agreements International Free Trade Agreement = an agreement to keep barriers low and trade predominantly with each other World Trade Organization (WTO) – organize freer trade and lower tariffs – stem of the UN European Union (EU)- most successful trading block – union members of 12 European nations are free from all trading barriers and they establish uniform barriers for all other countries North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)- free trading zone between Mexico, United States, and Canada Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) – not only an economic alliances, but also promoting good relations between the nations

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