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EGRET and the local interstellar emission

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1 EGRET and the local interstellar emission
Isabelle Grenier & Jean-Marc Casandjian Service d’Astrophysique, CEA Saclay sep-04

2 the local interstellar emission
EGRET, 9 years, 0.5°x0.5° local medium: 5° ≤ |b| ≤ 80° sep-04

3 the local interstellar model

4 ISM maps NHI from Hartmann & Burton ’97 and Dickey & Lockman ’90
WCO from Dame et al. ’01 dust extinction from Finkbeiner ’99 and Schlegel ‘98 IC from GALPROP (Strong & Moskalenko) sep-04

5 interstellar fit without IC emission
both models with ISMHI+CO and ISMEGRET badly need IC emission 2ln(L) increase by ~ and ~19000 ! ISMHI+CO ISMEGRET sep-04

6 interstellar fit without IC emission
NHI+WCO >> ISMEGRET because Xlocal ~ 1.0 ± 0.1 < XGal ~ 1.56 ± 0.05 warm dust  total dust  HI+CO+EBV HI+CO+I100 HI+CO ISMEGRET+EBV EBV ISMEGRET I100 830 180 1 020 270 290 19 870 14 530 2 ln(L) sep-04

7 interstellar fit with dust
NHI + WCO + EBV + IC + sou + Ibkgd very preliminary! Xlocal ~ (1.1 ± 0.1) mol. cm-2 K-1 km-1 s (1.00 ± 0.05)  sources  little bias on the IS model parameters cold gas associated with cold dust? or IC emission from FIR dust emission? sep-04

8 3EG sources |b|< 5° |b|> 5° sep-04

9 exposure and albedo problems
best model residuals albedo contamination? high- exposure problem? sep-04

10 exposure and albedo problems
fraction of exposure at high inclination with high albedo flux sep-04

11 on-going activities implementation of HealPix maps
equal area bins even near poles factor of ~2 fewer bins careful with flux conservation ! and likelihood analysis fast convolution (nested) PSF in spherical harmonics update EGRET source list off the plane compute the IC emission from the local dust mm ISRF sep-04

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