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Individual Service Funds

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1 Individual Service Funds
West Midland Action Learning Set 16th November, 2016

2 programme 10.00 start 10.15 hopes & aims 10.30 some SDS basics
West Midlands Action Learning Set break ISF’s: who, what, why, how lunch implementing a system of ISF’s break some local plans finish

3 aims of the day put ISF’s in the context of SDS
share our experience of developing ISF’s share some real ISF examples share a detailed DNA of ISF’s provide a systems context for ISF’s encourage further ISF development locally

4 self-directed support
some SDS basics personalisation self-directed support individual budgets ISF’s

5 some SDS basics personalisation is not self-directed support/self-directed support is not personalisation self-directed support implies a significant transfer of power from local government and service providers to the men, women and children who rely on the social care system


7 some SDS basics individual budgets are an important aspect of a system of self-directed support an individual service fund represents one type of individual budget

8 some SDS basics self-directed support is the route
individual budgets are vehicles “independent living” is the destination individual service funds are one type of highly customised vehicle



11 “Independent living means all disabled people having the same freedom, choice, dignity and control as other citizens at home, a work and in the community. It does not necessarily mean living by yourself or fending for yourself. It means rights to practical assistance and support to participate in society and live an ordinary life.” Independent Living in Scotland [ILiS]




15 website details Think Local Act Personal [TLAP] Centre for Welfare Reform

16 accountability for the use of public resources*
the implementation of SDS provides the individual supported person with significantly enhanced control over the use of public resources; this implies that the supported person also has responsibility for ensuring that the use of public resources appropriately supports and achieves the personal outcomes that have been agreed between the individual and the authority the financial management arrangements should be proportionate and appropriate to the risks that the public resources are exposed to * guidance to support the implementation of Self-directed Support across Scotland issued by the Scottish Government and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), July 2015

17 accountability for the use of public resources*
excessive accountability requirements can discourage innovative service choices, overburden the supported person and not support the achievement of Best Value insufficient accountability requirements can result in the ineffective use of public resources and in a failure to achieve the agreed outcomes for a supported person a risk-based approach to the accountability framework for each supported person should include the application of indicative de minimis criteria; the development of the framework, and the criteria set, should be informed by relevant evidence and suitable professional judgement. * guidance to support the implementation of Self-directed Support across Scotland issued by the Scottish Government and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), July 2015


19 accountability for the use of public resources*
third party organisations such as voluntary organisations, service providers, Centres for Inclusive Living (CIL) or other disabled people support organisations can complement local authority information systems and processes; for example they may have the capacity to produce up to date financial information on behalf of service users with relevant supporting documents * guidance to support the implementation of Self-directed Support across Scotland issued by the Scottish Government and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), July 2015

20 task in your organisational group identify the opportunities and barriers that impinge on the development of ISF’s where you work identify some actions (at least three!) you could take that would more readily facilitate the development of ISF’s where you work 20 minutes

21 contact details Frances Brown John Dalrymple Radical Visions

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