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Leveraging the Employment Potential of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the MENA Region: draft project Goals, Time table, work packages, key.

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Presentation on theme: "Leveraging the Employment Potential of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the MENA Region: draft project Goals, Time table, work packages, key."— Presentation transcript:

1 leveraging the Employment Potential of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the MENA Region: draft project Goals, Time table, work packages, key delivrables Dr. Steffen Erdle, Head of Project RE-ACTIVATE: «Promoting Employment through RE/EE in MENA» In-House Expert Workshop: Optimizing Local Employment & Value Creation of Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Technologies Eschborn,

2 What is the purpose of the project?
Examine more closely and systematically the nexus between RE/EE deployment and local socio-economic development Project focus: identification of worldwide “best practices” and success models, especially in developing and emerging country contexts, as regards the optimization of local employment/value creation via RE/EE Reference group: RE/EE frontrunners with similar socio-political and socio-economic characteristics as most MENA countries, which have made their “breakthrough” in recent years under current conditions Distinguish key variables and causal relationships that explain best the particular trajectories and ultimate success of the reference cases: be they conceptual, institutional, procedural and/or operational in kind 18/11/2018 Expert Dialog: “Fostering employment: Innovative approaches for the MENA Region”

3 What is the purpose of the project (cont.)?
Insights and conclusions shall be used as a basis and a source for the development and implementation of a new set of flexible and customized tools and formats of policy advice and technical assistance They shall also serve as a source of inspiration and a point of reference to support and inform policy debates and decision making in MENA (plus to help improve and enhance the work of intl. cooperation agencies and technical assistance providers like GIZ, more generally) Feedback derived from local stakeholders shall be fed back into the process to improve the instruments and sharpen their focus Whenever possible, their application and testing via concrete pilot projects and other on-site measures shall be encouraged 18/11/2018 Expert Dialog: “Fostering employment: Innovative approaches for the MENA Region”

4 What are the expected outcomes in general?
The interdependencies and tradeoffs which exist between the various technology pathways and policy options are better understood. Such an improved understanding leads to more informed policy decisions. Complementarities and synergies can be recognized and harnessed more effectively and efficiently, incl. through a better cooperation of stakeholders, a better pooling of resources, and a better alignment and coordination (or integration) of sector policies and policy tools The pace, scope, and cost of the RE/EE roll-out in MENA (and in emerging and developing countries more generally) can be improved New possibilities of political participation and stakeholder inclusion are created, public acceptance and local support for RE/EE are reinforced 18/11/2018 Expert Dialog: “Fostering employment: Innovative approaches for the MENA Region”

5 What are the expected outcomes in particular?
Strategic-conceptual and methodological advise and support for the design and implementation of appropriate and integrated strategy building, decision making and multi-stakeholder processes in MENA Operational support for the preparation and implementation of policies and decisions via the provision of relevant expertise and targeted input Targeted capacity development for selected key stakeholders Assignment/secondment of short-term experts/consultants, design and launch of dialogue platforms and capacity building formats, provision of moderation and facilitation services, etc. , all of it in close consultation and cooperation with GIZ projects and partners on the ground 18/11/2018 Expert Dialog: “Fostering employment: Innovative approaches for the MENA Region”

6 What are the main steps along this way?
Adoption of a common agenda and work plan, incl. definition of work packages, deliverables, milestones, and clear roles for all participants Creation of a clear analytical rooster, incl. a clear definition of the main criteria (needed for the subsequent identification of reference cases) Disaggregation / modularization of the results of the analysis on the basis of identified causal relationships / success factors Design of a tool kit based on the results of the analysis (handbook/ guidebook for policy makers and practitioners, data set, expert pool…) In parallel identification of connecting points in MENA to facilitate the transfer and application of the findings, while using feedback “from the ground” to further improve the recommendations and instruments 18/11/2018 Expert Dialog: “Fostering employment: Innovative approaches for the MENA Region”

7 What could be an appropriate work plan?
Phase 1: last fine-tuning, official project launch (10-12/2014) Clarifying the concept/approach/agenda, defining goals/outcomes Launching the expert group, constituting the expert pool presenting/discussing 1.results/recommendations with MENA partners Phase 2: pilot implementation, dissemination, evaluation (01-09/2015) Pilot implementation in at least 2 MENA countries Assessment of interim results, further improvement of the approach Evaluation and dissemination of findings, extension to further contexts 18/11/2018 Expert Dialog: “Fostering employment: Innovative approaches for the MENA Region”

8 What could be possible reference cases?
Latin America: Mexico, Brazil… Sub-Sahara Africa: South Africa… Asia: Vietnam, Malaysia… EUMENA: Turkey… China and India as well as OECD should be used only sparsely Country cases to be further clarified and finetuned during work process; further reference cases can be identified and proposed at each step 18/11/2018 Expert Dialog: “Fostering employment: Innovative approaches for the MENA Region”

9 What are topical connecting points?
‘Industrial policy’ debate: e.g. targeted vs. untargeted IP support… ‘Industrial policy’ debate: ELMA Process… ‘Green economy’ debate: GGBP Process… Recent lighthouse studies of IRENA, IE-RETD et al. concerned with RE/EE jobs, value creation, socio-economic benefits Agenda 21 project outcomes …. 18/11/2018 Expert Dialog: “Fostering employment: Innovative approaches for the MENA Region”

10 What could be possible reference cases?
18/11/2018 Expert Dialog: “Fostering employment: Innovative approaches for the MENA Region”

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